Week 0: Workout 1: Today:
I just couldn’t stand it and wait until Monday to start this cycle. I had to work this weekend and I just get way to pissed off at the idiots I work for if I don’t do something to get rid of all the extra energy so I broke my SD today by doing what would normally be my Friday workout.
Conventional Style Platform Deadlifts 200 lbs. x 10 x 10
Incline DB Bench Press 45 lbs. x 12 +4 +4 +4
Supported DB Row 70 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
Incline DB Shoulder Press 35 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
EZ-Bar Preacher Curls 35 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5
Olympic Squat 170 lbs. x 10 +3 +3 +3
Well if feeling like you’re going to puke and being tired as hell after just 45 minutes is a sign of a successful SD then this last one was great. I literally spent the last 9 days butt planted in a large chair playing video games, Dragon Age Origins and Fallout 3, with a few movies and anime in the mix. I love not being married.
Like I said this would normally be my Friday workout on a M/W/F schedule. I plan on doing both upper and lower body work each day however I may drop some of the lower body stuff if I can’t keep up. Also my plan was to start in the 12-15 rep range for each day and progress normally. However rather than progress all days to 10s and 5s I want to try undulating periodization. So Mondays, heavy day will progress down to 6-8 reps, Wednesday, light day, down stays at 12-15 reps, and Friday, medium day stopping at 9-11 reps, or at least close to those ranges. I’m trying this out to see if it lets me progress more without tearing up my tendons any more so that they can finish healing up.
For most of the exercises I will continue using Myo-reps. However, for the Sumo Deadlift, Power Squat and Flat Bench Press I plan to progress more quickly to 85% of my 1RM and use Max-Stim reps. I just feel like I make better progress with heavy lifts by just plain lifting heavier weights with lighter lifts on the assistance exercise.
I feel like the SD helped my tendonitis however the real offending lift was Chins so I won’t know for sure until I get to them.
The Versa Grip Pros worked like a charm. At first I thought that they would be awkward but found them very easy to get set and no slipping or strain at least with the lighter weights I used Deadlifting today. They really took the stain off my forearm tendons since I really didn’t have to grip the bar since the weight of the bar just held it in place.
Deadlifting from a 3 inch platform was interesting. Neither that nor trying conventional style seemed to cause any lower back issues. I was going to do 15 reps and then do Myo-reps but my foot cramped up at 10 reps so I had to stop and work it out. So I just did a second set of 10 rather than starting over with another activation set. That’s what I get for working out after being out in the sun all day and not replenishing electrolytes.
Well I’m just glad to be back in the game. I can’t deny the benefits of SD but being addicted to exercise it feels like a punishment.