FF's log

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I read about push presses on erx.net (thanks again for referring me there Colby). that sounds like something I could do. good advice liege, thank you.

squats 3x5x295 (clustered 1st 2 sets 2+2+1 and last 2+1+1...)
Bench Press 1x5-250 (max stim)
Bent BB Row 1x5x160
Pull Ups 1x10x bw (ran short on time today)
Deadlifts 3x5x325 (max stim) *failed the 11th rep but regrouped and finished.
Dips 3x5x90 (max stim)
Bent BB Rows 3x5x185
Smith Shrugs 3x5x315

it occurred to me while doing rows, that I should hang clean and push press 185.
didn't turn out as planned. I did the hang clean from the floor and then stood up straight w/ out much trouble, but the bar never much moved when I tried the push press!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding... so you basically did a power clean? You probably would have cleaned more had you not already had to do DL's. Still lookin' good though man keep up the good work.
gator, I did one of these.  immediately followed by a pathetic push press attempt.  definitely will try this again, in a less fatigued state, replete with lighter weight.

I don't think I can keep it up much longer...reaching the end of my rope.  Legs have been "charlie horse-sore" since Monday.

Next week, I'll do a few warm up sets and try for a heavy single on bench press, deadlift, and squat.

After that, I intend to lift higher volume until 8-3-07...then to Cabo for an extended SD, then home to start a new log w/ a new round of HST.
Squat 1x5x315 (max stim)
Bench 1x5x260 (max stim)

2 hr break

Squat 2x5x290 (clustered 3+2)
Bench 2x5x230
BB Bent Row 3x5x185
Standing Military 3x5x135 (clustered last set 3+1+1)
Awesome frequency!
thanks Colby.

Deadlift 1x5x325 (max stim)

2 hr break

Deadlift 2x5x325 (max stim)
Dips 1x2x bw +100 (max stim)
1x7x bw +90 (max stim)
1x7x bw +45
Standing Military Press 3x5x145 (clustered last set 2+3)
BB Bent Row 1x5x195

switched to alternate grip w/ deadlifts today...

I really like working dips on the same day as standing military press, or at least I did today.
Great numbers, FF! Very Archetype meets Digimortal meets Concrete!

I'll echo Colby on the frequency! It is so great that you have the flexibility to do that! I'm sure it's giving you amazing results!
nice reference tim. I feel like the Soul of a New Machine!

#'s will creep up a bit after a couple more cycles, hopefully! if not, maybe I could kick '08 off w/ a 5x5. really though, nutrition is my main issue...and that's going to get addressed...tomorrow!

Squats 0x1x350 (didn't even come close)
0x1x345 (almost! probably could've, if I'd tried parallel)
Bench 3x5x235 (clustered last 2 sets 3+2)
Standing Military 3x5x135
BB Bent Row 3x5x195

I'd intended to do a heavy set of max stim on the bench...but I chickened out/didn't have the energy after squats.

bw is 220 today
Deadlift 1x1x365
Standing Military 1x5x155
Dips 3x10x bw
Bent BB Row 2x5x135
bet you can colby.  wouldn't surprise me at all.  

I was pretty intimidated to even try 300 not a week ago.  my back was tightening up, or I'd have given 425 a fair shot today.  what I mean to say is that I think there's as much of a mental block as a physical block w/ regard to PB's at my particular level of the game.

I've been wondering what kind of gap should exist between squat and deadlifts.  given that everyone is different, obviously.  

before I started this cycle I'd never deadlifted ("heavy") and could bench more than I could squat.  my ignorant assumption was that I was too tall and legs were too skinny to have a decent squat. now...I can deadlift more than I squat and squat more than I bench...which is more balanced, imo.  

yet I'm curious about my 335 squat. ASSume I can manage a 425 dead on Fri...90# seems a pretty big gap between the two lifts!  additionally, MAY end up maxing around 280 on bench, which is only 55# less than my squat.
Bench 1x1x265
0x1x295 (darn)
Squat 1x5x245
2 hr break
Standing Military 1x1x165
Bent BB Row 3x5x205 (clustered last set 4+1)
Dips 1x15xbw
Bench 1x5x225
Chins 3x10x bw
Dips 3x10x +25
Squats 3x10x225
Smith Shrugs 3x5x315
Deadlifts 5x5x315
Standing Military 3x8x135
Dips 3x10x bw
Lat Pulldowns 3x10x110
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was pretty intimidated to even try 300 not a week ago. my back was tightening up, or I'd have given 425 a fair shot today. what I mean to say is that I think there's as much of a mental block as a physical block w/ regard to PB's at my particular level of the game.</div>

That is certainly true! Pure physique and strength will only get you so far. Like anything else, you have to be mentally focused on the task at hand!