5s DAY 8 - weight 73.6KGs
LegPress 200*5, 250*3, 300*5*2 - v hard *
Dips BW*5, BW15*5, BW30*5*3 - good
MilPress 40*5, 62.5*0, 60*3, - too hard *
RowsDB 34*5, 42*5*3 - hard
* i feel like i am losing some strength, especially in the quads and shoulders. between this session and last i can especially feel it in my shoulders . i am wondering if i should stop cutting? my weight has been stable at about 73.6KGs for a week now which is a loss of about 2.5KGs in a month. i do look a bit more defined, would like more but i dont want my strength to suffer. i think i'll start eating some more carbs and see how it goes.
also really feel like SDing after this week, i just feel like i have no energy for heavy weights.
any suggestions?
LegPress 200*5, 250*3, 300*5*2 - v hard *
Dips BW*5, BW15*5, BW30*5*3 - good
MilPress 40*5, 62.5*0, 60*3, - too hard *
RowsDB 34*5, 42*5*3 - hard
* i feel like i am losing some strength, especially in the quads and shoulders. between this session and last i can especially feel it in my shoulders . i am wondering if i should stop cutting? my weight has been stable at about 73.6KGs for a week now which is a loss of about 2.5KGs in a month. i do look a bit more defined, would like more but i dont want my strength to suffer. i think i'll start eating some more carbs and see how it goes.
also really feel like SDing after this week, i just feel like i have no energy for heavy weights.
any suggestions?