extra calories


New Member
I noticed blade remarking that lots of people are complaining about not growing and worrying about reps/sets etc when the problem is with their diet.

Personally I have been losing a bit of weight of HST despite eating more than what I was eating whilst doing splits - so number one you need to eat like a horse on this programme!

I'ev just got an easy suggestion for adding calories to your diet - its much easier to add them in the form of shakes then solid food. Adding extra whey but particularly dextrose or maltodextrin to your pre and post workout shakes is an easy way of getting extra calories and at a time where they are needed most urgently. I currenty use 60g carbs/30g of whey pre and post then have a meal one hour later, from what I've seen this is a lot more than other peoples shakes so maybe an easy place to add calories for a lot of people.

The other time i have a shake is in the morning. I think its important to get nutrients to your muscles as quickly as possible after a long nights starvation so I have 60/30 there too, then 'breakfast' an hour or 90 mins later. As you're still having breakfast thats an extra 360 calories right there.

If anyone thinks this isn't a good idea let me know, just figured easiest way to get some extra calories in. As for me, I'm only just holding my weight with these shakes so i've had to work out how to add a couple of snacks here and there too :D
You're right people need to eat like a horse in order to get the desired weight gains that they want on HST. This is probably because the program increases your metabolism.