Hello everyone!
I start my last day of the 15's tommorrow. Boy am I happy with the program. Anyways, I am dieting for my first HST cycle. I am endomorph with a very slow metabolism, 5'10" tall and 170lbs @ 13% bodyfat. Obesity runs in my family and I have fought to achieve my current body fat level over a period of 2 years dieting 95% of the time. My goal is to maintain my muscle I have and achieve a single digit body fat percentage between 7-9% range before I begin to bulk up. I want to banish my gut for good. I currently am training twice a day every other day straight through the weekends. I am doing no cardio. I want to give my CNS a good rest on my off days. So I opt for no cardio unless I hit a plateau. I eat 1800 calories on my training days and 1600 on my off days. I try to eat between 4-7 meals/snacks per day keeping my daily protein between 170-200 grams per day I eat a meal/snack every 2-4 waking hours. My meals are clean, no processed food at all even on carb nights. I only drink water and I don't drink alcohol, smoke or use drugs. I usually get 8-9hrs sleep per night. I use ephedra, DHEA, protein powder, 2.5 grams of Omega 3 zone fish oil, 4Tbsps of ground flax seeds, vitamin and mineral supplement, creatine, rhodiola rosea herb, and 30grams of psyllium husk fiber supplement per day. I am on a CKD diet where I have a refeed of carbs on wednesday night and sunday nights for the last meal of the days. During the downcycle I keep my carbs below 30 grams per day. I haven't been counting calories for the carb load meals. My question is should I count calories for these two meals? I have a big appetite for these meals that allows me to put down anywhere fro 400-700 carbs at one sitting. During the carb load I keep fat grams below 20 and eat no protein what so ever. Will eating a meal of this proportion hurt me in the long run even if I stay strict the rest of the week? Should I stay within my 1600-1800 calorie range even on carb nights? I heard that this will up regulate my T3 receptors having a large refeed once or twice a week. I do know it refills muscle and liver glycogen levels first before the excess insulin is turned to body fat. Is this true? Please advise me, I don't want to screw up my goal.
I start my last day of the 15's tommorrow. Boy am I happy with the program. Anyways, I am dieting for my first HST cycle. I am endomorph with a very slow metabolism, 5'10" tall and 170lbs @ 13% bodyfat. Obesity runs in my family and I have fought to achieve my current body fat level over a period of 2 years dieting 95% of the time. My goal is to maintain my muscle I have and achieve a single digit body fat percentage between 7-9% range before I begin to bulk up. I want to banish my gut for good. I currently am training twice a day every other day straight through the weekends. I am doing no cardio. I want to give my CNS a good rest on my off days. So I opt for no cardio unless I hit a plateau. I eat 1800 calories on my training days and 1600 on my off days. I try to eat between 4-7 meals/snacks per day keeping my daily protein between 170-200 grams per day I eat a meal/snack every 2-4 waking hours. My meals are clean, no processed food at all even on carb nights. I only drink water and I don't drink alcohol, smoke or use drugs. I usually get 8-9hrs sleep per night. I use ephedra, DHEA, protein powder, 2.5 grams of Omega 3 zone fish oil, 4Tbsps of ground flax seeds, vitamin and mineral supplement, creatine, rhodiola rosea herb, and 30grams of psyllium husk fiber supplement per day. I am on a CKD diet where I have a refeed of carbs on wednesday night and sunday nights for the last meal of the days. During the downcycle I keep my carbs below 30 grams per day. I haven't been counting calories for the carb load meals. My question is should I count calories for these two meals? I have a big appetite for these meals that allows me to put down anywhere fro 400-700 carbs at one sitting. During the carb load I keep fat grams below 20 and eat no protein what so ever. Will eating a meal of this proportion hurt me in the long run even if I stay strict the rest of the week? Should I stay within my 1600-1800 calorie range even on carb nights? I heard that this will up regulate my T3 receptors having a large refeed once or twice a week. I do know it refills muscle and liver glycogen levels first before the excess insulin is turned to body fat. Is this true? Please advise me, I don't want to screw up my goal.