Health Essentials

Didn't know where to put this, but . . .

If you suffer from allergies like me, I'd highly recommend practicing nasal lavages. It's a natural remedy where you sniff slightly salty water up your nose and blow it out gently. Doing this regularly helps ward off colds too. I swear by this technique during the winter and spring seasons.

Yup. I actually read about it in the Health section of the LA Times. Study done this or last year with college students in, I believe, New England around winter, had shown that performing nasal lavages significantly reduced the occurences of colds. Now it's recommended to patients who have had sinus surgery as well as those who suffer from allergies.

Nasal lavages (which is also a technique used in Indian yoga practicies) help you clean out your nose. Mucus, pollen, germs, all the inflammatory byproducts that keep your nose irritated. When I feel the nose starting to congest, I do it a few times per week. There's various methods, but all I do is fill a bowl up with lukewarm water, add a teaspoon of salt, and put my nose in. Sniff water, head back, blow out. Repeat.

I swear by this mate. It's "brushing your teeth" for your nose. :)

Very rarely. It doesn't even sting. You can find a few websites (search for "nasal lavage" or "nasal rinse") on doing this if you're curious.

One of the Pulmonary docs here in town prescribes this for people who have bad allergies, sinusitis, or just a stuffy nose. I have used this when I get really stuffed up and the amount of crud that comes out is GROSS!
Growing up in northern Indiana way before the advent of today's OTC cold remedies, my mother had me doing this during cold and flu season, didn't like it or understand it but I never got a cold even when other kids around me did.

Glad you brought it up Vicious I had forgotten about that misery. :confused:
let's not forget.... brush your teeth and wear sunscreen. And look both ways before you cross the street.