Getting Massive

5s DAY 7
first day into the unknown. today was awesome! went above my old rep maxes in every exercise

IncBenchDB 30*5, 38*5, 48*5, 48*5, 48*5 - v.hard. struggled to get these up to start but once i was going it felt good.
legCurl - 55*5, 75*5, 75*5, 75*5 - hard
Chins BW*5, BW+15*5, BW+15*5, BW+15*5 - v.hard.
CalfRaise 105*5, 190*5, 190*5, 190*5 - v.hard
ShldrPrsDB 26*5, 34*5, 34*5, 34*5 - v.hard - couldn't believe i did these. new PB!
Squats 60*5, 100*5, 100*5, 100*5 - v.hard - a bit disappointed, not sure what happened but i really struggled.

all in all awesome workout, i can see that my earlier worries about not getting stronger are totally unfounded. i see now that i was overtraining before changing to HST. squats was the only one i struggled on, not sure why - i was hoping my strength would go up quickly with squats. bench press was awesome though. i'll do one more set with the 48s, then try the 50s next week.
Try warming up a little more for squats maybe. I do probably three or four warmup sets, ramping up to my top weight before I go at it. Course calf raises and leg curls beforehand might have burned out your legs a bit too.
i think it was just the whole workout that drained me. i was stuffed after bench and i did that first. i might do an extra warmup set, thanks mate.
5s DAY 7

squats was the only one i struggled on, not sure why - i was hoping my strength would go up quickly with squats. bench press was awesome though. i'll do one more set with the 48s, then try the 50s next week.
When squats and deads start to get heavy, during the 5s week and after, I like to do them first. I want to get my squats or deads in before I start to burn off my CNS with other, lesser exercises.

I don't know if it would make a difference for you, but you might try doing your squats first next time. Let the leg curls and calf raises wait until you finish your power lifts.
Or even just drop the fluffer lifts while pushing for new maxes and focus on the power exercises... that's what I tend to do. Either way may work for you.
yeah i'll probably do that. as it was it took me over an hour. i just like them because it gives me a breather. i think it was my CNS - bench really took it out of me.
5s DAY 8
trained with a mate from work today so it took a lot longer than usual, i had to skip rows and calves.

LegPress 100*5, 180*5, 280*5, 280*5, 280*5 - v.hard
Dips BW, BW10*5 BW25*5, BW25*5, BW25*5 - hard
RowsDB skipped
MilPress 20*5, 40*5, 55*5, 55*5, 55*5 - v. hard, bit easier than last time
CalfRaise skipped
Deads 70*5, 100*5, 130*5, 130*5, 130*5 - v.hard hand kept slipping

very good sesh. only problem was my grip is not strong enough for 130KG deads i slipped every set , but hey i did them! i know there are some posts regarding grip for deads, if i have time i'll read over them.
Hi Oz!

Grip strength usually comes from grip training, such as heavy DB rows for high reps (Kroc rows), or just timed holds. When I have a rep goal, such as for the DL, and know I wont be able to keep my grip for as many reps as it takes, then I opt for straps, but try to not use them for all other sets. My grip have improved but I have not done much high rep DL lately nor high rep DB rows.
Ozman! nkl is dead on in terms of grip training. Another great way to train your grip is by simply hanging from a bar with one hand for as long as you can. There's a thread somewhere here that has folks' times - and though it's fun to see how long you really can hold on, if you do it as a training-specific task, you'll reap some serious benefits. I've seen a massive increase in grip/finger strength by doing Kroc rows and the single-arm hang for as long as humanly possible.

Good luck! Your progress thus far has been great - keep it up!
thanks NKL i'll keep it in mind
5s DAY 9

IncBenchDB 32*5, 40*5, 44*5, 48*5, 48*5, 48*4 - v.hard. couldnt get last rep plus right triceps starting to ache.
Chins BW*5, BW+10*5, BW+20*5, BW+20*5, BW+20*4 - v.hard. couldnt get last rep
ShldrPrsDB 26*5, 34*5, 34*5, 34*5 - v.hard
Squats 60*5, 80*5, 100*5, 100*5, 100*5 - v.hard - felt better than last week

good workout. my right triceps is aching quite a bit after incline bench though plus i couldnt get the last rep out like i did last time, but i'm not too worried about it, plus squats felt a hell of a lot better than last time
thanks Tim, i might try some hangs, my mate used to do them when we trained together but i never bothered. wish i did now. thanks for the encouragement too. definitely the best progress i've ever seen!
5s DAY 10

LegPress 150*5, 200*5, 280*5, 280*5, 280*5, 150*15 - v.hard, 300 on friday? maybe...
Dips BW*5, BW10*5 BW25*5, BW25*5, BW25*5, BW*15 - hard, might try 30 on friday
RowsDB 32*5, 42*5, 42*5, 42*5, 32*15 - v.hard. def my max.
MilPress 20*5, 40*5, 55*5, 55*5, 55*5, 20*15 - hard - keeps getting easier though, might try 60 on friday
Deads 70*5, 100*5, 130*5, 130*4, 120*5 - too hard. had to drop the weight on the last set

I did a light set of 15s after most exercises. these burned but felt pretty good. Deads sucked today. my lower back is absolutely killing. is this normal or am i overdoing it? feels like it needs a rest from the heavy deads. anyway i had to drop the weight on the last set because my lower back started cramping up. i have noticed it getting really sore over the last couple of weeks. any advice guys? maybe i'm due for SD.
5s DAY 10

LegPress 150*5, 200*5, 280*5, 280*5, 280*5, 150*15 - v.hard, 300 on friday? maybe...
Dips BW*5, BW10*5 BW25*5, BW25*5, BW25*5, BW*15 - hard, might try 30 on friday
RowsDB 32*5, 42*5, 42*5, 42*5, 32*15 - v.hard. def my max.
MilPress 20*5, 40*5, 55*5, 55*5, 55*5, 20*15 - hard - keeps getting easier though, might try 60 on friday
Deads 70*5, 100*5, 130*5, 130*4, 120*5 - too hard. had to drop the weight on the last set

I did a light set of 15s after most exercises. these burned but felt pretty good. Deads sucked today. my lower back is absolutely killing. is this normal or am i overdoing it? feels like it needs a rest from the heavy deads. anyway i had to drop the weight on the last set because my lower back started cramping up. i have noticed it getting really sore over the last couple of weeks. any advice guys? maybe i'm due for SD.

Holy crap, those weights are KGs, right? Man, I just wanted to tip my hat to you that is some nice work! Maybe you could talk to TunnelRat about the m-time stuff? Deadlifts are pretty much made for m-time reps.
thanks mate, yeah they all KGs. pretty happy with my strength to be honest, pretty good for a little bloke anyway. i guess my previous training really helped to get me stronger. don't really know anything about m-time. i just been following vanilla HST, trying not to get sidetracked. i might check it out next cycle. i just think it's my body telling me to have a break, which i will do after this week.
Hi Oz!

Your strength surpasses my own (for being roughly the same size). That's inspiration. I agree on the timing of the SD. Better to come back and hit the weights fresh and properly recovered/detrained. I hope you have gained a lot on this cycle. I'm eager to hear about your results.
hey thanks NKL. i have worked on getting stronger for years. i'm pretty happy with upper body but my squats could be a lot better. i'm going to measure myself this weekend. will post results then. hopefully they will be positive!
5s DAY 11
IncBenchDB 34*5, 44*5, 50*5, 50*5, 50*5 - v.hard. Fifties !!! yeah !!! absolutely slaughtered me though.
Chins BW*5, BW+10*5, BW+20*5, BW+20*4+1, BW+20*4+1 - v.hard. struggled big time
ShldrPrsDB 28*5, 36*5, 36*5, 36*3 - v.hard. 1st two were good last set died in the ass. 36s though pretty effing good!
Squats 60*5, 80*5, 100*5, 100*5, 100*5 - v.hard - felt better again. though still pretty hard. i think more because my lower back is shagged.

second last day of the cycle! awesome day too if only for the 50KG dumbbell bench. that was awesome! was so zoned not even phased when some idiot stepped on my foot while doing them. just powered through. stuffed me for the rest of the sesh though. i am seriously considering dropping deads on friday just because my lower back is too sore. actually cant wait for SD now.
For me, on my last day with deads I never do sets of five. I build up to a max single, warming up with a very light set up of 5 reps, slightly heaver set of 3, a little heaver again of 3 then I start doing singles til I find the load that I fail on. Pushing for a max single on deadlifts I think helps you break past old barriers that were holding you back. There really is nothing like pulling a max deadlift that you thought you couldn't do. According to exrx's one rep max calculator, if you did 130 for 5 on deads, you should be able to do 146 for a single. So I would go in with that as the plan, build up to a 146 single or whatever it rounds to in kgs, and if that doesn't feel like you were totally pushing with all your might and all your will, then maybe go a little heavier and attempt that for a single as well.
So if I were you, and I went in, it might look like this: 70 x 5, 100 x 3, 120 x 2, 130 x 2, 145 x 1, 155 x 1
You want to be warmed but you don't want to do so much in the warmup that you are fatigured, and take plenty of rest before the max attempt. I take about 5 minutes between max attempts with deads.

How the heck did someone step on your foot in the middle of a set? That's crazy. Awesome job with all those lifts though. It looks like you've gained a fair amount of strength during this cycle, and I'd be willing to be bet you'd gain quite a bit next cycle too following a similar plan. I think you've really gotten into your groove with this.
ok cool thanks Tot, i might try that. i never really planned on finding my max singles this cycle. just follow vanilla HST, but i may as well give it a go. i'll see how much time i have - only supposed to be away from work for an hour. yeah i'm pretty stoked with most of my lifts. deads, bench and shoulders especially. chins & squats are a little disappointing, but i have a good base to work on them now.

my gym gets really busy around lunch time and there's no room. he stepped back into me, i guess he was too busy doing his thing and didnt see me behind him. no excuse but no harm done. he's lucky i didnt drop the weight on his foot though!

this cycle has been so much fun, a big part of that is this forum and you guys, so a big thanks! i just hope it shows on the scales - i'm always a bit worried to step on them because they have demotivated me in the past. not sure when i'll start next cycle. i got two weeks before i go to Egypt, then christmas, then i go to Bulgaria for some snowboarding 1st week of Jan. i might just take it easy until 2nd week of Jan, see how it goes.
You want to be warmed but you don't want to do so much in the warmup that you are fatigured, and take plenty of rest before the max attempt. I take about 5 minutes between max attempts with deads.

Yup, it's important to warm up well when you plan to go heavy. But don't let an extensive warm up drain your energy.