Gaining muscle, losing fat


New Member
Hey all,

I gained 10 kilos in about 40 days. I never had problem with high body fat percentage but now, I just realized that some of this weight went directly to my stomach area. I've been training 3 times a week (gym).

Question is this:
Does it help if I add 3 times a week jogging or cycling (1-2 h per training)? I do want to cut body fat but I don't want to lose muscle (or impede muscle growth).

Thanks for the advice in advance!
I made a lot of changes to my routine to help keep from getting too much fat.

For one, I now do all my cardio (mainly HIIT) on an empty stomach. And two, instead of going for 8 weeks with an over-maintenance diet, I've broken up the 8 weeks into four 2-week cycles with a one-week deload in between. During the deloading week, I'll reel in my diet and up the cardio. Then I start on the next 2-week cycle. I've not only found this to help me keep the fat in check, but the deload week helps me break the monotony of my routine. It does make the entire cycle longer, but I'm liking the results of not fattening up during that time. But who knows? Your mileage may vary. :-)