hey, i kinda asked this before, but..


New Member
okay, i've probably nagged you about my problems getting down enough calories throughout the day. I'm aiming for around 3000 a day, and i set up a plan, checked different foods and so on. figured out different foods to eat throughout the day, so i knew how much i'd eaten. but, after getting around 2000-2500 i usually feel totally stuffed for the rest of the day, sometimes the following morning too..

so, anything that might help? any supplement that makes one more hungry? getting more fiber? anything?
and this should probably be put in MicroBerto's crap-post, but i rarely go to the toilet, like max once a day.. that might be a sign about something.. or just a very unneccesary piece of information.. ;)

thanks in advance for any help

I would suggest you add 100% natural peanut butter
(NO Skippy too much sugar)
2 TBSP = 200 calories, 7 pro, 14 fat....

2 TBSP during the day and 2 TBSP before bed = 400 cals
Add some cottage cheese and you have a good P+F meal
with no bloat :)

Yeah, around 600 calories a day from fat is recommended by most nutritionists. I would make sure you're getting your EFA's then do what these guys said, peanut butter. However there's always a really quick way but its no where near as healthy, and thats McDonalds for lunch lol. Those kind of calories add up ultra fast, just one meal can be 1k+ calories. You will end up with more fat though, but when bulking you gotta diet later anyways. Do what these guys said, its a lot healthier..this is just a nice once a week alternative.
thanks guys, i'll try the peanut butter idea. there's also a mcdonalds near my job, could go there for lunch.. :)
1) Get a colonic followed by a probiotic flush. The colonic will totally clean out your intestines and the probiotic flush will help to replace the good bacteria in your system following such a cleansing. I guarentee that you will eliminate more then once a day afterwards, provided that each of your meals has sufficient fiber.

2) If you have a hard time eating enough calories, replace some of your solid meals with liquified ones, and like others have suggested, up the fat content of these meals. Liquids will fill you up far less then solid foods, allowing you to ingest more calories.

Hope this helps...
uhm, bout the "add fat" advice Lars gave me, why should i NOT add a ton of fat to my diet?
i'm really clueless about diet-stuff, but..
if i get my 1g/lb protein, i still have some thousand cals to eat before i've eaten enough to grow, which really pains me if i'm eating most "normal" foods.
so, any reason i should not drown a slice of bread in mayo, eat pure penutbutter, and stuff like that?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] jkismul
i'm really clueless about diet-stuff, but..

OK, here's a good place to start

think muscle nutrition

If you are looking for a good fat and calorie snack it's ...... nuts.

A handful is about 200 cals good source of protein and fat.
5 handfuls a day and bingo 1,000 cals

Buy a bag and take them to work.

(micmic gave some reasons why walnuts have more omega 3 or 6 than other nuts
like cashews, peanuts if you do a search)
Fat is an important nutrient, you should get at least 60g a day of good fats. Good fats are in eggs, meat/poultry, fish and grains. You should also add a tbsp of flax seed oil to your protein shakes daily.

Liquid calories help a lot when trying to add weight for people who have this problem since it doesn't fill you up. Whole milk is one way to go, you not only get the calories but you get the protein and calcium, it's best with shakes to make them taste good and by itself just before bed with a little honey.

If you really want calories eating out pretty much solves that problem. Chili's chicken crispers meal is 1600 cals just by itself.

Cokes do have a good amount of calories but try to avoid them often as they're mostly from high simple carbs and the high fructose corn syrup is not good for you. But they're fine in good moderation.

Also a glass of wine or two with your meals wouldn't hurt. People probably don't realize that alcohol is also a caloric nutrient that studies have shown to prevent heart disease. Red wine especially due to the chemistry of fermented red grapes. Alcohol is 7 cals per gram just 2 less than fat. Beer has a lot of carbs and can be another source but just remember to drink in careful moderation. It's good for relaxation not drunken stupor.

So to answer your question, no, upping your fat intake isn't going to hurt. There is no reason not to add fat. Track your eating on www.fitday.com to see how much you're getting. 100g should be good enough for you.
well, i hope im not out of line in saying this but MJ will make you very hungry. im not saying you should break the law wherever you live but if there were no legal issues you could hypothetically eat your meal and smoke a doob. i guarantee you will be hungry again. just make sure you hit the gym first. laters.
if theres a problem with my post, just delete it please.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]if theres a problem with my post, just delete it please

Why should there be a problem ? We're discussing everything on a scientific basis.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]well, i hope im not out of line in saying this but MJ will make you very hungry

True, Michael Jackson has always made me hungry. Especially "Beat it"
alot of people are touchy with certain subjects. not me, but i was just being polite. dont wanna step on anyones toes. but yeah, micheal jackson is the king of wieght gainers.
Due to how MJ is injested you might keep it to a minimum of 1 or 2 days a week if you can, but you're right, it dramatically increases your appetite over time.
there was a year long study done on rats that found that those exposed to high doses of MJ daily were more robust and less prone to illnesses and specifically tumors than those in the control group. ill go look for it if anyones interested.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mindwraith @ April 15 2003,9
2)]Due to how MJ is injested you might keep it to a minimum of 1 or 2 days a week if you can, but you're right, it dramatically increases your appetite over time.
smoking MJ is a very ineffective method as about 90 percent of it is destroyed by burning it. (just look at what happened to micheal jackson when his hair caught on fire. i believe the concert was quickly over.) oral ingestion is the prefered method, first sauteing your herb in butter and then cooking as you would normally with the resulting butter. this being the case you have no worries from inhaling smoke of any kind. or just microwave a peanut butter and herb cracker sandwich an viola!
Personally, I don't have any problems packing away the grub, but a friend of mine had cancer and he was given a prescription pill that was a synthetic of THC specifically for increasing appetite and decreasing nausea.
Yes, the plant is destroyed when burnt, but the chemical that cause the 'high' and increased appetite (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) seems to have a more consistent effect when inhaled. It seems that the absorption of the THC is greater, although the amount of THC ingested is less.
see link. This seems consistent with my friend's testimony.
The real benefit to the method of delivery you describe is to save your lungs from damage