Has anyone done this?

hum i find this article interesting as well. was wondering can verify the validity of something he mentioned in the article. for example there were two people who could peak out to a max bench press of 200lbs each.

however, if they take 80% of that (160lbs) one person can do 10-12 reps, and the other person can only manage 4-6 reps. according to his article the person who can do less reps (but still have same peak strength) most likely has a higher proportion of fast twitch fibers. is this true?
I believe so because the person who can do 10-12 reps w/ their max should theoretically be able to have a much higher 1RM based on what they can rep out.
Yet since they have such a great proportion of slow:fast fibers their 1RM is proportionately weak while their rep maxes are proportionately strong.
ok i have verified what was mentioned in Dr. Squat's in an interview with Charles Poliquin under the question "without expensive testing, how do we determine our (fast,intermediate,slow-switch muscle makeup)?"


interesting to note that he says world class rowers (who are predominantly slow-twitch) are capable of doing 12 reps with 97% of their 1RM. pretty crazy.

anyway the tolerance article actually make some sense because i used to try to work out with my cousin who is capable of doing ~15 reps with 80% of his 1RM and he is capable of doing pretty heavy volume of work and he would be fine the next day and i would have fever-like symptoms feeling very drained.
thanks a lot for the link
i also posted this query on bbing.com and got mostly negative respones but if both Hatfield and Poliquin are advocating it then its probably worth trying at least.

as far as how this applies to HST it seems that one would simply alter their rep ranges according to fiber type.
slow twitchers might do 20, 15, 10 & fast twitchers may do 15(one week for joint prep) 10(one week), 5, 3 etc.

would also be very interesting to see how fiber type differs per bodypart, then rep ranges would be assigned to each.

i'll try this out propably the beginning of the summer and if i notice any dramatic results either way(guessing slow twitch) then i'll post another thread about how i plan to implement it.