Well-Known Member
So as the title of this log suggests, this cycle is meant to be the game changer that launches me from average to greatness. And greatness means bulking up 30 pounds to 220 and pulling 500 pounds in a Deadlift. I am not exactly super lean. But I want focus on adding muscle and strength, and worry about being lean after I hit my goals.
Starting Stats:
190 pounds
73" tall
Cold measurements
15.5" r. Arm
42.5" at nipple
34.5" at navel
35" at hips
24.5" r.thigh
14.5" r. calf
Training and diet will be under the programming and guidance of Totentanz. Essentially a typical HST program, but slightly tweaked for my Deadlift goal and my goal of getting a bigger set of lats and overall mass.
I am starting right now at the 1st week of 5s.
Sunday (3x5) 1st week 80%
WTD. Dips: 200
Rack Pull: 295
WG Pulldowns: 130
Arnold Press: 50s
Leg Press: 400
Seat Calves: 120
WG Pulldowns: 105x2x15 extra lat work
Starting Stats:
190 pounds
73" tall
Cold measurements
15.5" r. Arm
42.5" at nipple
34.5" at navel
35" at hips
24.5" r.thigh
14.5" r. calf
Training and diet will be under the programming and guidance of Totentanz. Essentially a typical HST program, but slightly tweaked for my Deadlift goal and my goal of getting a bigger set of lats and overall mass.
I am starting right now at the 1st week of 5s.
Sunday (3x5) 1st week 80%
WTD. Dips: 200
Rack Pull: 295
WG Pulldowns: 130
Arnold Press: 50s
Leg Press: 400
Seat Calves: 120
WG Pulldowns: 105x2x15 extra lat work
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