Having trouble with my cutting diet


New Member
I am 5'5'', 138 pounds, and about 12% bodyfat. I am about to start a cutting and I need some advice on my diet. I am aiming for a diet that is around 2,100-2,200 calories. I will be doing a 3x a week HST program along with 3x a week HIIT and 1 day of steady state cardio.

Here is my diet that I'm working on. Any suggestions on things I could change or anything else about my plan:

Meal 1 - 1 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal, 1 cup skim milk, multivitamin, flax pill, fish oil pill

PRE-WO – 1/4 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, 1g kre-alkalyn creatine

PWO - 2 scoops whey, 32g dextrose, 1g kre-alkalyn creatine
, 1/2 cup oats

Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna fish, 1 potato, veggies or salad with almonds

Meal 5 - turkey sandwich (1 slice of wheat), veggies, flax pill, fish oil pill

Meal 6 - 1 boneless skinless chicken breasts, 1 TBS olive oil, veggies

Before Bed - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, salad with almonds, flax pill, fish oil pill

2,387 calories, 58 fat, 238g carbohydrates, 250g protein (22%, 37%, 42%)
Well to start, IMO your calories are too high if you are trying to cut.  As a rule, when I cut I try to keep total calories in the 10-12xbodyweight range.  You may want to try a 6x/wk training routine, as well.  That also helped me a lot in the past while cutting.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (baby a @ July 06 2005,5:20)]Well to start, IMO your calories are too high if you are trying to cut.  As a rule, when I cut I try to keep total calories in the 10-12xbodyweight range.  You may want to try a 6x/wk training routine, as well.  That also helped me a lot in the past while cutting.
So you think I should use a 1,600-1,700 calorie diet? I think that I can still lose weight with about 2,000 because on my SD right now, without any exercise, I think I'm eating about 2,300-2,600 calories and I have lost 4 pounds.

Also, I just got off a 6x a week program and it was too much for me, so I'd like to bumpt it back down to 3 for now.
You could eat 3000 cals a day and lose weight if you do enough cardio.

i'd keep it at say 1900-2000 in your case, and do regular HST as well as daily cardio. That's just me tho.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ July 06 2005,6:32)]You could eat 3000 cals a day and lose weight if you do enough cardio.
i'd keep it at say 1900-2000 in your case, and do regular HST as well as daily cardio. That's just me tho.
Alright, what do you think is expendable in my diet so I can bump it down a few hundred calories?
I just weighed myself this morning and somehow I lost 5.5 pounds during my 11 day SD (from 142 to 136.5, and I did weigh myself first thing in the morning). How did I lose this much weight when I was trying to eat at about maintanance, and I thought I was eating over it?