Uh, actually I got to studying the 40-something page starter manual they sent me, and since a lot of it really sounded a bit off to me (and I'm pretty open-minded!) I decided to do a search for reviews or critisizms or studies done on it. I found one where this psychology/psychiatry group of some kind used 150 Stanford university students, and set up a control group, a pure EFT group, a group using EFT, but tapping on a doll instead of themselves, and a group tapping themselves in different places than the "energy meridians" EFT required.
They used phobias as the common ailment, since most everyone has a phobia or two...the control group had, of course, no inprovement. The other three had nearly identical results, the doll tappers a little less than the others. It was purported that the distraction and some other psychiatric principles were involved here, and not so much the "energy" meridians and such, but nonetheless, there were significant improvements and cures for the phobias. I was going to post the link, but today, it won't work!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_Freedom_Techniques is a link that reads like a banner ad for EFT - until you get down to the bottom, where it talks about some hardcore studies and result, and what EFT is good for and not good for.