Workout #20
@ 92%
Dips BW + 65 x 5, 5
Chins BW + 37.5 x 5, 5
Upright Rows 105 x 5, 5
Deadlifts 205 x 10 (Full MS Set)
I don't want to get too happy over it as it might have been a single time, but the deads got easier and easier throughout the set, I felt like I could have slapped 30 more pounds by the end. That same guy who was helping me on my form, had me take my shoes off. I have a pair of Nike "Shox", and he said they were putting me at a disadvantage because it had my feet at an incline, which had me on my toes. I was going up fine, but leaning forward way too much on the way down.
After 5 reps of going real slow, working on form.. they started getting a lot easier. I did all 10 MS as I took various m-times between the reps. I now feel more confident about getting up to my 100% and hopefully beyond. Haha, I can't wait for Monday now, which is my next workout w/ deads. Hopefully, this will shorten my time for getting to my goal of getting in the 300's by the end of the summer.