(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dude...you're moving more weight w/ push downs than you're squatting. this is a problem.
it is not my intention to talk smack. that said, I think you should either change gyms or piece together something at home in order to squat properly.
Although I got tired from doing them, the Squats are light, I admit. The push-downs are "challenging". But I've been doing push-downs for a long time, and I started Squatting around a month ago and was doing so in the Smith. I was advised to stay clear from the Smith so to keep squatting I changed to Front Squats cleaning the weight from the ground and it is the second time I do this exercise. Can't piece something at home, but will look into a replacement gym, but the actual one is so conveniently close...
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also, if you start lean, are lifting hard, eating like a man and doing some cardio; aesthetics are going to be there. that's assuming you're okay with not being an abercrombie model.</div>
I think I can say I am overall ok aesthetics-wise, I just wanted large arms so bad. Maybe it's because they always lagged and therefore were I focused in.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">nice job cleaning the weight to front squat it. good work. it sounds like your wrists are going to prevent using sufficient weight on this lift for the time being. <insert another plug for back squats></div>
Thank you, although I don't think cleaning 100lbs is noteworthy. About the wrists, if I don't get flexible enough to do this I can try the BB Front Squat (with the arms crossed). I saw that in
exrx. The Back Squat will require a rack.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">above all things: The uncertainty you're expressing with your routine is concerning. </div>
What do you mean? Most of the changes are from machine assisted exercises to free-weight/body-weight exercises. This was mostly motivated by following this forum and partially by the day I went to a different gym and it had none of the machines I was used to workout with.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">nice job improving your deads. what references are you using in an effort to develop your form? can you post a video for us to critique?</div>
Deads are also a new exercise for me so I started with light weights to study form and consequently I have much more margin to increase weights before hitting a max. I have read about Deadlift form over the Internet, specially Exrx and comments in this forum, and have seen videos on Youtube. As soon as I'm able I'll post a video.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 28 2008,2:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
good luck to you and your goals.</div>
Thank you and sorry for the rant.