I am so happy to be back at home and able to start working out for real again. I had hoped to lose some belly fat while I was gone but due to the work schedule I couldn’t fit in any sort of workout except on my day off once a week so I chose to stick with maxing out my Squat and Deadlift while hitting my upper body with myo-reps due to the limited number of benches which were always in use, thankfully almost no one Squats and Deadlifts. The result seems to be that I lost 5 lbs. (now fully rehydrated and partly re-carbed up), but I can’t say that any of it came off my waist.
The food selection there was horrible. None of the protein sources were low in fat and most of the carbs were processed. I was able to score some protein powder a couple of times but the quantity available was very limited.
I spent the last two weeks deconditioning something I hadn’t done for 9 days or more in over 9 months so I’m planning to do a modified HST routine for the first month or two while eating to bulk at which point I will have to cut and switch back to a mostly powerlifting routine.
By modified HST I mean that I will continue doing the Powerlifting Squat routine I was doing (max effort/dynamic effort twice a week split). But for upper body (possibly including deadlifts) I will follow a standard HST protocol. My reasoning is that my legs are already too big for my upper body symmetry-wise and my main concern for them is now strength/power. While I could benefit a lot (read upping my Bench Press) by building some more upper body mass. I also don’t want to overdo it starting back out with an upper body Powerlifting routine.
I plan on using myo-reps and probably start out with a once or even twice a day upper body routine or ultrahigh frequency low volume and transition to lower frequency more volume as the intensity increases. I had great results with that when I first started out and with the limited intensity of my upper body workouts and two solid weeks of deconditioning I think it should work. Plus I’ll be off work for two weeks so at least early on I’ll have plenty of time.
I’m planning to make a couple additions to my weight room. I’m going to get a recumbent elliptical. I found that bicycling to the gym really helped me warm up for Squats and also want to be able to do some more cardio both HIIT and SS without the impact of running on a flat surface (still plan on doing hill sprints though). I’m looking at this model:
Seems to be well recommended and there is a local dealer where I can check one out and even buy it. If anyone has suggestions for another model or a reason this brand sucks please let me know.
I am also entertaining the idea of finally getting a Safety Squat Bar and a Swiss or Football Bar. The Safety Squat Bar is to add some variety to my Squat routine and many people swear by it in helping both your Squat and Deadlift. The Football bar is so that I can do most of my barbell pressing movements with a more shoulder friendly neutral grip. All signs of the shoulder impingement I had earlier this year are now gone (there was some nagging after effects when I left for overseas) and I want to keep it that way.
I was able to maintain my testosterone injections while I was gone. I had nine weeks of shots so I skipped one of the early weeks so that my blood work would show valid results for the new level they increased me to when I get tested next week. I don’t mind getting shots but it was a little daunting pinning myself the first time, however the needles are so narrow I didn’t even feel it.
I’ll post a planned routine later since this has already gotten too long.