This morning, my traps were ok, but my lower back was stiff. Not a PR day. I did a couple of stupid, macho things at work this week, which were totally unnecessary and ruined my back erectors have been in a perpetual state of overtraining, so I am going to cease all deads, take it easy at work, and do nothing that involves my erectors, except cable rows for the next 10 days, and then finally try a dead PR before my SD.
Deads: 225x6, 345x3, 365x1/2 (broke the bar off the floor, but didn't make it, low back was very stiff and sore today), 345x1 ok, my back is overtrained as I explained above...time for rest, nothing but rows for lower back.
45 Incline Bench: 205 3x5 (previous PR)
Pronated Pulldowns: 180x5, 180x5, 200x6 PR
Dips: 260 3x5 (easing back on dips, as I am pretty spent after heavy Inclines)
Cable Rows: 205 3x5 PR
Leg Press: 520 3x5 PR
Calf Press: 660 3x12 (on the leg press sled)
I am not too upset about the lack of progress on deads, as it is very easy for me to overtrain my erectors. I am a bodybuilder at heart, even if I like to lift heavy weights. SO my main goal is to gain muscle and bulk up. As long as I keep getting bigger and seeing hypertrophy, I am happy. The deadlift goal remains a secondary goal, but my main focus is me weighing in at 220 lb.s by the end of this summer. Then I will cut back down over the autumn, to reveal the newly hypertrophied muscles, before bulking up again this winter.