5s DAY 3 - weight 73.8KGs
Bench 80*5, 105*5, 105*4, too hard - had a spot, 1FR 1st set, 2FR 2nd set
Chins BW*5, BW15*5*3 - good
ShldrPrsDB 26*5, 36*4, 36*3 - too hard
DBCurls 24*5*3 - hard
Skulls 50*5*3 - hard
Squats 80*5, 120*5*3- v hard * form ok
i knew i'd struggle with this workout. bench and shoulders were too heavy for me. got a spot for bench. 105 felt ok but couldnt get 2 sets of 5. maybe next time. squats were surprisingly good, although still struggled. i might do deads and squats once a week as my back is still sore from deads.