HST Expert
Guys and girls for that matter
John Berardi has an incredible free e-bbok on nutrition that I think should be part of any HST'iers collection.
While I wait for Bryan's input on this, I'll post the links John has asked me to put up:

John Berardi has an incredible free e-bbok on nutrition that I think should be part of any HST'iers collection.
While I wait for Bryan's input on this, I'll post the links John has asked me to put up:
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Hi Fausto,
Thanks for the request...I'd be glad to offer permission to re-print these articles on the HST forums.
Also, I'd appreciate it if in the post of this PDF you could post this information so that people know where they can get ahold of me.
John M Berardi, PhD, CSCS
Adjunct Professor - University of Texas
President - Science Link Inc, Translating Research Into Results
the Berardi site
The precision nutrition site
Essential Berardi - the e-book
Thanks and I hope the HST readers benefit from it!