electric's log

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I am not sure if I am just being impatient or if I am doing something wrong. I think my arms, specially the biceps are lagging in comparison with the rest of the muscles. Since my main goal is to have big arms I am doing isos for the biceps and triceps along with the compounds (as per my log). I think that although I am eating to bulk I am not gaining size in the arms. Might I be overtraining? I don't think so because I workout 3x a week and I am not using very heavy weights (I am on the 10s at the moment).
Taking into consideration that I want to focus on arm size, do you guys have any advice? Train them more, train them less, train them differently...?
(electric @ Apr. 25 2008,12:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think my deadlifts form is not very good, I didn't feel the quads pumped from them but felt the lower back muscles really pumped. Maybe it is supposed to be this way, maybe it was because of the Bent-over Row.

Comments and suggestions on my routine are appreciated.</div>
Deadlift form:

Eyes on the ceiling.
Arms as straight as a string.
Weight on the heels.
Back straight.
Just like picking up a baby (okay, a 165 lb baby...).

Deads and BORs in the same workout will fry your lower back, so you can't go by your feelings.
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 26 2008,5:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Comments and suggestions on my routine are appreciated.[/quote]
Deadlift form:

Eyes on the ceiling.
Arms as straight as a string.
Weight on the heels.
Back straight.
Just like picking up a baby (okay, a 165 lb baby...).</div>
I'm not quite sure why TR said this as I'm sure he didn't mean for you to be looking up above you when you pull (it's ok for bench though!
). He may have been thinking of lifting in a large room so that if you look at the ceiling the other side of the room your head will be slightly raised?? Anyway, I reckon a neutral spine is best to avoid any neck/trap strain. That means you will be looking slightly down at the start of the pull to a point on the floor perhaps 10 feet in front of you. Straight ahead would do but looking too much up or down is not a good idea.
i personall look down as i start the lift and then look directly ahead in the mirror as a come up. i guess thats similar to what lol said.
(Lol @ Apr. 26 2008,10:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm not quite sure why TR said this as I'm sure he didn't mean for you to be looking up above you when you pull (it's ok for bench though!  
 ). He may have been thinking of lifting in a large room so that if you look at the ceiling the other side of the room your head will be slightly raised??</div>
Yup, sorry. The place where I lift is as large as an aircraft hangar. I always look at the spot where the far wall and the ceiling come together. That's just right for me to keep a neutral spine.

Too bad we can't all lift in aircraft hangars...
4th Workout of the 10s. I am not sure that this HST cycle will count really as I keep changing the exercises and I don't have real RMs to aim for on them, so I'll just go on getting my feet wet and getting the terrain ready for my next cycle. Anyway, there goes today's workout:

6 min treadmill warmup (11.5 km/h)

Dips - 2x10 @ BW+8Kg (18lbs)
Chin - 10, 9.5 @ BW+4Kg (9lbs) - gotta count the effort
Cable Triceps Push-down - 2x10 @ 60kg (132lbs)
Front ATG Squat - 2x10 @ 45Kg (99lbs) - Bar Cleared from floor (no rack)
Standing BB Curl - 2x10 @ 32Kg (71lbs)
Standing One-legged Calf Raise - 2x20 @ BW+28Kg (62lbs)
ABS Crunch (hugging DB) - 2x20 @ 22Kg (49lbs)

Not much to mention except that the Front Squat form was better, but I still had problems with the wrist. I was not holding the bar this time, but I tried to keep the wrist bent with the fingers supporting the bar's position, but the wrists didn't like that position very much. Not sure if the position is incorrect or if I lack the flexibility. Will check that. This exercise got me breathing my lungs out.
I am still worried about the arms lagging, not sure if I am doing too much or too little exercise for them or if it is just genetic. They are specially small when relaxed (not flexed).
Your comments, as always, are appreciated.
(electric @ Apr. 28 2008,11:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cable Triceps Push-down - 2x10 @ 60kg (132lbs)
Front ATG Squat - 2x10 @ 45Kg (99lbs) - Bar Cleared from floor (no rack)

I am still worried about the arms lagging, They are specially small when relaxed (not flexed).</div>
dude...you're moving more weight w/ push downs than you're squatting. this is a problem.

it is not my intention to talk smack. that said, I think you should either change gyms or piece together something at home in order to squat properly.

also, if you start lean, are lifting hard, eating like a man and doing some cardio; aesthetics are going to be there. that's assuming you're okay with not being an abercrombie model.

nice job cleaning the weight to front squat it. good work. it sounds like your wrists are going to prevent using sufficient weight on this lift for the time being. &lt;insert another plug for back squats&gt;

above all things: The uncertainty you're expressing with your routine is concerning.

nice job improving your deads. what references are you using in an effort to develop your form? can you post a video for us to critique?

good luck to you and your goals.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dude...you're moving more weight w/ push downs than you're squatting. this is a problem.

it is not my intention to talk smack. that said, I think you should either change gyms or piece together something at home in order to squat properly.
Although I got tired from doing them, the Squats are light, I admit. The push-downs are &quot;challenging&quot;. But I've been doing push-downs for a long time, and I started Squatting around a month ago and was doing so in the Smith. I was advised to stay clear from the Smith so to keep squatting I changed to Front Squats cleaning the weight from the ground and it is the second time I do this exercise. Can't piece something at home, but will look into a replacement gym, but the actual one is so conveniently close...

(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also, if you start lean, are lifting hard, eating like a man and doing some cardio; aesthetics are going to be there. that's assuming you're okay with not being an abercrombie model.</div>
I think I can say I am overall ok aesthetics-wise, I just wanted large arms so bad. Maybe it's because they always lagged and therefore were I focused in.

(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">nice job cleaning the weight to front squat it. good work. it sounds like your wrists are going to prevent using sufficient weight on this lift for the time being. &lt;insert another plug for back squats&gt;</div>
Thank you, although I don't think cleaning 100lbs is noteworthy. About the wrists, if I don't get flexible enough to do this I can try the BB Front Squat (with the arms crossed). I saw that in exrx. The Back Squat will require a rack.

(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">above all things: The uncertainty you're expressing with your routine is concerning. </div>
What do you mean? Most of the changes are from machine assisted exercises to free-weight/body-weight exercises. This was mostly motivated by following this forum and partially by the day I went to a different gym and it had none of the machines I was used to workout with.

(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">nice job improving your deads. what references are you using in an effort to develop your form? can you post a video for us to critique?</div>
Deads are also a new exercise for me so I started with light weights to study form and consequently I have much more margin to increase weights before hitting a max. I have read about Deadlift form over the Internet, specially Exrx and comments in this forum, and have seen videos on Youtube. As soon as I'm able I'll post a video.

(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
good luck to you and your goals.</div>
Thank you and sorry for the rant.
(electric @ Apr. 28 2008,1:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">above all things:  The uncertainty you're expressing with your routine is concerning. </div>
What do you mean?</div>
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am not sure that this HST cycle will count really as I keep changing the exercises </div>

this is to what I referred.  having reread my post, I'm afraid I came off as disrespectful.  I assure you that I mean to encourage.

when you mentioned your HST cycle wouldn't count, I jumped on that as conveying a lack of confidence in your current direction.

Acting like men. good.
Electric, have you ever seen it posted just how much bw you have to acquire to gain an inch on the guns? It's disappointing at best.
My regular anology for BB'ing is the bricks of a house. One workout= one brick. Missed workouts = lost bricks. Foundation under bricks is conditioning. Takes a lot of patience to build the house, but ya know, it sounds like you've got a grip on that overall.
fearfactory: I didn't understand it as being disrespectful at all! I just asked what you mean because I didn't know what part you were referring to. I just can't count this cycle because I changed exercises and don't really have RMs as references so I am not really doing an RM in the end of each mesocycle. But mostly the principals of HST are kept.

quad: It is a good analogy. And I think I have made some good overall progress. Of course I am far from a mansion, but maybe I can consider myself a shed. But I feel as though my front wall (arms) is missing...
Or did I just take the metaphor too far?
As your arms get stronger (on dips, chin-ups, presses, rows, curls, whatever) they will get bigger (as long as you are eating enough to gain weight.)
This stuff just takes a long time.  It doesn't happen over night.  Thats for sure.
(electric @ Apr. 28 2008,11:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just can't count this cycle because I changed exercises and don't really have RMs as references so I am not really doing an RM in the end of each mesocycle. But mostly the principals of HST are kept.</div>
So long as you are keeping the HST principles, your cycle should have good results. That is true even if you don't have RM references.

Whenever we try a new exercise (which should be every other cycle or so), there is no way to determine a rep max. I recall starting my deadlifts with an empty bar and just increased the weights by 20 lbs. or so every workout. I did much the same with my Romanian Deadlifts and Good Mornings.

The keys are progressive load and regular. frequent workouts. The rep maxes will come on their own.
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 29 2008,11:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So long as you are keeping the HST principles, your cycle should have good results. That is true even if you don't have RM references.

Whenever we try a new exercise (which should be every other cycle or so), there is no way to determine a rep max. I recall starting my deadlifts with an empty bar and just increased the weights by 20 lbs. or so every workout. I did much the same with my Romanian Deadlifts and Good Mornings.

The keys are progressive load and regular. frequent workouts. The rep maxes will come on their own.</div>
TR, I am basically doing what you said for the new exercises, starting light, building the weight up every workout while trying to maintain/learn form. I am also doing full-body workouts 3x/week so frequency is there.

The cycle counts in many ways, I just can't evaluate HST to it's fullest since I am not doing it in an optimum way and will be using submax weights for longer then recommended.

Thanks for the tips.
Switching from machines to freeweights is indeed a big change. Give yourself some time to adjust to it all, electric; as everybody else has said, you'll grow in due time, and any lagging muscles will come in line. When I first started here, I could do maybe 3 bodyweight chins with both arms; my biceps were very, very weak in the grand scheme. I know you've read my log, so you know what I do now (I don't need to get into that). The bottom line is - give it time. Learn from the folks here, and do what you feel is the biggest bang for YOUR buck. Maybe vanilla HST isn't going to be your thing - but you won't know until you give is a fair shake. Experimentation is something I very much encourage - but always, always, always, always employ the HST principles in what you do.

You're spot on that the cycle counts; if the only thing you do this cycle is truly learn the core lifts and start to establish your rep maxes, that's a successful cycle.
tim, thank you for the words of encouragement. Just to clear things up, I don't think my biceps are lagging in strength compared to my other muscles/lifts, but it is clearly lagging in size, aesthetically speaking. But I'll just follow everyone's advice and be patient.
Enough whining, more lifting. 5th day of the 10s.

5 min treadmill warmup at 12 km/h
Flat BB Bench Press - 10, 9 @ 75Kg (165lbs)
Chin-Ups - 10, 8 @ BW+6Kg (13lbs)
Cable Triceps Push-downs - 2x10 @ 65Kg (143lbs)
Seated Leg Curl - 2x10 @ 65kg (143lbs)
Deadlift - 2x10 @ 85Kg (181lbs)
Standing Hammer Curl - 2x10 @ 34Kg (75lbs) - using H bar.
Standing One-legged calf raise - 2x20 @ 31Kg (68lbs)

In the chin I noticed some strange &quot;shocks&quot; first in my right elbow then in my left wrist. Really strange. Couldn't figure if it was something muscular, tendon or bone related. It isn't sore or anything now so I don't think it was serious but it messed my lift somewhat. Never had this before. Maybe my grip was too narrow, will try a wider one next time.
I was too tired so I called it a day before my abs crunch.
The deadlift really got me tired. Guess I reached a good weight (for the time being). The grip started failing in the last reps of each set and those last reps were probably a little max-stim like. I think I might have lowered the weight too fast, will try a more controlled eccentric.
Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
in the deadlift, you reallyu have to control the descent because otherwise you will quite likely round your back. I don't know if you've read starting strength but I've read it quite recently and it goes into so much detail on technique that I think u should read it. The deadlift is max-stim like anyway because u let go of the bar after each rep
wannagrow, you are right, I am probably losing form in the descent. I'll maintain this weight until I nail the form before proceeding. I will buy SS as soon as possible. It is not available here in Brazil and I am afraid if I buy from Amazon, customs might retain it (happened before).
I said it was kind of max-stim because I took an extra second before the next rep, but it was not a big deal.