Muscle hypertrophy does not require a great deal of extra calories if you are not already "big". In other words, the more room you have to grow, the easier it is to grow without getting fat in the process.[b said:Quote[/b] (Jens @ Dec. 22 2004,8:31)]hi!
I was wondering if hypertrophy requires much extra calories above maintenance level?
I am 20%bodyfat, 198 pounds. Should I lose more fat before starting an HST cycle? I want to add more muscle, not fat.
I assume HST cycles requires a lot of extra calories.
wow. they sure are.[b said:Quote[/b] (Tom Treutlein @ Dec. 22 2004,3:41)]Can we have a link to TP's Carb-Cycling diet, man? Those are some nice results.
Yeah, I used carb cycling with HST (which I train 6 days a week). But I prefer to have the same diet on any given day of the week though (for simplicity of planning), so instead of a strict three day cycle my plan was (and still is)...[b said:Quote[/b] (EctoSquat @ Dec. 22 2004,11)]Pauly,![]()
You used carb cycling while during the HST cycles, or after with another program?
There is nothing unhealthy about cyclical energy intake. We have survived for thousands of years because our genetic makeup is such we can sustain life during many shifts in feasting or famine. Actually, until very recent history, this was the norm.[b said:Quote[/b] (Tom Treutlein @ Dec. 22 2004,2:41)]Definitely healthier for you, too.
A. It's the same Tom. While it may not be practical (I can't eat that much in one sitting), it is nutritionally equivalent. You can't expect these things to be intuitive. Just because it doesn't sound like it would work doesn't mean it won't.[b said:Quote[/b] (Tom Treutlein @ Dec. 27 2004,11:18)]BoSox:
A) Go eat all your calories for a day in one or two meals, and tell me that it's the same as spreading it out across the day. Yeah, it really doesn't make a difference.![]()
B) Eat under maintenance calories, but eat all M&Ms. Or better yet, eat oreos with whole milk all day. Better yet, eat them all at once, since spreading your meals out doesn't really matter at all, right?
It's not as simple as calories in vs. calories out.
Tom, c'mon. We're both intelligent people, we both know a bodybuilder shouldn't have a diet of oreos in order to lose weight. Let's not get hung up on technicalities, because we both know that is not what I meant.[b said:Quote[/b] (Tom Treutlein @ Dec. 27 2004,1:03)]You said it was as simple as calories in vs. calories out. Never said anything about eating clean. Calories in vs. calories out would mean as long as you're eating less calories than you put out, you wouldn't gain weight. If maintenance is 2500, eat 2000 in oreos and crap food. You'll still gain fat.
And it's not the same to eat it all in one sitting (not that anyone could, anyway), because your body wouldn't be able to partition and utilize the nutrients as well, and you wouldn't have stable blood-sugar levels throughout the day. While the quantity would be the same, the quality certainly would NOT be.
well I only apply common sense when it isn't opposed by biology.[b said:Quote[/b] (salihyz @ Dec. 27 2004,3:57)]and bosox... do u believe what u say? then how u ever become using hst which requires a little bit common sense![]()