Eating for bulk whilst on vacation


New Member

I'm about to go on a one week vacation. This happens to coincide with the end of a cycle, so I'm counting this week as an SD period.

I've recently learned more about calorie requirements for bulking vs. cutting vs. maintanance, and have made adjustments to get more calories, so as to add more bulk.

During this vacation/SD phase, am I still going to be focusing on loading up on nutrients, or do I take it easy so as not to load up just on fat, given that I wont be doing much exercise?

Without claiming to be a nutrition expert, I'd think you might wait a couple of days before tapering off some on calories. Anabolic effects from lifting continue for a couple of days and require energy.

After that, maybe taper off some on calories I'd think. Staying closer to maintenance for a few days might save some fat. Personally, I'd probably stay close to 1gm protein per lb bodyweight. Not sure if there's any benefit from ramping up calories any a day or so before starting back up.

I wouldn't sweat it a whole lot for just the one week.