I know you had secret hopes I wouldn't reply but hey, so did I yesterday
I would understand a lack of effectiveness, but an increase in birth defects ? How do you explain that ? It seems there's a lot more we don't know...
I don't think so... Isn't it true that there is no conclusive evidence of any kind that lower cholesterol levels reduce death rates ? The available studies confirm the above, right ?
He-he, you don't know the pharmaceutical industry very well... They already "patented" a combination of folic acid, and B vitamins, called FoltX, and they sell it in a ridiculous price. And all these, in the very country where fortification is already a fact.
It goes like this: The pharmaceutical representative comes into the big doctor's office:
"Hey doc, how is it goin', gimme five, blah, blah, blah... How was that conference in Brazil (where we payed for you to go)... blah blah blah... oh, I see, there's another conference next month in Paris...blah blah blah... by the way, we also have this terrific drug, FoltX... blah blah blah".
And they are researching drugs that will lower homocysteine better than folic acid. Even if it is a 5% better, it will do the trick.
Xenical just blocks about 30% of ingested fat, no big deal. Chitosan is certainly not worse and much cheaper. Look at Chitosan Versus Xenical Not easy to refute, right ?
I don't see any "theories" in what I've mentioned. It's a fact that studies showing that Celebrex could increase blood clots were available to Pfizer but were not given to FDA in time. FDA has had an announcement about this too. It is true that esomeprazole is not any better than omeprazole but hit the market asap omeprazole's patent expired. It's amazing how fast drugs are pulled out and new ones take their place... It's an industry with LOTS of money....
Of course. But I can't compare a few fanatics or dogmatics or even idiots with organized industry attempts to fool us. The first may be stupidity, but the second is fraudulence. I feel that sites like Barrett 's and FORCES are trying to swindle me.
I already said it was acute poisoning. Funny, this doesn't make me feel any better. On the contrary, it makes me even more certain that since acute poisoning is possible with fish consumption, then chronic poisoning is nothing less but certain. Old ? I don't see how that relates. Humans, tuna and above all mercury haven't evolved much the last 50 years. The only reason that we don't have something similar recently is that it is extremely unlikely today to find a large group of people that relies so heavily on tuna and lives nearby a heavy polluting plant.
Of course, I just skipped them because we were (initially) talking about tuna and bodybuilders.
Of course not, this is one of the reasons I mentioned variety.
Ok, we finally meet

[b said:Quote[/b] ]This is why its not just pushed to pregnant women, and why there is such fortification.
I would understand a lack of effectiveness, but an increase in birth defects ? How do you explain that ? It seems there's a lot more we don't know...
[b said:Quote[/b] ] It still nowhere near the level of evidence that cholesterol has (and it does, no matter what the anti-cholesterol nuts have to say).
I don't think so... Isn't it true that there is no conclusive evidence of any kind that lower cholesterol levels reduce death rates ? The available studies confirm the above, right ?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Oooo ooo, can i sell the best homocsyteine lowering drug currently available.
Ooo, too late
American already fortifies with this drug,
homocysteine levels in the american population have already decreased from its introduction
what it is
Folic acid.
He-he, you don't know the pharmaceutical industry very well... They already "patented" a combination of folic acid, and B vitamins, called FoltX, and they sell it in a ridiculous price. And all these, in the very country where fortification is already a fact.
It goes like this: The pharmaceutical representative comes into the big doctor's office:
"Hey doc, how is it goin', gimme five, blah, blah, blah... How was that conference in Brazil (where we payed for you to go)... blah blah blah... oh, I see, there's another conference next month in Paris...blah blah blah... by the way, we also have this terrific drug, FoltX... blah blah blah".
And they are researching drugs that will lower homocysteine better than folic acid. Even if it is a 5% better, it will do the trick.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]xenical is a drug that (while worthless in my opinion) is a good way of crappin out oil. Chitosan is absolutely nothing like xenical, and to the most part absolutely utterly worthless.
Xenical just blocks about 30% of ingested fat, no big deal. Chitosan is certainly not worse and much cheaper. Look at Chitosan Versus Xenical Not easy to refute, right ?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Everything is a conspiracy theory to people
I don't see any "theories" in what I've mentioned. It's a fact that studies showing that Celebrex could increase blood clots were available to Pfizer but were not given to FDA in time. FDA has had an announcement about this too. It is true that esomeprazole is not any better than omeprazole but hit the market asap omeprazole's patent expired. It's amazing how fast drugs are pulled out and new ones take their place... It's an industry with LOTS of money....
[b said:Quote[/b] ]how about not milk
or any of the meat kills, aspartame kills, splenda kills, fish kills, vegetables kills sites that are out there. Just because it is printed on the web, doesnt mean that the information is factual and correct.
Of course. But I can't compare a few fanatics or dogmatics or even idiots with organized industry attempts to fool us. The first may be stupidity, but the second is fraudulence. I feel that sites like Barrett 's and FORCES are trying to swindle me.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Extremely old, and its a case of acute poisoning
I already said it was acute poisoning. Funny, this doesn't make me feel any better. On the contrary, it makes me even more certain that since acute poisoning is possible with fish consumption, then chronic poisoning is nothing less but certain. Old ? I don't see how that relates. Humans, tuna and above all mercury haven't evolved much the last 50 years. The only reason that we don't have something similar recently is that it is extremely unlikely today to find a large group of people that relies so heavily on tuna and lives nearby a heavy polluting plant.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]But you cant skip the infants, because during fetal development, they are going thru an extreme amount of growth and cellular reconstruction
Of course, I just skipped them because we were (initially) talking about tuna and bodybuilders.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]There is a maximal allowance of many things in many foods. everything we eat contains different toxins, does that mean that we should stop eating them?
Of course not, this is one of the reasons I mentioned variety.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]If your living on tuna, 24/7 then who knows, maybe they need their heads read
Ok, we finally meet