gbglifters bulk-log

Just thought Id give a quick visual update from my bulk. This is me at ca87kg, five weeks into my bulk. You can obviously see the abs have disappeared but the overall size of chest and shoulders are quite good. Really pleased with my back now. These pics are pre-training and Im not tensing severely.

86ish kg BULK 007.jpg86ish kg BULK 013.jpg86ish kg BULK 004.jpg
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1st half of 4th session of the 4´s

Im now splitting up my final three sessions into 6. Ill train every day now until friday.

Squats: 102.5kg 4+4+4
Military: 72.5kg 4+3+3+2
Dips: BW+60kg 6+3 (total weight=147.4kg) Thats a PR!! Im going to aim for a total of 155kg this cycle.

I then did some bicep and ab work. The first press of the military is a little push/pressy just to get me going but Im accepting that all reps wont be strict once I start lifting heavy.
I'd be tempted to swap Military for a Smith Machine press (seated), for extra support in that dimension (anterior-posterior), or alternatively consider a unilateral DB Press (one arm at a time, not both together/alternating). Just my take.
You've still got a lot of definition on the lower back so I don't think you've actually gained a whole lot of fat. Part of the issue with bulking is that typically your stomach is fuller than when cutting so it can be more distended than it would be when there is little to no food in it, which makes you appear fatter. Also obviously water is retained differently on a bulk, depending on what foods you are eating, which can make it harder to see the abs. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless all your caliper readings are jumping up. I'm guessing if you did a caliper check on your thighs, chest, triceps, etc they would probably be pretty much the same as at the end of your bulk
Ill get a caliper reading done shortly. I can see there is more fat on my chest, so that reading will be higher.

Alex: I was already considering doing the negatives for shoulders in the smith and squat it up as per your instruction. Ive got two shoulder sessions to go this cycle and Id like to push a new PR on it.

2nd half of 4th session of the 4´s

Chins: BW+37.5kg(total 124.9kg) 4+3+2 That first four is a PR!
15 degree DB: 50kg 8+5 Going to use the 55´s on friday. Ive pushed 3 on that previously on the flat bench so this should be another PR
Legextension: 40kg 20reps. 85kg 4+4+4
Seated calf: 85kg 4+4

Nice quick session again. Looking for a new PR on deads and dips again tomorrow.
1st half of 4th session

Deads: 165kg 4(PR)+3
Dips: BW+65kg 6(PR)
Machinepress/shoulders: various weights and reps!

I then did some drop-sets for bicurls in the cable cross then one hand up/two hand down tricep negatives.

I was happy with my deads. Managed to increase my PR for the 4rep session for dips but it still isnt the true 4RM as I managed 6. Im going to bump it up to 70kg on thursday and see if I can do 4. I was intending on doing the military but one of the guys there was all coughing and **** so I decided to keep a wide berth well away from all bars and smithmachines. On thursday I´ll try for a new PR on squats too. That´ll be new PR´s on every exercise this cycle apart from military. Ill see how I feel later on in the week and decide if its worth a try.

Next week will be negatives. I wont be pushing any PR´s, just increasing load through negs, apart from perhaps deads. I may go for 210kg there. I probably wont do the full week either but instead take an extended SD.
Nice PR's sir! It seems that the extra calories are paying dividends all over the place!
That's a very nice load to be using for reps on your dips. I guess you can't be far off from a single with bw+bw? That would be a really good achievement. I'd like to get there myself one fine day.
Oh, single for bw+bw! I hadnt even thought about that. I managed a single with bw(82)+70 a couple of months ago. Im attempting bw(88)+70 for 4 on friday. I cant be very far away from what you´re proposing.
Did a quick caliper test. I got 11mm on stomach, 10mm thigh and 3mm chest. According to the jackson/pollock 3point method I have 7.83%BF, 6.89kg bodyfat and lean mass of 81.11kg. Im inclined not to believe it though.
1st half of final set of 4´s

Squats: 110kg 4(PR)to failure+1 more. 70kg 7reps to failure.
Chins:BW+42.5kg(total=129.6kg)4(PR)to failure+2 more to failure. Then BW only pullups: 12reps to failure.
Shoulderpress smith machine negatives: 80kg 9reps(1+1+1etc.)
Bicepcurl cablecross negatives: heavy, clustered and to failure.

Thats an improvement on the chins PR I set the other day. The squats were heavy as I didnt get into "the zone" until the chins. I forgot to listen to music until after the squats were done.Regarding shoulders, I may stay away from heavy military in the future as its a bit of a back braker. Ill need to work out what to do next cycle. Probably continue with military from the 8´s and 12´s then go on to seated presses of some sort. Theres a good seated press machine where you can really load up.

Tomorrow Ill be trying to extend my recent dips PR by 5kg and see if I can get the 55 db´s up for 4 to set a PR there too. Im aiming for seated calf PR also. That´ll give me new PR´s on everything apart from military.
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Last session of this cycle

15degree DB: 55kg 4reps (PR) 5th rep was failure!
Dips: belt broke!!
Triceps negatives 2hand down/1up: heavy and to failure
Legextension: 40kg 24reps. 90kg 5reps to failure
Seated calf: 95kg 4+4 to failure (PR)

I was pumped today. Managed the chest press quite easily. I then started to load up for a dips PR. I hung the 70kg to the belt got up onto the dips station and the velcro holding the weights up just let go, 70kg fell to the floor. I tried again and same thing. I couldnt find the usual belt at first but found it this time after the velcro one failed. Loaded the belt with 70kg again, stepped up onto the station and the fricking belt just snapped! 70kg went crashing down yet again. I was now absolutely fuming so I went storming off to the reception to get a new one. The girl there was totally unsympathetic. I asked if there was another one, she was like erm, no, dont think so, like I donnow! "Are you able to order a new?" Erm, not sure, like probably... ****!!"Do you know when?" Erm, not sure....

I had to make do with negatives instead. I still killed my triceps but I was really wanting a new PR. I might go by the gym on monday and see if there is a new belt there. If not Im SDing!
De-load day

Squats: 90kg 4reps
Military: 70kg 4reps
Chins: BW+35kg 4reps
Dips: BW+40kg 4reps
15degree DB: 45kg 4reps

I then checked the legpress out. Im going to start with legpress on my lower A workout but I didnt want to work too hard as its still essentially an SD Im on. I think Ive worked out what a good starting point for them is.
First day back after my SD. I was really excited to get going. Im now doing 4 day per week Lower and upper split with A and B workouts. Mionday=lower A, tuesday=upper A, thursday=lower B and friday=upper B.

1st workout of lower A "12 reps"

Deads: 110kg 12 reps
Good mornings: 40kg 12 reps
Legpress: 200kg 12+9+4 25reps total
Legextension: 47.5kg 12+10+4 26reps total
Seated legcurl: 50kg 16+9 25reps total
Standing calfraise: 70kg 12+8+5 25reps total

I felt great through the whole workout. I actually felt quite strong. Ill be using the first set to gauge my strength. If I can get 12 on the next set then thats fine, otherwise Ill just make sure Im hitting the total reps target. Really looking forward to the upper split tomorrow
Great program and great workout. You should really pile on the muscle this cycle!
It was the best leg workout Ive had in ages. Legs were all jelly trying to get down the stairs afterwards. Ive got high hopes for my legs the next couple of cycles, as well as the rest. Just need to make sure I get the calories in!
1st workout of upper A (12´s)

Chins: BW only 12+8+4
Military: 52.5kg 12+10+2
Skullcrusher: 40kg 12+10+2
15 degree DB: 37.5kg 12+7+3+3
Ab crunch max-stim: 85kg 12reps

Went well again today. I could have, essentially, ground out 2 unbroken sets of 12 on almost all exercises but dont want to get too close to failure too early on in the cycle. I did however go to failure on the third "set" of db chestpress. I was being a smart ass and making it more difficuilt for myself by angling my arms so I was hitting the pecs even more. I changed back to my usual technique and had no problems from then on.

Im really pleased with my weight too. Its continuing to increase just as I want it to. TBH Im not being too anal about counting calories. I got really good at guesstimating when I did my cut. My shoulders looked huge today when I was doing the military :)
1st workout of Lower B 12´s
(89.7kg) Almost 200lbs :)
High bar squat: 72.5kg 12+12
RDL: 60kg 12+12
Seated curls: 52.5x12, 55kg 12+12
Legextension: 50kg 12+12
Standing calfraise: 75kg 12+9+4
Seated calfraise: 40kg 12+10+4

Felt really good again today. I did a few warm up sets on the RDL just to get used to it. Ive only ever done SLDL previously. I felt I had good technique. Really felt "the burn" in my hammys. The seated curls felt really easy. Ive gained strength quickly in this area.