Doubling calories once a week


New Member
I've read about a diet that is supposed to improve muscle gain while keeping fat gains to a minimum.
Basically you have to overeat once a week, eating twice as many calories as you eat for mantainance.The rest of the days you eat at mantainance.

Example:you need for mantainance 3000 kcal.

So you eat ~3000 kcal each day except for a day when you have enough free time to overeat till 6000kcal, for example on thursday.

The first few times you will feel sick and heavy when overfeeding, but your body rapidly get accustomed to this.

After 4 weeks doing this you start overfeeding each 5 days, instead of 7. With time your body will ask for more frequent overfeeding. So, only if you don't see significant fat gains, you can try to overfeed once every 3-4 days.

This diet is supposed to maximize muscle gains while mantaining fat gains low.

Has someone tried a similar diet or does someone know if it could work well with HST?
I think you're thinking of low-carb bulking, such as using a CKD. I could be wrong though.

Refeeding (which is usually OVERfeeding, at the same time) once every 3-4 days to create a perfect anabolic enviroment, while using fat as your source of fuel.

BodyByFinaplix uses this method as well as some others over at

I don't know how well it works, though.