High Calorie Foods?


New Member
Hi folks.

I'm on my 4th cycle of HST, and I love it. I've been lifting on and off for years, and have never seen much in the way of results (until HST, that is). I've been a twig for most of my life (6'2", 145 in high school), and have just recently begun putting on weight.

I finally figured out that part of my problem is not getting enough calories. I'm 6'2", now 180ish (nearly 29 y.o.), so I try to consume between 3300-3600 calories a day (before I increased my intake, I was only eating 18-1900 a day). Problem is, I'm not a big eater to begin with, and I don't have access to food much of the workday, so I kind of need to eat guerilla-style, on the quick.

Can anyone recommend some high-calorie (preferably low-fat, but I'll take anything at this point) quick n' easy snacks? I've been drinking a lot of skim and lowfat milk, and eating a lot of mixed nuts and lowfat string cheese, but I'm trying to vary things up a bit.

Meals are not a problem; it's the in-between stuff I'm trying to find ideas for.

Thanks in advance!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can anyone recommend some high-calorie (preferably low-fat, but I'll take anything at this point) quick n' easy snacks? I've been drinking a lot of skim and lowfat milk, and eating a lot of mixed nuts and lowfat string cheese, but I'm trying to vary things up a bit.</div>

Fat shouldn't be your concern... nuts are healthy and have a good amount of fat. If you want to bulk, throw oil or ranch dressing on a salad. If you want some good snacks - go with granola bars, peanut butter toast, fruits... or a protein shake
Same as Colby. There's nought wrong with good fats. You may want to read up on them. It's quite likely you are not getting enough. I pour cold-pressed olive oil on everything vaguely like salad! Then add a bit of balsamic vinegar, eh voila! Edible salad! Adding seeds to salad is a good way to bump up calories too. You can buy bags of sesame and poppy seeds.

I actually consume a fair amount of whole milk which some would not want to do but I find it helps me to get the calories I need. I don't suffer from lactose intolerance though.

You could make (or beg someone to make for you!) a load of protein powder enriched flap jacks or biscuits. They make for tasty and nutritious snacks during the day.
toonarmy, if what you want is increase dramatically your calorie intake.......there is an ultimate weapon to put on calories in your diet... there is no gimme here.... it will boost your calories to the roof...... weight gainer shake...... man, some of them give you more than 1,000 calories per shake.... EAS or weider or twinlab, etc..... they have good amount of proteins (including BCAA), decent amount of fat and a ton of carbohydrate.... along with other good micronutrients, fiber, etc..... you will not go wrong with it..... with 1 or 2 per day you will get the surplus you are looking for.... but watch out, you first must exhaust your good day nutrition from real food
Most weight gainer shakes are packed with saturated fats. You can make your own equivelant just by taking normal whey protein and adding a bit of olive oil.

In fact... adding olive oil to your postworkout shake is a good way to stop being skinny, since it is an easy source to get a buttload of calories. Oh, and the fats are mostly halfway decent fats.
that is right toten..... I prepare that shake too with Barry Bonds' favourite muscle building product, I mean flax seed oil... but actually I am not desperate for calories, I get most of them from real food and leave the shakes for pre &amp; post workouts as well as for my 2am-take-a-leak time (this is to try to decrease levels of stress hormone)