

New Member
It seems like when I splurge and eat whatever I want, it doesn't effect me too much. Even if the splurge lasts a few days. I always hear that if you eat over what your body uses, you'll gain fat. But how come I can eat like 7,000 calories in a day for a few days straight and not even really gain fat. I'll usually gain water weight, but that goes away as soon as I resume my diet. Does it have to do with my age (17) maybe? I just don't know. I'm definitely not an ectomorph either... I know they tend to have crazy metabolism. Just wondering what the reason might be. I find that I can splurge and be just fine... the only side effect is some feeling of guilt, but if I knew a reason, then maybe I wouldn't feel as guilty anymore, so that's why I'm asking.
And just too make it clear.. I'm not trying to find an excuse to splurge as often as possible, though I am eating whatever I want tomorrow, then it's back to the diet. I've really bent the rules for the holiday season which I don't usually do, but honestly I have enjoyed it. Young kids like me need some good old fashion chocolate and candy every now and then.
That is a good question, as I seem to be the same way. I am a meso, so I naturally don't store much fat, but I definatly ain't cut to shreds either. I have tried to cut up several times, but have only been successful as of late (finally started learning about NUTRITION), but I found that I maintained about the same BF%, whether I ate super clean or not.

I have always assumed that it was because your body cannot process a significant burst of calories like that. Ever ate like 2 rows of Double Stuff Oreos on a binge, and then later that day took an unnaturally huge poo, that kinda smelled and looked just like chocolate? (I hope so, or else I will feel like a big idiot) This happening to me in the past has convinced me that your body can only properly digest so much at once, so a lot of the rest is just forced on out of your system. I would imagine it to be a different story if you slowly ate those oreos over the course of an entire day, but I never do. I DESTROY those b*tches. BUT, that is just my highly un-educated opinion.
your body takes a few days to adjust. you have about 2-3 days of eating excess calories before your body makes a change in composition. (the noticable effects in change obviously take more than a few days)

being so young you may need to eat more anyhow (if you are gaining). i think not eating enough is the #1 downfall of younger guys. i wish i ate more when i was younger.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (corvettecris @ Dec. 28 2005,7:13)]I have always assumed that it was because your body cannot process a significant burst of calories like that.  Ever ate like 2 rows of Double Stuff Oreos on a binge, and then later that day took an unnaturally huge poo, that kinda smelled and looked just like chocolate?  (I hope so, or else I will feel like a big idiot)  
Hahaha, ahahahaha!  Well, no, my dumps have never smelled like chocolate (except this one time, but I hadn't even eaten chocolate that day, which made it even weirder).  Although I must say... 2 rows of Oreos?  If you were a real cookie monster, you'd have eaten a box of those Keebler Elf cookies.  In about 15 minutes.


Shoot, forgot to say what the point of my post was! I agree with you that I think the body can only process so many calories at a time, but I'd say it is MUCH higher than the amount contained in 2 rows of Oreos...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I have always assumed that it was because your body cannot process a significant burst of calories like that.

Something like that. But not really calories themselves (as some foods are more enery-dense than others), but more the amount of food that has to be digested. Something I read before I think pointed out that the stomach is more or less emptied in a span of 3 hours (except for fat if you take it in solely, as it will just sit there if I remember correctly). If you took in too much, some of it may not be digested properly at all and may not contribute to the total calories the body actually uses and stores.

I'll try to see if I can find that reference again, or if I can get a new one.
Ha! Well, 2 rows of Double Stuff are too much for my stomach! The Double Stuffs are my only real Kryptonite, as I can use will power to stay away from all those other empty calories. Keebler ain't got chit on Oreo. As they say, unlock the magic!!!

Thanks for the info Jvroig, as always, right on the money.