Didn't Bryan Tell Us This Like A Long Time Ago?

Ah very nice! I do hope more research looks into that! SD makes sense logically to me, just unsure what specific studies they can do and what markers to look for.. especially in advanced trainees.

Bryan IS a magical fortuneteller though, well ahead of the pack ;D
I'm totally convinced that SDs or deloads help progress. The only issue is people use them improperly. Unless you know your body well enough to know when you're too close to the edge and need to SD, then they need to be programmed in sensibly by someone who knows what they are doing. Breaking too frequently or at the wrong times hampers progress.

To elaborate - I've experimented a lot with SD. In my experience, doing them when you're still making progress often results in feeling weaker after the SD. Whereas taking an SD when I've been spinning my wheels or feel close to burn out, I almost always come back to training feeling stronger than before the break.

It's also (I'm sure this is obvious) important to manage your SD properly with regards to diet and activity level.
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I prefer to rotate exercises rather than SD, or load ranges.

Probably take 1 genuine SD a year, whenever vacation is.

Probably not optimal, but for me it’s more enjoyable to stay with the iron.
Holy crap.. 19 years..
my hair was all brown back then now it's 80% grey...
Where does the freaken time go!

I still look at your avatar and think how much I'd love it there really was an HST book... a real paper HST book....man would I buy that in a heartbeat!

But for sure man, you were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of this stuff, dang..
It just irritated me seeing this posted like it's new and just discovered by someone else, NO Bryan found this a LONG time ago!