Gator's Training Log

40 lbs + your BW on chins is pretty darn good.

You're right about the 5 lb increments being like a 20 pound shift for a deadlift.
Workout #5

Version A - 10 Rep Mesocycle

First weights used are 80% of my 10RM

Flat Bench 140 x 10, 150 x 10, 160 x 10
Pendlays 115 x 10, 125 x 10, 135 x 10
Militaries 80 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 3
Squats 155 x 10, 165 x 10, 175 x 10

BB Curls 75 x 5
Tricep Pushdown 70 x 5
Ab Machine 100 x 10

As I thought it would, zig zagging did happen from last mesocycle to this one.  It was actually nice dropping down in weight on the first set as I actually felt like I could work on form better now than in the 15's.  I really think I have the natural, correct form of Pendlays down... feels much better than my first set of them 10 weeks ago... almost feels good like doing a set of bench.  So as you guys know who may have actually been reading this, I will progress these weights through next week as far as I can, then reset to 80% of my 8RM.  Then my final reset will be two weeks after that to 80% of my 5RM... which I will progress as long as possible and then max out.  

I was honestly pretty wary of how this routine would work... but I am really starting to see how it might work very well.  Either way, I won't make any conclusions till the fat lady sings at the end of it.
On another happy note, weighed in at a new all-time high BW.  So gaining any weight I lost during SD and more sure is nice.  Granted, I still consider the possibilities of a weird outlier or whatnot, but I'm content knowing I'm going upwards  
Workout #6

Version B - 10 Rep Mesocycle

Dips BW + 80 x 4, 80 x 7, 80 x 5 (HARD  
Chins BW + 45 x 10, 55 x 3, 55 x 5
Shrugs 195 x 10, 205 x 10, 215 x 2
Deadlift 175 x 10, 185 x 10, 195 x 5

Curls 75 x 10
Tricep Pushdowns 70 x 5
Ab Machine 110 x 5 (Bout time I didn't finish a set on these)

At the expense of being way late to work, I made sure and finished this workout lol.  I woke up late this morning, as I've had some weird allergic reaction the past two nights... I am pretty sure it's my new laundry detergent.  Anyways, I'm at the end of week two and I am happy with what's been happening.  I am about to max out the ab machine so I might have to find some other means of doing them.  I am already beyond my actual 10RM on many of my lifts, so next week I will continue to progress on that as much as I can... then a reset to 80% of my 8RM on the Monday after.
A couple suggestions for your abs, seeing as you're going to max out the machine....


Instead of going wicked heavy always, try to do at least one light but very slow, intense volume-wise set. I do at least one slow set of 40 (50%-65% of max typically) light but very, very slow reps after I do heavy stuff.

Alternate exercises:

Try maybe doing heavy roman chair situps for your obliques, a mid-weight exercise for your lower abs (like leg raises or something similar), and then use the machine for slow, light work. You will love the results. It ain't HST, but it is something I've proven to work quite nicely (sans-Bastow) that originally came from my Dr. Squat A-B-C routine.

Everything else is lookin' great, Gator. Keep it up!
Thanks a lot for the ab ideas... I will certainly put them to work in the near future. I actually broke a cardinal rule and skipped a w/o yesterday. I was out of town and didn't get in until late last night... so I'm trying to decide if I should cut my loss and stay on track for Wednesday, or do a Tues-Thurs-Sat this week.

I am probably going to just put Monday behind me, as my pops works out on M-W-F and I really prefer working out w/ him and not alone.. we're usually the only ones there that early in the morning.
I missed a midweek w/o at the end of my 5s. When I got in the gym on Friday I got PBs all over the place. An extra few days of rest can do wonders for strength levels due to the extra rest for your CNS. It may mean you haven't maximised potential PS levels for hypertrophy but it's only one w/o and you certainly won't lose anything.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jul. 17 2007,11:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks a lot for the ab ideas... I will certainly put them to work in the near future.  I actually broke a cardinal rule and skipped a w/o yesterday.  I was out of town and didn't get in until late last night... so I'm trying to decide if I should cut my loss and stay on track for Wednesday, or do a Tues-Thurs-Sat this week.  

I am probably going to just put Monday behind me, as my pops works out on M-W-F and I really prefer working out w/ him and not alone..  we're usually the only ones there that early in the morning.</div>

that's cool that you lift with your dad...can't wait until my little guy is old enough to train with his old man.

And lol's missed workout won't stop the progress train
Workout #8 (No #7)

Version B - 10 Rep Mesocycle

Dips BW + 80 x 5, 80 x 2, 80 x 2
Chins BW + 55 x 5, 55 x 5, 55 x 4
Shrugs 215 x 10, 225 x 5, 225 x 5
Deadlift 195 x 10, 205 x 5, 205 x 1

I couldn't do the iso's at the end.... would have literally puked  
.  Not sure why all of a sudden, but today my arms felt like they were about to snap off on my dips.  I am slightly disappointed about where those are at... but the other three are progressing nicely.  I'm already 10 lbs away from using my 1RM on chins.  Will probably hit it sometime after my 8RM reset.  Shrugs are definitely working on my grip.  

I'm really looking forward to maxing out on deads at the end of the cycle.  I feel like if my endurance were up with my strength, I could have finished both of the last two sets.  But after I was heaving and had my butt sprawled over the bench for a breather I decided to pack it up for the day.
Nice progress, Gator! Your chin numbers are great! Don't get too down on yourself about your dips - BW+80 is still a very nice place to be. As you told me - you'll be at 100 in no time!

How are you liking this type of cycle thus far?
I guess it depends on how I look at &quot;like&quot;  
.  This cycle is by far less enjoyable than last, but I feel like it's more efficient.  Every workout has been a backbreaker.  I'm not sure how that will come into play later on in the cycle.  I will certainly wait until the end of it to make a fair comparison.  What I do like about this one, with it's immediate load progression w/in a workout, is it allows me to work out with weights that are matched up to my strength.  And just when I should be reaching a plateau, I get a &quot;reset&quot; by slightly dropping volume and zig zagging the weight.  Doing this will hopefully continue to carry me beyond the previous mesocycle's plateau.

It will certainly be interesting to see how it carries out. I know I am gaining weight at a faster rate than before, but I don't know whether to credit that to a better routine, a better diet, or both.
Good to know, Gator! You and sci are really getting into some interesting concepts; I hope they prove to be very beneficial for you despite the road being rough. It really has been a great cycle for you thus far - I hope it continues as you'd expect!
Argh, a combination of waking up late and having a longer commute to work than usual today allowed me to only finish half of my workout this morning.  I'm not going to bother posting it yet, because I'm going to go back after work and finish the rest.  I'll be damned if a skip 2 workouts in a week  
.  Let's just say though that the part I did get to was VERY hard and I am definitely looking forward to the volume drop next week.  Finals for school and work are starting to get to me, but things should be a lot better starting next week.
Workout #9

Version A - 10 Rep Mesocycle

Flat Bench 175 x 7, 175 x 7, 175 x 5
Pendlays 145 x 10, 155 x 10, 165 x 5
Militaries 100 x 10, 110 x 5, 110 x 3
Squats 185 x 10, 195 x 10, 205 x 10

BB Curls 85 x 5
Tricep Pushdowns 70 x 5
Ab Machine 110 x ZERO (LOL wtf happened here?)

Whoo hoo finally get a volume drop next week... and I think it's in due time, I'm beat! I had to divide this w/o into two parts because of a shaky morning, but I did finish it yesterday which I was pleased with. After all the ragging I did on the ab machine, I couldn't get a single rep on my target weight LOL. At that point, I didn't care as I was extremely tired anyways. The only lift I wasn't pleased w/ today was flat bench... but oh well. Next week is an all new week.
Workout #10

Version B - 8 Rep Mesocycle

First weights used are 80% of my 8RM

Dips BW + 62.5 x 8, 67.5 x 8, 72.5 x 8
Chins BW + 40 x 8, 45 x 8, 50 x 4
Shrugs 175 x 8, 185 x 8, 195 x 8
Deadlift 155 x 8, 165 x 8, 175 x 8

I loved the workout today.  The volume drop was greatly appreciated, especially for dips.  I decided to make my weight increments only 5 lbs. for chins and dips, and leave it at 10 lbs. for everything else.  This leaves me some more room for continual progression in the next couple workouts.  I decided to just do my arm iso's when I feel I have some extra energy.  I put the weight on the bar for curls, and could only get 2 reps lol.  Granted, it is lighter weight.. but this is the first time I did non-MS DL's because it felt so light.  I really, really want to hit 300 this summer.  On another happy note, BW continues to creep up.  While I am happy with any weight I can get, my micro goal for this cycle is 160, with my macro goal from the start of the summer having been 165.  But I'm just going to take it one day at a time, and be content with that for now  
I have just noticed that you have shrugs in the same WO as deads. Do you do deads after shrugs, and if so how do your traps feel during your deads?
Great progress, Gator. I have no doubt you'll hit 300 on a deadlift before summer's end. Just look at how far you exceeded your maxes last cycle. It's not even a question of &quot;if&quot; - it's a question of &quot;when&quot;.

Great news on the weight gain!

Keep kickin' it, man. Lookin' good.