Grunt11's Training Log

Sort of. I’m doing Myo-reps:

The first set, activation set was 11 reps. Then I take about a 20 second or so break and do another set (probably better called a cluster) of 3 then 2 and so on. The number of reps in the activation set or clusters is not predetermined but rather done by “feel.” The idea is to stop one or two reps short of failure to spare the excessive CNS fatigue caused by going to failure. The additional clusters are theoretically more efficient than regular sets because your muscles are already “pre-exhausted” and working at or near 100% fiber activation. The idea is to get more quality reps for less total reps sparing your CNS some fatigue.
Week 5: Workout 4: Today:
ATG Power Squats 235 lbs. x 15 M-Time
BB Shrugs 285 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
SLDL 205 lbs. x 12 +5 +5 +5
DB High Pulls 30 lbs. x 12 +4 +4 +4

Boy did the Squats feel heavy. After the second rep I started thinking I must have really lost some strength since I had done the 260 lbs. 1RM last cycle. I still managed to grind out 15 my target. Then I looked back at my log from last cycle and saw that I had only done 5 at that weight last time and started feeling pretty good about it. Funny how your mind can play tricks on you like that.

Now with five weeks of SLDLs my back has never felt better. When I started Deadlifting all my back pain from the ruptured disk went away but I still felt a general weakness in my lower back. That is no gone and I can sit playing video games and watching movies all weekend without even feeling anything.
SLDL work can do amazing things for your lumbar back - and you proved that, g11. I'm very happy for you - persistent low back pain is not fun to live with.

Your other lifts look to be coming along nicely. Congrats on what looks like another very successful cycle!
Week 5: Workout 5: Today:

Close Parallel Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) + 15 x 8 +2 +2 +2
Dips BW (166 lbs.) + 15 x 8 +2 +2 +2
Regular Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) + 15 x 8 +2 +2 +2
Incline Bench Press 145 lbs. x 8 +2 +2 +2
Supported DB Row 90 lbs. x 8 +2 +2 +2
Incline Shoulder Press 110 x 8 +2 +2 +2

Yesterday: cardio jogged 30 minutes

I guess I had the weights dialed in today since every lift came out to “x 8 +2 +2 +2.” Also these are some of the fasted yet not rushed workouts I’ve ever had. Now that the reps are down and I’m not sucking wind trying to recover between exercises the whole workout took just under 40 minutes.

I’m maxing out my power blocks. 90 lbs. is as high as they go. I checked at work today and in the gym there the DBs only go up to 110 lbs. so looks like I’m going to end up ordering the 135 lbs. extensions for the power blocks. I’ve considered trying another type or rowing movement for next cycle since those extensions are pretty expensive. I think my lower back can handle it now that I’ve strengthened it with the SLDLs but I really do prefer the greater ROM of doing the one arm supported rows.
Thanks Oz & Tim. I’m really surprised and happy at how well SLDLs are turning out. I’m glad I started this cycle with the high rep work since I think that helped easy my lower back and hamstrings into the direct work they are getting now with them. Just a little more tuning and I think I’ll have found an exercises/frequency selection I really like.
Week 6: Workout 1: Today:

Close Parallel Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) +15 x 7 +2 +2 +2 +2
Dips BW (166 lbs.) +15 x 8 +2 +2 +2 +2
Regular Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) +15 x 6 +2 +2 +2 +2
Incline Bench Press 145 lbs. x 9 +2 +2 +2 +2
BB Curls 80 lbs. x 9 +2 +2 +2 +2
Incline Shoulder Press 110 lbs. x 10 +2 +2 +2 +2

The reps for my Chin Ups dropped this session because I switched Chin Up bars. The one I was using before was lower to the ground requiring me to bend my legs which I realized was leading me to kip on some of the reps. Doing them strictly dropped me a rep or 2 on each of them.

I put BB Curls back in and am moving the Supported DB row to my other workout since I think they fit better with the Dead Lifts.

I worked this weekend and must have had 10 people, who usually only see me once a month, stop and comment that I look bigger especially in the Chest, Back and Shoulders. Very motivating.

P.S. Thanks Tote! ;)
Week 6: Workout 2: Today:

Sumo Deadlift 285 lbs. x 20 M-Time
BB Shrugs 295 lbs. x 12 +5 +5 +5 +5
Olympic Squats 210 lbs. x 6 +2 +2 +2
Supported DB Rows 90 lbs. x 10 +3 +3 +3
Butt Bridges BW x lost count
Hip Thrusts BW x lost count

I felt really strong on the Deadlifts and Shrugs today, however the squats felt a little weak. Overall I felt real good and had a lot of energy. I think adding meal replacement drinks to my shakes in place of water helped by upping my calories. Everything I’m calculating indicates I need around 3000-3200 kcal/day and eating the way I have been is just falling short. So I made up a bunch of rice to add some carbs and will grab some nuts and peanut butter to boost the total.

I’m in that experimenting phase, to see if I want to add or change anything for next workout so I gave Butt Bridges and Hip Thrusts a try today. Talk about getting a burn.
Week 6: Workout 3: Today:
Dips BW (166 lbs.) +15 x 10 +2 +2 +2 +2
Parallel Close Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) + 15 x 7 +2 +2 +2 +2
Incline BB Bench Press 145 lbs. x 11 +2 +2 +2 +2
Regular Grip Chin Ups BW (166 lbs.) +15 x 7 +2 +2 +2 +2
Incline Shoulder Press 110 lbs. x 11 +2 +2 +2 +2

Cardio Yesterday: Jogged 2 miles
Week 6: Workout 4: Today”

ATG Power Squats 245 lbs. x 15 M-Time
BB Shrugs 305 lbs. x 12 +5 +5 +5
SLDL 215 lbs. x 12 +3 +3 +3
Butt Bridges x lost count
Hip Extensions x lost count

The good news is I that last cycle I only did 5 reps at 245 for squats so 15 is a big improvement. I’m both surprised and happy at how fast the SLDLs are coming along. If I’m not careful they’re going to overtake my Squats.

I’ll start a separate thread about the bad news since I haven’t found much info on it searching here.
Week 7: Workout 1: Today:

Incline Bench Press 150 lbs. x 10 +2 x 8
Supported DB Rows 90 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
Cable Flys 20 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
DB Lateral Raises 15 lbs. x 15 +3 x 5

With 3 days off from lifting and 4 days off any direct arm exercises my right arm was already feeling better. The general pain was greatly decreased such that I could hold a pitcher of tea out with my right arm without any pain.
So I tested the waters today to see what if any upper body exercises I could do without aggravating the tendonitis. Pushing movements seemed fine so I chose the one I thought best fit my needs, Incline Bench Press, and progressed it normally. I’m planning to stick with just one a workout until the end of this cycle unless the pain continues to subside. I may rotate between Incline Bench and Dips to stay adapted to both but I haven’t decided.

Chin/Pull ups were the worst offender so I dropped them completely. I was able to do some 70 lbs. Lat Pulls without any discomfort so I might try to add them back in if the pain continues to go away. Supported DB rows didn’t hurt at all but then I’ve learned over time to do them without much Biceps involvement anyway.

I actually felt it the most doing the Cable Flys and Lateral raises so I might stop doing these depending on how my arm feels later. I also realized while doing these that both the Biceps and Forearm side of my right elbow are having the problem.

Although I was starting to feel some pain in my left arm last week I felt no pain in it today. Hopefully the pain in my right arm will go away even while I do the lower volume upper body workout I did today. Based on the Forearm involvement I hope it doesn’t affect my grip exercises like Deadlift and Shrug. either way I’m guessing I’ll have to break down and get straps. If not I will keep removing exercise or stop them completely until the pain is gone.
Week 7: Workout 2: Today:

Sumo Deadlift 295 x1, 305 x 1, 320 x 1 (PR), 330 x 1 (PR) 340 x Fail

Yup that’s it.

After talking with some coworkers who have or have had tendonitis I’ve decided to end this cycle so I can SD a little longer than usual. It will be a 12 day SD for my upper body and probably a 10 day SD for my lower body if I decide to go for a Squat PR on Thursday.

So all I did today was test my 1RM for the Deadlift and I’m actually quite pleased that I got just under a 5% increase even on a shortened cycle. I probably could have made the 340 if I had jumped right up to it from 320 which means I should be able to make at least 350 next cycle.
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Week 7: Workout 3: Today:

Power Squats 255 x 1, 265 x 1 (PR), 285 x 1 (PR)

Again that’s it for today. All I wanted to do was test my 1RM like I did on my Deadlift on Tuesday. I was quite happy with making 285 lbs. and based on how that lift felt I didn’t think I was going to go any higher. Still just under a 10% increase for 7 weeks is fine with me.

Now the SD can start for my whole body.
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I took measurements today and despite gains in both my Deadlift and Squat the tape measurer shows not clear size increase in any measurements including waist. I’m not surprised since I stayed stuck at 166 lbs. for most of the cycle.

OTOH my upper chest, which I’m not sure how to measure clearly looks bigger making my pecs look flatter overall rather than sloping and looking bigger at the bottom.

Since I’ve got two scheduled days off next week I decided to take the other two days off so I will not be working during my SD and hopefully that will improve my tendonitis recovery. In line with the tendonitis I must finally admit that I can’t maintain the 5 day a week workout schedule I wish I could.

Based on the tendonitis and that all the measures of strength level I look at indicate I’m in the intermediate range for my BW it looks like a M/W/F schedule is my best option. I considered a Lower/Upper/Off split but the more I read the more I’m convinced that a full day off between sessions is preferable now.
Week 0: Workout 1: Today:

I just couldn’t stand it and wait until Monday to start this cycle. I had to work this weekend and I just get way to pissed off at the idiots I work for if I don’t do something to get rid of all the extra energy so I broke my SD today by doing what would normally be my Friday workout.

Conventional Style Platform Deadlifts 200 lbs. x 10 x 10
Incline DB Bench Press 45 lbs. x 12 +4 +4 +4
Supported DB Row 70 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
Incline DB Shoulder Press 35 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
EZ-Bar Preacher Curls 35 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
Olympic Squat 170 lbs. x 10 +3 +3 +3

Well if feeling like you’re going to puke and being tired as hell after just 45 minutes is a sign of a successful SD then this last one was great. I literally spent the last 9 days butt planted in a large chair playing video games, Dragon Age Origins and Fallout 3, with a few movies and anime in the mix. I love not being married. ;)

Like I said this would normally be my Friday workout on a M/W/F schedule. I plan on doing both upper and lower body work each day however I may drop some of the lower body stuff if I can’t keep up. Also my plan was to start in the 12-15 rep range for each day and progress normally. However rather than progress all days to 10s and 5s I want to try undulating periodization. So Mondays, heavy day will progress down to 6-8 reps, Wednesday, light day, down stays at 12-15 reps, and Friday, medium day stopping at 9-11 reps, or at least close to those ranges. I’m trying this out to see if it lets me progress more without tearing up my tendons any more so that they can finish healing up.

For most of the exercises I will continue using Myo-reps. However, for the Sumo Deadlift, Power Squat and Flat Bench Press I plan to progress more quickly to 85% of my 1RM and use Max-Stim reps. I just feel like I make better progress with heavy lifts by just plain lifting heavier weights with lighter lifts on the assistance exercise.

I feel like the SD helped my tendonitis however the real offending lift was Chins so I won’t know for sure until I get to them.

The Versa Grip Pros worked like a charm. At first I thought that they would be awkward but found them very easy to get set and no slipping or strain at least with the lighter weights I used Deadlifting today. They really took the stain off my forearm tendons since I really didn’t have to grip the bar since the weight of the bar just held it in place.

Deadlifting from a 3 inch platform was interesting. Neither that nor trying conventional style seemed to cause any lower back issues. I was going to do 15 reps and then do Myo-reps but my foot cramped up at 10 reps so I had to stop and work it out. So I just did a second set of 10 rather than starting over with another activation set. That’s what I get for working out after being out in the sun all day and not replenishing electrolytes.

Well I’m just glad to be back in the game. I can’t deny the benefits of SD but being addicted to exercise it feels like a punishment.
I totally get what you are saying about needing the workout. That's how I retain my sanity too.

Awesome to hear the versa gripps worked that well for you. I'm definitely going to have to pick up a pair sometime soon. Someone recently had some sitting in the lost and found at the gym and I was tempted to try them out but decided against it.

Those foot cramps are a huge pain in the ass.

Have you gotten Fallout: New Vegas yet?