Gamechanger: Gain 30, Pull 500.

Single leg squats are great. They take a little getting used to re: balance but are really effective IMO. You obviously can't weight them with a BB, only DB or weight vest/backpack etc.
Hmm.. I wasn't aware of that. Sounds crazy. Have you considered some single leg squats? Kneel with your right on a bench, that kinda thing? I've never done them so can't really give you any advice on them than that.

I have tried, but they suck due to balance issues. Machines are superior to free weights for this type of thing, trust me I tried barbell squats for years, but they are inferior to machines for someone with imbalanced legs.
I truly think the machines are the ticket to get my legs more balanced and break the 500 pound Deadlift barrier this year.
Also, regarding the single-leg sled press, I remember Lyle Mcdonald, amateur speed skater, pointing out that some Olympic speed skaters ( who have absolutely massive thighs) trained only using the single leg press as weight-training, obviously a close mimic to the sports specific movement of speed skating.

Anyway, it's the most amazing leg movement I have found, it hits everything from glutes to quads to hamstrings... Obviously a barbell Squat does the same thing for two legs, but for unilateral leg work , the leg press sled is king.
Upper day, 5 RM extended.

Rows: 190x5, 160x8

Dips: 270x5, 200x12

Pulldowns: 170x5, 120 2x12

Military Press: 135x2, 120x4, 100x5.
These are much harder than seated dumbbell presses! Hope to find my true max in the next couple weeks.
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Skipped legs today. My gluteus and adductor on the left side is extremely sore from the unilateral leg press. Thighs are really sore in general. Lower back is even tight from rows and standing press. Today just rest and food.
This afternoon, moving heavy slabs of concrete into a bucket-loader for several hours. Even pressed a few overhead for a great shoulder workout.:cool: Concrete pieces were anywhere from 10 lb. chunks, to roughly 400 pound slabs! Good back and shoulder workout.
I was ravenous after all that work. Didn't even count calories, but estimate around 4300 calories off hand.
Should be plenty carb-loaded for deadlifts tomorrow.
Feeling awesome, went for all records today!

DeadLift: 375x1 PR Previous PR

Cable Rows: 200x7 PR
Wtd. Dips: 270x5 previous PR
WG Pulldowns: 180x6 PR
BB Press: 115x5
Uni-Leg Press: 140x5 PR
Uni-Seated Leg Curls: 75x5 PR
Seated Calves: 160x6 PR

All personal records, except standing press, which is close, but I just started this exercise, so records next week!

Body weight is soaring, and no I am not on drugs. :)
It's amazing what excess calorie intake can do, isn't it? Great job with the lifting, maybe new prs next week?
Food ... who knew, right? ;)

That posterior chain, lower body, is going to feel like you were a victim in the prison shower tomorrow ... PR's across the board is nice, no doubt.

I imagine your rows are going to speed up in 'gains made' due to training this way (heavy weights, lots of food). I find that lacking body parts that are easily/simply trained just respond well to that environment, where as, say, hamstrings and triceps need a bit more focus on exercise selection. But back to rows - push the envelope.
Food ... who knew, right? ;)

That posterior chain, lower body, is going to feel like you were a victim in the prison shower tomorrow ... PR's across the board is nice, no doubt.

I imagine your rows are going to speed up in 'gains made' due to training this way (heavy weights, lots of food). I find that lacking body parts that are easily/simply trained just respond well to that environment, where as, say, hamstrings and triceps need a bit more focus on exercise selection. But back to rows - push the envelope.

Yeah, my back is swelling already with muscle gains.
It's worth noting that the last time I pulled 375 was 5 years ago! So even if its a previous PR, it was a big deal. I feel like I had a little left in me, will go for 385 next week.
The good thing is we have you back in top shape and with lower bodyfat than when you were there previously. Any gains now are basically new territory. I'd like to see you get four plates a side within a couple months on that dead.
The good thing is we have you back in top shape and with lower bodyfat than when you were there previously. Any gains now are basically new territory. I'd like to see you get four plates a side within a couple months on that dead.

Yes, my wife agreed that I am in the top shape of my life right now. I am psyched to see where I am at when I hit 100kg body weight!

I should be able get the four plates in 4-6 weeks, based on recent training and recovery patterns.
Weighed in at 200 pounds! Feel like I am on steroids lately. Slept in today, missed the upper body session, I'll Just do full body workout tomorrow.
Cable Rows: 200x7
Wtd. Dips: 270x5
WG Pulldowns: 180x5
DB press: 65sx5
Uni-Leg Press: 150x5
Uni-Seated Leg Curls: 80x5
Seated Calves: 160x6
Single sets only? (to clarify)

Yeah, I forgot to mention the drop sets. I generally do my max set to near failure, then do a quick drop set to get some extra TUT in. Of course, I only do this when I am hitting PRs, normally I do 2-3 sets with the HST load. I am in the 4th week of 5s, next week I will be starting a new cycle, then in 6 more weeks, I will probably SD.
I have noticed visible growth already of calves, thighs and back. The smaller muscles of the upper body I can't tell yet, but my arms look awesome when they get pumped up, especially after dips.
Considering my main goals are a bigger back and a bigger Deadlift, this HST cycle is obviously heavily geared towards back and legs. So I am well pleased with the results so far.
Hats off to Totentanz, for all the coaching and support. I owe you one, most guys charge huge fees for online coaching.
Hey, you're the one doing the hard part. Good job actually getting the work done. Hopefully this keeps you motivated enough to follow it through until you hit the big 500.