Getting Massive

5s DAY 8 - weight 73.6KGs

LegPress 200*5, 250*3, 300*5*2 - v hard *
Dips BW*5, BW15*5, BW30*5*3 - good
MilPress 40*5, 62.5*0, 60*3, - too hard *
RowsDB 34*5, 42*5*3 - hard

* i feel like i am losing some strength, especially in the quads and shoulders. between this session and last i can especially feel it in my shoulders . i am wondering if i should stop cutting? my weight has been stable at about 73.6KGs for a week now which is a loss of about 2.5KGs in a month. i do look a bit more defined, would like more but i dont want my strength to suffer. i think i'll start eating some more carbs and see how it goes.

also really feel like SDing after this week, i just feel like i have no energy for heavy weights.

any suggestions?
If poss, don't drop your loads. Take a protein/carb drink 15-30 mins before training to give you a bit of a boost during your session. Don't add extra carbs at other times. Cluster reps to keep to your total work-done targets.
that was quick! ok cool thanks.

I have to drop on shoulders - i can't even lift what i used to at 5 rep maxes. maybe a carb boost will help, i'll try it. everything else should be ok.
what do i do when i want to stop cutting and start bulking again? do i just SD at maintenance and then go to maintenance plus 500odd cals when i start the next cycle?
feels like i'm at maintenance now, i can't drop any more food, so i dont know if theres a point to keep cutting.
i should probably also let you know that i've been doing intermitent fasting. i only have some whey before training, then train at 11am, and have a big meal straight after. i then have a smaller meal, then dinner, then some whey at about 9pm. it's been fine up until the last couple of sessions.
5s DAY 9 - weight 72.4KGs

Bench 60*5, 80*5, 105*5, 105*5 hard - spot, 1FR 2nd set, felt solid though
Chins BW*5, BW25*5, *4+1 - v hard
ShldrPrsDB 26*5, 34*5, 34*5 - v hard, better than last time
deads 90*5, 110*5, 130*4+1, *3+2 - v hard

last week of the cycle. felt good today, even though i am down on weight. probably just a post weekend thing. i look a lot more defined tho so happy with the cut, dont seem to have lost too much strength, maybe a little on deads and shoulders. i did deads today because i missed a session on friday. will do squats on wednesday instead. gonna finish up a little early and skip the last session. i feel i have lost enough weight, i want to start bulking again, so SD starts on friday (my birthday!)
5s DAY 10 - weight 72.2KGs

Dips BW*5, BW15*5, BW25*5, BW35*5*3 - hard
MilPress 40*5, 60*3, 57.5*4*, 57.5*3 - too hard
Squats 60*5, 90*5, 120*5*2 - v hard

thats it for another cycle. managed to lose 4KGs in 8 weeks and not lose out too much in the strength department. i feel i held my own for chest, legs, back & isos. the only disappointing muscle group has been shoulders, bit weaker there but nothing to worry about.

anyway SD mofos! have a great easter! see you after willie and katie's wedding!
5s DAY 10 - weight 72.2KGs

Dips BW*5, BW15*5, BW25*5, BW35*5*3 - hard
MilPress 40*5, 60*3, 57.5*4*, 57.5*3 - too hard
Squats 60*5, 90*5, 120*5*2 - v hard

thats it for another cycle. managed to lose 4KGs in 8 weeks and not lose out too much in the strength department. i feel i held my own for chest, legs, back & isos. the only disappointing muscle group has been shoulders, bit weaker there but nothing to worry about.

anyway SD mofos! have a great easter! see you after willie and katie's wedding!

Shoulders are the first to suffer on a cut for me too. Enjoy your SD, buddy - great work this cycle!
15s DAY 1

Bench 50*18
LegCurl 30*16
CalfRaise 100*20 (LLP)
Chins A12*17
ShldrPrsDB 20*18
Abs various
Squats 70*16
BisDB 14*17
Skulls 25*18

i'm back!

nice easy start to the cycle. back on the food as well, it's going to be a struggle after the cut, but i'm looking forward to carbs again.
15s Day 2

LegPress 120*18
Dips BW*17
RowsDB 28*18
MilPrs 35*16
CalfRaise 30*18
Deads 75*16
DBcurl 14*18
Skulls 17.5*20

felt good. checking over my old log, looks as though i have improved considerably. still hurt like hell. what is it about high rep full body that makes you turn into jelly?
15s DAY 3

Bench 60*18
LegCurl 33*18
CalfRaise 35*15
Chins BW*15 - hard
ShldrPrsDB 22*18
Abs 35*18
Squats 80*15
BisDB 16*15
Skulls 30*17

good solid workout. chins felt a bit hard tho.
15s Day 4

LegPress 140*16
Dips BW5*16
RowsDB 30*16
MilPrs 37.5*15 - just got last rep
CalfRaise 40*17
DBcurl 16*15
Skulls 32.5*18
Deads 85*16

strength felt fine, but i continue to feel really crook in the guts. not sure if its because i have added carbs to my diet, or starting creatine. feel ok now, half hour after my workout, but my appetite just isnt there yet. i hate forcing food down, but might have to because my weight is fluctuating between 72.5 and 73. might have to eat some oats before i go to bed or something.
15s DAY 5

Bench 70*17
LegCurl 40*20
CalfRaise 45*20
Chins BW5*13+1.5 - too hard
ShldrPrsDB 24*17
Abs 40*20
Squats 90*15
BisDB 18*15
Skulls 35*15

everything was good or easy, except for chins. they were a bit too hard. still feeling crook each morning. appetite doesnt come good until after lunch.
15s Day 6

LegPress 160*16
Dips BW10*15
RowsDB 32*15
MilPrs 40*15 - used set weight barbell. felt lighter
CalfRaise 50*17
DBcurl 18*15
Skulls 37.5*15
Deads 95*15
Abs 42.5*20

strength really good again. still feeling really sick though. it's extremely demotivating, hope it passes soon!