exercises order


New Member
I'd like to know if my order is optimal to make sure that secondary muscles arent getting fatigued too early or vice-versa

heres my workout (1stmuscle/superset muscle):

Incline BP/T-Bar Row
Decline BP/Lat Pulldown
Bi Curl/Skull Crusher
Military Press (smith)/Shrugs
Seated shoulder press/Squat

thx all!
Bi Curl/Skull Crusher
put these last otherwise your arms will be to fatigued to do any pressin or pulling movements.
have you ever tried doing 400 lbs squats after your upper back, shoulders and chest have been worked hard?
It's a matter of personal preference I guess.

I prefer to do my heaviest lift (deads) at the end. I don't run out of energy after doing bench, rows, dips etc...but if I do deads first then everything else, the "everything else" is going to suffer.
Gotta go with Jester on this one. It's personal preference, sure, but I feel that if I do squats or deads right off, my other lifts suffer. Though for me, if I have any iso's, I always do them after all my compounds. So I would do all my compounds, ending with squats or deads, then bust out my isolations after a bit of rest.
Yep, same here.

If I do deads before everything else, it's going to be a not-very-rewarding workout for me. So I do deads at the end of all my compounds, then any isos after that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So I would do all my compounds, ending with squats or deads, then bust out my isolations after a bit of rest.
Yeah, this is my approach too. Compounds first, squat being the last of them, and then iso's and abs.