Dieting question?


New Member
Hello everyone!
I start my last day of the 15's tommorrow. Boy am I happy with the program. Anyways, I am dieting for my first HST cycle. I am endomorph with a very slow metabolism, 5'10" tall and 170lbs @ 13% bodyfat. Obesity runs in my family and I have fought to achieve my current body fat level over a period of 2 years dieting 95% of the time. My goal is to maintain my muscle I have and achieve a single digit body fat percentage between 7-9% range before I begin to bulk up. I want to banish my gut for good. I currently am training twice a day every other day straight through the weekends. I am doing no cardio. I want to give my CNS a good rest on my off days. So I opt for no cardio unless I hit a plateau. I eat 1800 calories on my training days and 1600 on my off days. I try to eat between 4-7 meals/snacks per day keeping my daily protein between 170-200 grams per day I eat a meal/snack every 2-4 waking hours. My meals are clean, no processed food at all even on carb nights. I only drink water and I don't drink alcohol, smoke or use drugs. I usually get 8-9hrs sleep per night. I use ephedra, DHEA, protein powder, 2.5 grams of Omega 3 zone fish oil, 4Tbsps of ground flax seeds, vitamin and mineral supplement, creatine, rhodiola rosea herb, and 30grams of psyllium husk fiber supplement per day. I am on a CKD diet where I have a refeed of carbs on wednesday night and sunday nights for the last meal of the days. During the downcycle I keep my carbs below 30 grams per day. I haven't been counting calories for the carb load meals. My question is should I count calories for these two meals? I have a big appetite for these meals that allows me to put down anywhere fro 400-700 carbs at one sitting. During the carb load I keep fat grams below 20 and eat no protein what so ever. Will eating a meal of this proportion hurt me in the long run even if I stay strict the rest of the week? Should I stay within my 1600-1800 calorie range even on carb nights? I heard that this will up regulate my T3 receptors having a large refeed once or twice a week. I do know it refills muscle and liver glycogen levels first before the excess insulin is turned to body fat. Is this true? Please advise me, I don't want to screw up my goal.
Wow you sure make it seem all too complicated.

I certainly wouldn't stress over that, why not calculate your mantainence calories and concentrate on just keeping your calories just below that. Don't torture yourself. I personally think the easiest way for me to do that is to keep the fat down. There's only 4 calories per gram of carb and protein and a whopping 10 calories per gram of fat. All those complicated diets always boil down to eating less than mantainence calories by cutting down one of the 3. While you still need the essential fats from the flax oil its a lot easier to find good things to eat that have little or no fat and plenty of carbs and protein.

Don't deprive yourself you'll only set yourself up to fail, so yeah have a couple nice treats a week at least. Hell unless you're an alcoholic have some of that now and then its actually good for you in moderation.

I'm actually 5'10 as well, while 170 is about ideal for my hight I'm trying to change that by adding muscle. You see I've got this diabolical plan and have it figured that if I add about 20 lbs or more of muscle that gives me room to eat a lot more than I could at 170 and still keep the fat off my belly with a lot more ease. My goal is 200 lbs and 10% bodyfat. Unfortunately its taken a lot of eating to get all that and therefore made me look a tad fat temporarily while I achieve that goal. Someday I'll get there but I only just started trying a year ago and just started HST a month and a half ago.
Making things very complicated.
A refeed should be that, a refeed, usually over maintenance with adequate protein, low fat and HIGH carbohydrates. Dont worry about fat gain on these days as it will be miniscule.

Basic recommendations (at your BF%) are 1day per week carb refeed.

Just another question
What was your bodyfat before if you have struggled down to 13 after 2 years?
I started at 240lbs. @ 39% bodyfat. I was a big fat mess. I lost 80lbs over the course of 1 year on the zone diet and running 5 miles per day 6 days a week. I started lifting weights about a year ago and have put on 10lbs of muscle while maintaining 13% bodyfat. I have been on the Natural Hormonal Enhancement Diet for the last 6 months (ckd diet). I don't do any cardio anymore. I have hit a plateau and can't seem to get that last 5-10lbs. of body fat off my belly so I can see my six pack. I just finished my last day of 15's of my first HST cycle today. My arms have grown 1/4" and my chest 1/4" too just from the first 2 weeks of HST. I am very happy because my arms are my week point. I haven't seen any growth in my arms in over 1 year no matter what I've tried. So this really made me happy especially since I am only eating between 1600-1800 calories per day.
I may have to try the lipoderm-a topical stuff to help get rid of the stubborn fat. From what I read in that article I need to be unemployed to pull that off, either that or go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 4am...which for me is literally impossible. I just can't see myself waking up and doing all that before work.
I am unemployed right now, so I am really focusing in on diet and my HST routine. I am doing a 2 a day split routine at least till my unemployement benefits run out.
As Aaron alluded to (I think he assumed) your refeeds should be a day 12 hours or so not just a meal. That is if you are doing it to boost leptin/metabolism. 1 meal wont cut it.

You eat under maintenance thru the week. Refeed once a week for the whole day (carbs AND protein/ minimal fat). Once below 10% you can refeed every 4 days or so or ~twice a week.

If your leptin levels are really screwed you may have to go off the diet completely for at least 2 weeks and then diet again. I think cardio makes a big difference too.
Strangely enuff,
what keebler just said was what I was thinking.

Come off the diet for a while and eat maintenance calories. It would do your body an extreme amount of good.
You (i think) also mentioned that you have stopped all cardio. This is probably also another problem, as most (not all) people will require cardio to get the fat down to the level we desire. Especially for ex fatties (no disrespect of course, I am fat now :D)
Thanks for the help people. I think I'll try uping my calories for two weeks to maintanance level. Then I will drop back down to the 1600-1800 range to get the body fat back down. If this still doesn't work I will add some HITT intervals for 10-15 minutes or so on my weight trainning off days.
TT, I'm sorry I replied to your other post before reading this one. . .

Anyway, make sure to read Bryan's sutff that was referenced above. You should probably give in a restart the cardio right now; those last bits of fat on the belly, especially for men who were formerly fat, are very resistant to mobilization from simple dieting. It helps to get a catelcholamine response (read Lyle's posts in the FAQ forum) to get that fat to mobilize a little, and then to do some long cardio to burn it. That fat tends not to get burned during dieting.