Fat that are quickly absorbed

I am not sure when regular foods that contain fat as to which enter at a faster rate, I would expect that the type of fats would be important. more mono less of this etc. I noticed a major difference using MCT oil whihc I believe to be the fastest. All I did is replace some carbs with the oil calories for calories and feel more full all of the day and sliughtly more energy. I would like to see one of the experts input on this but for my money MCT does it the fastest as I believe it really acts like carbs.
Ok, thanks for the input. Can anyone confirm that?

What do you guys think would be the best before morning cardio?
- whey - produces an insulin response, more expensive.
- fructose - little insulin response, theoretically reduces gluconeogenesis, cheap
- fat - no insulin response, cheap.
just have some protein, if you have it immediately before the cardio, like less than 15 minutes before, you won't get much of an insulin response and you'll be all set.
Ok, but what's the point of taking protein if it is going to be used for energy? Fat or fructose would be cheaper and would produce even less insulin.
because having some amino acids around during cardio is a great idea, esp. if you want to reduce muscle loss.
I just got myself the cheapest peanut butter in town.. lol

2g of carbs for 100 calories, including 1g of fiber.. Won't get much insulin from that.. hehe.. :D :D :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Heavy Duty dude @ Aug. 02 2005,1:05)]Ok, but what's the point of taking protein if it is going to be used for energy? Fat or fructose would be cheaper and would produce even less insulin.
Why do you need energy......If HIIT a little protein and carbs otherwise empty stomach works; in the end it's total calories anyways.
I prefer to have a bit of energy to do my cardio.

In my experience, cardio in a fasted state makes me lose muscle.

As for the idea that it's just a question of calories, at low bf it might be somewhat different, you have to mobilize the fat. HIIT would be good for that except that you can't do much of it.
you think every amino acid gets oxidized for energy? When you exercise, there isn't this simple progression where first your body burns food, then glycogen, then finally fat. Energy comes from different sources. Having amino acids in the blood will help reduce protein breakdown during cardio.
Probably half of the whey that you take is going to be converted to glucose, before morning cardio at least.

Muscles can also use protein directly for energy.

And you have more insulin, so.. so so so I don't know lol.. :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Aug. 03 2005,9:14)]Having amino acids in the blood will help reduce protein breakdown during cardio.
So will fat, so will carbs.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Probably half of the whey that you take is going to be converted to glucose
Doubt it, unless you are very depleted, even then I doubt it's 50%. It also depends greatly on how much you are taking, what else you've eaten, how long the cardio is, how intense the session, yada, yada, yada.
I was talking about taking whey first thing in the morning.

Lyle once posted a study on his forum showing that proteins taken alone could be converted to glucose up to 57% if I remember well. I don't remember exactly what the study said.

From what I've been able to understand from what Lyle said, the body start using muscle for energy when it doesn't have enough energy. For instance, when it is said that having the liver carb depleted increases gluconeogenesis, it might more be because there's a lack of energy than just the fact that it's depleted.

I don't really know.
What do you think? When you cut you use more protein for energy. Especially if you do a low carb, because carbs increase the absorbsion of proteins.
replacing amino acids lost from muscle due to increased protein breakdown. think of it as being anti catabolic.

obviously they are not all burned for energy, as you can see in the example in my last post.