Diet Advice



Hey Guys,

I am about to re-evaluate my diet but I was wondering if anyone knows how on earth I am supposed to work out how many calories I get per day?

I thought I had a pretty good diet going, I will list it. Any critique is welcome.

Breakfast: Bowl of honey oats.
Morning snack: Diet Yogurt
Lunch: 2x Toasted sandwiches (wholemeal bread, 1 slice of lite ham, lite and tasty cheese (1 slice) and a couple of slices of shaved chicken breast.
Afternoon snack: Protein shake/Protein bar.
Dinner: Whatever is cooked at my girlfriend's place / by Mum (Still living at home). See below.
Night snack: Protein shake.

Monday - Home made pizza / home made chinese night (chicken, pork, fried rice)
Tuesday - Salmon, coleslaw and chips.
Wednesday - Chicken/Beef and rice stir fry.
Thursday - Potato Gnocchi with tomato sauce (real tomato's) and a little bit of cheese on top.
Friday - Salad and stir fried beef mince burritos or a steak and salad with boiled potatoes.
Saturday - Usually whatever.. Eat out sometimes.. If at home, usually a stir fry.
Sunday - Roast/baked dinner [ lamb, pork or chicken ]

Now I am trying my utter best to stay with 6 meals a day.
I want to loose a bit of bf. Currently at 14.5% and would like it at about 10-11. Should I drop some calories?
I am having serious trouble getting below 14.5%. Been stuck on it for a while. I go for a 20minute hill run every morning. 30minutes of cardio on workout days (10min before, 20 after my workout). 2+ hours tennis on Tuesday nights. And work on my cars in my spare time with some afternoon jogs thrown in.

Is it my dinner routine that is ruining my diet? Too many calories at dinner time? I'd only ever eat 1 plate of food at dinner. But unfortunately I don't have too much choice over the matter.. Girlfriend's parents are very healthy and so are mine but....

Where am I going wrong? It's starting to frustrate me. And I need to find out how many calories I am taking in per day as I currently have no idea how to work it out.. I have tried websites that list calories but they are no good because they don't have the foods I eat.

Any help, constructive criticism and advice would be greatly appreciated.

well it doesn't look like an unhealthy diet, but it's not a BBing diet, that's for sure. You need a tonne more clean protein. Below is a sample of what I eat on an average day...i didn't put in values as we're probably not the same size.

breakfast- shake with milk and whey
2nd Breakfast- oats, egg whites, and no fat cottage cheese
lunch-brown rice and chicken
PWO-shake with water and whey
dinner- chicken and yam
night time snack- cottage cheese

Try tracking your calories at and see where you end up.
You can find the calorie content of almost any food on google. Search.

And yeah, like mindstar said, your diet looks good... if you are trying to cut down.
Open an account at and plug all your foods into that - then you know exactly what you are consuming.

For gaining 16-20 calories/lb up to 25 calories/lb if you are "enhanced". For cutting 10-15 calories/lb.

6 meals each day.

Carbs - 45% of calories
Protein - 35% of calories
Fat - 20% of calories

Tweak according to your individual needs.

For cutting I end up on 60% fat, 35% protein, the rest is carbs from green 10 calories/lb of bodyweight. One cheat meal per week to give my pancreas and thyroid a workout. Works great for me at buring off fat, jacking my metabolism, and bringing my triglycerides back in order after a long period of eating high carbs. May not work for you though.