Gatordude's Log

It's a good feeling exceeding those max's - always interesting to see how far forward you can push them. Looks like it's going well mate.
Workout #18

@ 89%

Dips BW + 62.5 x 5, 5, 5
Chins BW + 35 x 5, 5, 5
Upright Rows 100 x 5, 5, 5
Deadlift 200 x 5, 5, THREEEEE

Arrrrgh.  Don't know what it is, but I literally could not get the last 5 on the deads... the last three was completely to failure and with m-time of like 30 seconds between each.  A guy at the gym was critiqueing (sp?) my form and said I went up perfectly, but came down awkwardly.  He said I need to drop my butt down more so that the weight doesn't make me lean forward so much on the way down.  Trying to fix that made it a bit harder. Whatever, I blame my small butt for being so weak on these  

So I'm 6 weeks complete... going on the the 7th.  I'm making my last drop to 10 total reps (per exercise) next week.  I'm going to carry that as far as I can and then SD... hoping for a minimum of 2 more weeks.  The thing is, while some of these lifts like my deads for instance, made me struggle a lot to get all 15, others were pretty easy.  Next week starts my 90's (1RM %).
On another note, the guy who was helping me with my DL form was throwing that weight around like it was a ragdoll. Talk about some motivation, sheesh.
Sorry to all of my millions of fans who were disappointed I didn't post my log this morning. I pulled an all-nighter last night cramming for an exam, and wasn't about to try and workout before work this morning. But, got it in tonight after the exam.

Workout #19

@ 92%

Incline Bench 180 x 5, 5, 5
Dumbell OH 60 x 5, 5, 5
Pendlays 170 x 5, 5
Squats 230 x 5, 5

So yeah, I kind of forgot I was dropping my reps down to 10 this week. I realized half way during the workout. I could very well have finished the workout doing 15, but I know I'll thank myself next week when I'm in the upper 90's and hopefully 100 and beyond. So here it is.... I'm going to milk this as long as possible and when I can't do 10 more total reps anymore I'm going to SD. I'd like to get at least one workout above 100% for each as a minimum which would have me repping 103% of my original 1RM, 5 times
Yeah, leaning forward when putting a deadlift down will fatigue your lower back real fast. Listen to that guy, drop your butt low and make sure you have the bar close to your body.
Workout #20

@ 92%

Dips BW + 65 x 5, 5
Chins BW + 37.5 x 5, 5
Upright Rows 105 x 5, 5
Deadlifts 205 x 10 (Full MS Set)

I don't want to get too happy over it as it might have been a single time, but the deads got easier and easier throughout the set, I felt like I could have slapped 30 more pounds by the end. That same guy who was helping me on my form, had me take my shoes off. I have a pair of Nike "Shox", and he said they were putting me at a disadvantage because it had my feet at an incline, which had me on my toes. I was going up fine, but leaning forward way too much on the way down.

After 5 reps of going real slow, working on form.. they started getting a lot easier. I did all 10 MS as I took various m-times between the reps. I now feel more confident about getting up to my 100% and hopefully beyond. Haha, I can't wait for Monday now, which is my next workout w/ deads. Hopefully, this will shorten my time for getting to my goal of getting in the 300's by the end of the summer.
Yeah man, it's real humbling seeing some guy at the gym pick my weight up like it's just the bar. All of the lifts I hated the most at the beginning of this cycle have turned into my favorites... pendlays, chins, deads, squats. I'm really hoping to set a firm foundation strength wise this cycle, and break some much higher barriers in the next one. This is the first time I've had clear cut, strength goals in years.
Workout #21

@ 96%

Incline Bench 185 x 5, 5
Pendlays 175 x 5, 5
Dumbell OH 60 x 5, 5
Squats 240 x 5, 5

Gettin down to the wire boys. I figured that I would be 2% short at the end of week 8 to reach 100%. So I upped the percentage increase so that it will even out. I'm trying to decide if I want to drag the cycle out or simply max out at the end of next week. I'm leaning towards the latter because I'm definitely starting to feel slightly burnt out and that way I would end at the end of a week, which sets up my SD perfectly. So, I think instead of effectively working out with 100% of my 1RM's... I'll simply max out on those days and see where I end up... which would probably have the same end result and prevent me from burning out even more by dragging this out an extra week.
Reading your log, you've had a hell of a cycle, Gator. I hope you feel good about it. Nice work today!
Workout #22

@ 96%

Dips BW + 67.5 x 5, 5
Chins BW + 40 x 5, 5
Upright Rows 110 x 5, 5
Deadlifts 215 x 5, 5

So this was my last conventional workout for this cycle! Wednesday I am maxing out on my workout A lifts, and Friday I'm maxing out on my workout B lifts to finish things off, ending my 8th week. So I stepped on the scale this morning and came to find my highest BW of all time
. And really not a noticeable gain in BF. Which tells me I should have eaten a bit more this cycle, but I will definitely take the extra 8-10 pounds I've gained during this cycle. As small of a guy that I am, every pound of LBM I gain is pretty noticeable IMO.

I feel like I did a better job of eating in the second half, and will continue to pound in the food this week so I can have all the energy I can for my max-out workouts.
Good job -- seeing the cycle through to the end.

It's kind of a nice feeling to break 200 on the deadlifts. The big guys may never understand, but we little squirts can appreciate such things.

I had to interrupt my last cycle due to a non-workout related back injury. Myfinal deads were at 215. I had been so looking forward to 225 -- two 45's on each end of the bar! Okay, maybe next time...
Thanks a lot for the compliments guys. Yeah, I agree TunnelRat, breaking that barrier was a good feeling
.. and I'm looking to hopefully break the 300 one later this summer.
Workout #23

Workout A - MAX DAY

Percentages Based off of my 1RM at the Start of the Cycle

Incline Bench
195 x 1 (100%)
205 x 1 (105%)
215 x 1 (110%) PB
225 x 0
220 x 0 (BARELY Missed)

Dumbell Overhead Press
65 x 1 (100%)
70 x 1 (108%) PB
75 x 0

Pendlay Rows
185 x 1 (100%)
195 x 1 (105%) PB
205 x 0

250 x 1 (100%)
265 x 1 (106%)
So Friday will be my "Workout B" max day... and then time for a nice SD.  While I'm certainly PLEASED of the PB's, I had never maxed in any of those 3 lifts before starting this cycle.  I've never consistently done incline bench before, never done Pendlays before at all, and hadn't done dumbell OH's in awhile.  I've actually nailed a 295 before on squats, so 300 will be a goal of mine in the near future.  

I think the lifts for Workout B will far exceed their original maxes.  Especially dips and chins, look for me to possibly break the 125% barrier.  I'm really looking forward to seeing where I at on DL's.  I'll wait until Friday post-workout to get a final BW... but I'm guessing it should be somewhere around 153... an estimated 10 pound gain during these last 8 weeks!  
Awesome cycle, Gator! Good luck on Friday - hitting 125% would be an incredible accomplishment!