Workout #5
Version A - 10 Rep Mesocycle
First weights used are 80% of my 10RM
Flat Bench 140 x 10, 150 x 10, 160 x 10
Pendlays 115 x 10, 125 x 10, 135 x 10
Militaries 80 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 3
Squats 155 x 10, 165 x 10, 175 x 10
BB Curls 75 x 5
Tricep Pushdown 70 x 5
Ab Machine 100 x 10
As I thought it would, zig zagging did happen from last mesocycle to this one. It was actually nice dropping down in weight on the first set as I actually felt like I could work on form better now than in the 15's. I really think I have the natural, correct form of Pendlays down... feels much better than my first set of them 10 weeks ago... almost feels good like doing a set of bench. So as you guys know who may have actually been reading this, I will progress these weights through next week as far as I can, then reset to 80% of my 8RM. Then my final reset will be two weeks after that to 80% of my 5RM... which I will progress as long as possible and then max out.
I was honestly pretty wary of how this routine would work... but I am really starting to see how it might work very well. Either way, I won't make any conclusions till the fat lady sings at the end of it.