Gamechanger: Gain 30, Pull 500.


Well-Known Member
So as the title of this log suggests, this cycle is meant to be the game changer that launches me from average to greatness. And greatness means bulking up 30 pounds to 220 and pulling 500 pounds in a Deadlift. I am not exactly super lean. But I want focus on adding muscle and strength, and worry about being lean after I hit my goals.

Starting Stats:
190 pounds
73" tall
Cold measurements
15.5" r. Arm
42.5" at nipple
34.5" at navel
35" at hips
24.5" r.thigh
14.5" r. calf



Training and diet will be under the programming and guidance of Totentanz. Essentially a typical HST program, but slightly tweaked for my Deadlift goal and my goal of getting a bigger set of lats and overall mass.

I am starting right now at the 1st week of 5s.

Sunday (3x5) 1st week 80%

WTD. Dips: 200
Rack Pull: 295
WG Pulldowns: 130
Arnold Press: 50s
Leg Press: 400
Seat Calves: 120
WG Pulldowns: 105x2x15 extra lat work
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When you catch up to me, Sci (and you will soon enough), I'm pulling my finger out! ;)
Not thrilled with any routine that includes Arnolds, but I really like the rack pull and WG PD inclusion.
Not thrilled with any routine that includes Arnolds, but I really like the rack pull and WG PD inclusion.

I just call them that because I bring my elbows very low, to bring the side delts and rotator cuff into it. It limits the load slightly, but is a more balanced overall shoulder builder.
Missed the mid-week workout again. I have this program setup as 3x/week, 3 days of HST, and weekly deadlift program. If I keep missing the middle workout, I may have to make it a twice/week program and up the volume slightly to make up for the frequency drop. I have done this before, and it worked well, not ideal though, I really think 3x/week would be ideal, if my life were ideal, and my work and my family, etc. etc. LOL! :rolleyes:
2x is just not enough exercise for me, personally.

I'm not I'd compensate on volume that much, the DOMS/CNS fatigue trade-off isn't worth it, just my take.
2x is just not enough exercise for me, personally.

I'm not I'd compensate on volume that much, the DOMS/CNS fatigue trade-off isn't worth it, just my take.

I may just alter my schedule and try to work in the 3 workouts somehow...
Deadlift: 345 1 then 1 then fail...RPE 10!

Ouch, had a bad, long day at work, didn't eat we'll, etc. last week I pulled 355 for a double. I was just having a bad day today.
I figured a way to fix this, from now on I am working out BEFORE work, in the morning, when I am fresh. No more missing workouts, or exercising after work when I am exhausted.

WTD Dips: 235
WG Pulldowns: 150
Arnold Press: 55s
Cable Rows: 160
Seated Calves: 130
Are you more fresh in the morning?

Might want to switch the deads to the sunday workout, I'm assuming you would be in a better state of mind and more energetic physically that day? Is this correct?

How was your carb intake last night? I make sure to always take in plenty of complex carbs the night prior to a heavy deadlift day. What do you take preworkout? I don't really like preworkouts much myself but find that those containing argnine can actually hamper workouts that hammer the lower back.
Also, do you take anything during the workout? I recommend purchasing some gatorade powder, mixing it prior to the workout and sipping it between sets. I find a significant difference between drinking that and drinking just water during the workout.
Are you more fresh in the morning?

Might want to switch the deads to the sunday workout, I'm assuming you would be in a better state of mind and more energetic physically that day? Is this correct?

How was your carb intake last night? I make sure to always take in plenty of complex carbs the night prior to a heavy deadlift day. What do you take preworkout? I don't really like preworkouts much myself but find that those containing argnine can actually hamper workouts that hammer the lower back.
Also, do you take anything during the workout? I recommend purchasing some gatorade powder, mixing it prior to the workout and sipping it between sets. I find a significant difference between drinking that and drinking just water during the workout.

Yes, I am usually exhausted after work, I do better in the mornings. Plus if I don't prioritize my workout, I tend to get too busy with work and family.

Yeah, I already decided to do deads on the weekend from now on. Forgot to mention that. Good point though.

I had a long, awful day at work. I ate plenty last night, but didn't eat much today at work. Again, why I am going to go in the mornings.

I usually just have carbs and sometimes caffeine pre- workout. Today was just a bad day.

I usually drink water, maybe I'll start doing more carbs like Gatorade during workout.

Thanks for the help. I am still very psyched to do this program. I know it will be awesome, I just need to make it fit my lifestyle.
Yeah I always did my deads on the weekends too, although I did mine late on Saturdays when the gym was empty and I could spend a good couple hours there with no pressure to finish sets fast or anything. If you go during busy periods, it can be too tempting to cut rest times short. I strongly recommend 3 minute minimum, ideally 5 minute rest periods between working sets on deads, and around increasing rest between warmup sets starting with maybe a minute or so after the first, increasing to 3 minutes between sets for the later warmups. Either way, just find a time that you can do it each week - I would prefer you find a time where you can do it at the same time each week so it becomes a habit.

Try the carbs from the gatorade during the workout and see how it goes. It may not make a difference now, or maybe it won't help as much until the heavier 5s. You could just buy the premixed stuff at the store to test it out before you buy powder. I prefer to use the powder because it is cheaper per unit and I can then mix it a bit stronger than it would be if you bought it at the store. If you normally take a preworkout, keep doing it. Caffeine is fine. Tyrosine paired with caffeine is a good one. Some people like Yohimbine with caffeine although I don't respond to Yohimbine personally so it may not work for you either. I don't like speed stacks or any other gym drinks that they sell there, not that they do much good if you drink them once you get there since it won't kick in until halfway through your workout. But the key is to find the preworkout that helps you and stick with that.

It is important to keep the preworkout and intraworkout ritual going. I prefer to think of it as a ritual that way it becomes more important to maintain. Also, once it becomes a ritual over time, it helps you get into the right state of mind prior to a workout. As you've realized, if you are mentally exhausted from a long day at work, you will not be in the right state of mind to do the deadlifts. Make deadlifting a ritual, and when you begin the ritual with your preworkout drink/routine, that helps get you mentally primed and ready.

Remember... there is no try.
Everything sore today, especially back and shoulders. Packing in the calories all weekend! :)

Happy Easter everyone.
Try the carbs from the gatorade during the workout and see how it goes. It may not make a difference now, or maybe it won't help as much until the heavier 5s. You could just buy the premixed stuff at the store to test it out before you buy powder. I prefer to use the powder because it is cheaper per unit and I can then mix it a bit stronger than it would be if you bought it at the store.

Carbs are so important for the heavy ranges.

I like honey myself, the aftertaste form a sugar drink tends to bug me about 10mins later :p
My main thought process is the cost... here it is harder to get real honey, most crap at the supermarket is imitation honey. I do have a local apiary where I buy a 1 gallon jug of honey about once a season, and I put that honey in my morning yogurt. There is evidence that locally produced honey has a beneficial effect on the immune system, but mainly I only use local because I prefer to support the apairies instead of the big manufacturers.
Yeh fair enough.

I really like the preventative//immune-like effect honey has, especially re: tonsils, mouth, throat etc.
I'm not positive that it isn't psychological, but I feel as though it has a positive effect on my health as well. I seem to notice a difference when I don't get my honey each morning. In my case, it seems like it stabilizes my immune system, usually mine is out of control, flipping the **** out over anything foreign coming into my body so I display flu symptoms frequently even if I am not actually sick.
I'm not positive that it isn't psychological, but I feel as though it has a positive effect on my health as well. I seem to notice a difference when I don't get my honey each morning. In my case, it seems like it stabilizes my immune system, usually mine is out of control, flipping the **** out over anything foreign coming into my body so I display flu symptoms frequently even if I am not actually sick.

I'm fairly convinced that the properties are there (for actual, genuine honey ofc). Spamming random wiki link:

The other thing I like is that the 'energy' you feel isn't a spike-drop the same way taking candy or soft drink ('soda') affects us. At least not for me.