Getting Massive

15s DAY 4

I managed to complete everything but i was totally stuffed after. i struggled to catch my breath after my warmup.

Warmup X-Trainer 5 mins L14. i think i'm going to limit this to 3 mins and slow the pace.

LegPress 120*18 - got a good burn
Dips BW*16 - no problems
RowsDB 28*16 - struggling to breathe
MilPress 40*15 - back pretty arched last two
CalfRaise 95*17, 95*15
Abs 32.5*18 - kinda feel like i'm wasting my time with these
Deads 70*16 - felt good although short of breath

i think my short breath is a combination of being unfit and asthma. also not really used to doing a cardio style warmup before weights. maybe i need to take it easier on the warmup. i'll take my ventolin with me next time as well. the new order felt good until i got to deads but once i did them i felt good - or more relieved i completed them. no knee pain either. i think whatever i do last is going to be hard until i get used to full body training. still feeling sick and getting shakes but maybe not as much. it feels exactly like running 10 kays non stop. like your body's gone into shock and you want to hurl but you know you wont. maybe when i get to the tens i will hurl - i dont know...
Nothing is going to ever make deads easy. The thing is to make them tolerable... Try the new order another couple workouts and see if you think it is working better than your old one, then let me know how it is working. Your work tolerance will improve pretty quickly, I'm sure too. I wasn't aware you were asthamtic. I'm not sure how that effects things.
yeah i will thanks Tot. i know i have to be more patient. with this training log it's too easy to have a whinge.
the asthma i have comes and goes. mostly its not a problem, but its a new routine, plus it's starting to get cold here which can trigger it.
i dont like to rely on ventolin too much as it scars the airways, but i might have to if it continues.
15s DAY 5

felt good today. doing bench first and squats last seemed to do the trick, plus i think i'm getting more conditioned to HST and high reps.

Warmup X-Trainer 3 mins L16 - did this pretty slow

IncBenchDB 22*12, 34*15 - this was really easy actually. i should have done a couple more
legCurl 25*10, 50*18 - felt pretty easy
Chins A33*10, BW*12 + 3 - i thought i could do 15 BW, but i was wrong. hit the wall at 12, did 3 more
CalfRaise 100*17, 100*15 - bit difficult but not too bad, good burn
ShldrPrsDB 20*18 - this was too easy. benefit of not doing straight after chest.
Abs - didnt bother
Squats 75*16 - i felt it, especially early on. but it ended fine - good burn
IncBenchDB 34*15 - actually did one more set of this at the end - just squeezed out the last rep

this workout felt really good. i think i'm starting to finally get conditioned to doing 3 full body workouts a week. i was seriously worried about losing strength but it looks as though my muscles are adapting as the weights get heavier - who would have thought it?!?!! plus the alteration to order of exercise seems to do the trick (thanks Tot).

as far as diet goes i am sticking to 3300-3600 per day every day. it's tough. i'm either bloated or starving, and i'm in danger of losing my missus, my mates, and maybe my job due to the amount of gas that gets emmited constantly. i've lost all definition in my abs (i do remember having some before i started) and my pants feel tighter. but as my missus says - if you have a 6pack you are trying too hard. i'll keep at it till the end of the cycle because the idea of all this is to get massive. cant forget that.
15s DAY 6

Last day of the 15s! nuff said

Warmup X-Trainer 3 mins L16 - nice and slow

LegPress 100*10, 140*15 - too light i think
Dips A26*10, BW+5*15 - just about right, got to use my new dipping belt. sweet.
RowsDB 30*15 - probably a bit too light
MilPress 45*10+3 - this goes back to starting on my RM by mistake. 45KGs is too heavy and i knew it. oh well.
CalfRaise 105*15, 105*15
Abs 37.5*15 - did them more to get my breath back than anything.
Deads 80*15 - again felt good although a bit short of breath

all good at the end of the 15s. they are right when they say this program takes about 2 weeks to get used to. i feel i got most of my weights about right - except for chins & milpress (too heavy) and leg press (too light), and by the last two workouts, i was getting through them without much trouble. bring on the 10s!
Great to hear it's going good. I'm not surprised you were short of breath on the deads. 15 reps feels like running a mile without stopping.

Good luck with the 10s.
10s DAY 1

love the 10s! to be fair it was probably the 15s that primed me. anyway it was a good sesh.

IncBenchDB 24*10, 36*10, 36*10
legCurl 55*10, 55*10
Chins A33*10, A12*10, A12*10 - felt a bit heavy
CalfRaise 75*12, 100*10, 100*10
ShldrPrsDB 22*10, 22*10 - felt a bit too light
Abs - 40*10, 40*10 - too easy
Squats 65*10, 65*10 - felt pretty good
DBCurls 14*10, 14*10
Skulls 20*10, 20*10 - too light

There is a bit of zig-zagging going on - mainly with squats, not to worried about those though - i am concentrating on getting my form correct so the strength will come pretty quick with these i rekon. also started some arm isos. really light weights but it felt good anyway just to do them and it was a good warm-down. all in all a great intro to the 10s!

quick note on the diet - i am really struggling now to eat. i feel full and bloated all the time. i am forcing breakfast down (never needed to before). plus my pants are starting to fight me a bit. i lowered the cals from 3600 to 3300, so we'll see if that helps.
10s DAY 2

LegPress 100*10, 160*10, 160*10 - good
Dips A26*10, BW*10, BW*10 - used closer grip, feels more stable (thanks Lol for the advice).
RowsDB 20*10, 30*10, 30*10 - bit light
MilPress 35*10, 35*10 - felt good. i hope my mistake on the 15s doesnt affect this.
CalfRaise 85*10, 105*10, 105*10
Abs - didnt bother
Deads 60*10, 80*10, 80*10 - felt good
Skulls 30*10, 30*10 - much better, last week was way too light
DBCurls 14*10, 14*10 - felt good

today was how it should be - each exercise hurt but i got through them all.

i feel better with my diet as well - must have been something dodgy i ate on the weekend.
10s DAY 3

Struggled a little bit today due to the 5 pints of guiness and curry i had last night. but i got through it ok apart from chins which i'm a bit disappointed.

IncBenchDB 24*10, 38*10, 38*10 - felt good
legCurl 35*10, 55*10, 55*10 - wrote it down wrong, should have done 60.
Chins A26*10, BW*10, BW*8+2 - first set was good, second could only get 8. i think its my arms - not strong enough.
CalfRaise 85*12, 110*10, 110*10
ShldrPrsDB 24*10, 24*10 - felt good, maybe a bit light even
Abs - 45*10, 45*10 - harder than usual - curry still in my belly!
Squats 75*10, 75*10 - felt pretty good - form getting better
DBCurls 16*10, 16*10 - good
Skulls 35*10, 35*10 - good

good workout especially considering i'm a bit hungover. just chins let me down a bit. i thought i could do BW*10 easy. guess i was wrong. i'll still go for BW+5 next week, might have to cluster to get the reps though.

haven't weighed myself yet, but i do look bigger i think, and definitely noticed my gut getting larger.
10s DAY 4

Did i say i like the tens? today was hard. i got all my reps out but deads killed me!

LegPress 100*10, 180*10, 180*10 - good
Dips A19*10, BW+5*10, BW+5*10 - good
RowsDB 32*10, 32*10 - easy but form is good. squeezing the lat.
MilPress 40*10, 40*10 - second set was hard but i got them out
CalfRaise 115*10, 115*10 - starting to get harder to keep good form.
Abs - 47.5*10, 47.5*10 - good
Deads 60*10, 90*10, 90*10 - first set was ok but second set was hard! got them out ok but my lower back was killing. had to sit down for a bit.
Skulls 35*10, 35*10 - good (just glad to lie down after deads!)
DBCurls 16*10, 16*10 - getting harder. trying to maintain good form though.

everything was fine except that second set of deads. when i finished my lower back couldnt support me and i had to sit down. also my breath was really short. friday is going to kill me. cant wait!
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10 reps on deads are hard. I usually have to sit down to 5 to 10 minutes after a set of 10 reps on deads. Good luck on Friday!
yeah i know what you mean, that second set was killer. got the day off work tomorrow so going to the gym with the missus. she's trying to get started on weights. should be interesting! any tips?
yeah i know what you mean, that second set was killer. got the day off work tomorrow so going to the gym with the missus. she's trying to get started on weights. should be interesting! any tips?

If she's anything like my wife, just let her do whatever she wants to and don't intervene. The minute I try to get my wife to do any particular exercise or routine, she gets mad at me for either: a) it being 'too hard'; or b) correcting her form
haha thanks, my missus is keen to learn weights so we'll see how we go. she surprised me yesterday when she told me she did some 'arnie presses'!
yeah i know what you mean, that second set was killer. got the day off work tomorrow so going to the gym with the missus. she's trying to get started on weights. should be interesting! any tips?

My exwife was the type who wouldn't stick to it but my correct girl really enjoyed lifting. However, this one still holds the deadlift record at our old high school, so... Too bad we can't have kids together, they'd be natural deadlifters. Haha.

Anyway, if you can get her to do squats or deads, that would be great. Depending on the woman's build, strengthening her lower back could be very beneficial. Just don't push her too hard at first unless she is the type that responds well to that. Some women get worried they will turn into Arnold overnight and don't want to get all "bulky looking" so you may have to remind her that it is extremely unlikely she will get all huge. Most guys can't get all huge so I doubt a woman will.
Some women get worried they will turn into Arnold overnight and don't want to get all "bulky looking" so you may have to remind her that it is extremely unlikely she will get all huge.
I wish I could get all "bulky looking" as easily as many women fear they will... :)
10s DAY 5

Had to go to a different gym today but they have proper scales there so i thought i'd weigh myself. before i started i was 71.2KGs, i'm 74 now. pretty stoked with that - 2.8KGs in 4.5 weeks, or just over 6lbs - not bad, although not sure how much that has to do with creatine, anyway can't complain!

IncBenchDB 30*10, 40*10, 40*10 - 2nd set was hard
legCurl 60*10, 60*10 - machine was different and was pretty hard
Chins A30*10, BW+5*10, BW+5*8+2 - same as last week - first set was good, second could only get 8. maybe its the extra weight i put on
CalfRaise 120*10, 120*10 - i used the lying leg press, felt really good!
ShldrPrsDB 26*10, 26*10 - good
Abs - didnt bother
Squats 60*10, 85*10, 85*10 - 1st set was hard, 2nd set remembered hip drive, was better.
DBCurls 18*10, 18*10 - good
Skulls 45*10, 45*10 - good, really happy with that

so all in all a good day at the gym. squats is starting to get hard tho, i'm struggling to get right down. when i do i feel i can't support the weight, i think its all down to form though. was happier with chins than last time. first set felt almost too easy. but the second i hit the wall again.

the missus had fun, she did dips, chins, bench & mil press. she wanted me to show her deads but i was too busy, so i'll show her with the broom tonight. she understands that she wont get huge because she's seen how hard it is for me. i think she's only on about 1500 cals a day so no chance of turning into she-hulk or anything.
10s DAY 6

today was one of the hardest workouts i've ever done.

LegPress 140*10, 200*10, 200*10 - good
Dips A19*10, BW+10*10, BW+10*10 - good
RowsDB 34*10, 34*10 - good
MilPress 45*10, 45*9 - couldnt quite get the last rep
CalfRaise 125*10, 125*10 - i dont like this machine. might do it on lying leg press from now on
Skulls 50*10, 50*8 - hard. got really sore DOMs from wednesday. it burns!
DBCurls 18*10, 18*10 - good
Abs - 52.5*10, 52.5*10 - good
Deads 60*8, 100*10, 100*10 - hard but got them out. felt better than monday.

so thats it for the 10s. i'm happy i got almost all my reps out. bring on the 5s! i might drop arm isos for the 5s.