Max Effort Lower Body, Today:
Max Effort:
Dead Goodmornings Bar x 15, 95 lbs. x 5, 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 5, 165 lbs. x 5, 175 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 5, 200 lbs. x 5
Glute Ham Raises (-46 lbs. bands) x 12 x 12 x 8 (30)
BB Shrugs 255 lbs. x 20 x 20 x 20 (60)
BB Calf Raises (Skipped)
Lat Pulls 50 lbs. x 20 x 20 x 20
Flat Bench Bar x 20 x 20 x 20
DB Overhead Triceps Extensions 17.5 lbs. x 20 +9 +7 (36)
Seated Incline DB Curls 25 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5 (30)
DB Reverse Wrist Curls 10 lbs. x 15
Band Flyes 14 lbs. x 15
Band Face Pulls 26 lbs. x 15 x 15
Yet another great feeling workout, gotta love eating right.
I wanted to keep doing Low Box Squats as my ME exercise to see how they translate over to my real lifts however I had to swap them out and also skip the Calf Raises because of a freak accident on Saturday. About a month ago I dropped and broke a jar in my kitchen. Saturday while making breakfast the top of my right foot itched so I just scratched it with my left foot. I felt a sharp pain and looked down to see a pool of dark red blood forming around my right foot. It took a both pressure and elevation to get the bleeding to stop. Turned out a glass shard got embedded in one of the calluses on my left foot so when I scratched my right foot it slashed open a vein. I kept a pressure bandage on it until Sunday morning when I took a pre-workout warm up shower and it started bleeding again. So today I figured I better not put too much lateral stress (wide stance) on it or move it too much.
So, since I switched to Dead Goodmornings I decided to stop pissing around with them and put more weight on the bar. I got up to 200 lbs. and felt like I could go higher but I’d already done quite a few reps creeping the weight up the way I did. So now I’ll keep them in the rotation until I find a true 5RM.
I looked back at my log yesterday and got a little bumbed. I realized I’ve only put 20 lbs. on my Deadlift in over 7 months, which corresponds with when I started my first cut. I knew I had become sort of aimless after the cut but that was depressing to see.
Max Effort:
Dead Goodmornings Bar x 15, 95 lbs. x 5, 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 5, 165 lbs. x 5, 175 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 5, 200 lbs. x 5
Glute Ham Raises (-46 lbs. bands) x 12 x 12 x 8 (30)
BB Shrugs 255 lbs. x 20 x 20 x 20 (60)
BB Calf Raises (Skipped)
Lat Pulls 50 lbs. x 20 x 20 x 20
Flat Bench Bar x 20 x 20 x 20
DB Overhead Triceps Extensions 17.5 lbs. x 20 +9 +7 (36)
Seated Incline DB Curls 25 lbs. x 15 +5 +5 +5 (30)
DB Reverse Wrist Curls 10 lbs. x 15
Band Flyes 14 lbs. x 15
Band Face Pulls 26 lbs. x 15 x 15
Yet another great feeling workout, gotta love eating right.
I wanted to keep doing Low Box Squats as my ME exercise to see how they translate over to my real lifts however I had to swap them out and also skip the Calf Raises because of a freak accident on Saturday. About a month ago I dropped and broke a jar in my kitchen. Saturday while making breakfast the top of my right foot itched so I just scratched it with my left foot. I felt a sharp pain and looked down to see a pool of dark red blood forming around my right foot. It took a both pressure and elevation to get the bleeding to stop. Turned out a glass shard got embedded in one of the calluses on my left foot so when I scratched my right foot it slashed open a vein. I kept a pressure bandage on it until Sunday morning when I took a pre-workout warm up shower and it started bleeding again. So today I figured I better not put too much lateral stress (wide stance) on it or move it too much.
So, since I switched to Dead Goodmornings I decided to stop pissing around with them and put more weight on the bar. I got up to 200 lbs. and felt like I could go higher but I’d already done quite a few reps creeping the weight up the way I did. So now I’ll keep them in the rotation until I find a true 5RM.
I looked back at my log yesterday and got a little bumbed. I realized I’ve only put 20 lbs. on my Deadlift in over 7 months, which corresponds with when I started my first cut. I knew I had become sort of aimless after the cut but that was depressing to see.