Everything is growing but my arms


New Member
I like HST. I also like to go heavy and switch. but my being an ectomorph and having a small build kind of hinders my gains on the arms.

Chest, back and legs are getting alot bigger, but biceps and triceps dont do any progress
my arms grow in spirts. nothing, nothing, nothing then wham they sprout. What helps me with arms is (this is nothing new to HSTers) 1. eat big 2. Do am/pm ---with arms it is easy you just need a dumbbell at home 3. do burn sets starting about mid 10s.

:) Bob
Lucid - like I said in one of Skiny's earlier posts (and Tot elaborated on) was to concentrate on Triceps if you havent done so already. They make up most of your arm so if anythings gonna make'em look bigger - tricep growth will. Dips and kickbacks seem popular.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]bob evans - how heavy is the dumbell?

It is an adjustable dumbell so I follow the HST progression. I bought it so the max weight is 60lbs, and you only need one. So it is not alot of $$ and it does not take up alot of room.

I agree about the Tris from Al and Hammer's comment. You can use the DB on then too (but need alittle more weight)

Barbell Row
Lat pulldowns
Shoulder Press
Standing bicep curls

Thats my routine.

How could I do dips on an HST routine?
For dips, get a belt and use that to hang weights from. Then you can progress HST style with them.

Have you tried incline bicep curls instead of standing curls? I find they isolate the biceps better and disallow cheating during the lift a lot more, depending on which way you do them. I prefer doing them with my palms out the entire time, instead of the rotating my arm like they show on exrx. They are a lot harder that way. The way they show them on exrx allows you to cheat the weight up a lot easier and involves more of the other muscles too.

Here's the exrx link.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (lucid @ April 01 2005,2:08)]How could I do dips on an HST routine?
If your 15RM is below your Body weight, use an assisted dip machine if you have access, if not use a high pulley and a dipbelt as a counter weight. Then progress the weight increases by removing the counter weights until you get to your BW then progress as normal.
I have to admit, dips are one of my favorite movements.

Just do dips off the end of a bench/chair with your feet up on another bench/chair if you can't do regular dips. Then when the rep range meets what you can do with free standing dips switch to free standing dips.

For adding weight, I go ahead and us my old leather weightbelt. I went to Home Depo and bought so heavy chain and a clasp. I then string the chain over the front of the belt and clip weight plates on with the chain. Works great and never feels like its going to slip off.

Of course, you can just use a weight belt designed for that purpose. :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ April 01 2005,9:46)]I have to admit, dips are one of my favorite movements.
Just do dips off the end of a bench/chair with your feet up on another bench/chair if you can't do regular dips. Then when the rep range meets what you can do with free standing dips switch to free standing dips.
For adding weight, I go ahead and us my old leather weightbelt. I went to Home Depo and bought so heavy chain and a clasp. I then string the chain over the front of the belt and clip weight plates on with the chain. Works great and never feels like its going to slip off.
Of course, you can just use a weight belt designed for that purpose.  :D
I can do regular dips. I love em.

But since I stopped working out at the best gym in town due to the price and switched to YMCA they only have the machine there (assisted) i guess i have to put a 45lbs plate on it so the stand wont bother me.

the belt idea is good. i never knew how guys add extra weight on pullups, dips...ect