
New Member
Should I use it at all and if so when should I use it?
All 8 week or just the heay period ( 5 rep )

I personally believe HMB is useful, although often too expensive.

HMB is particularly effective with HST, simply because HST uses progressively heavier loads each and every workout after SD. More traditional routines do not allow continually increased loads, but instead, you simply increase the weight only as you can lift a given weight more times.

If you do decide to use it, use it during the entire cycle. Try to split up the doses all throughout the day. So, if you are taking 3 grams per day, try to split that up into at least 3 doses.
Just to add my own personal experience, for whatever it's worth:

I've been using HMB fairly continously now for the past 3-4 months(during 2-3 HST cycles) due to the recommendation of Bryan. Personally, I don't notice much of anything during the 15's, 10's or 5's. The only time when it makes a difference for me(and, then, it is VERY noticeable) is during the negatives.
I used HMB for several years ago during 10 days traning periods (10 days of training in a row ( 3 day split) , 5 reps or less for 5 set then 10 days off).
This worked very well. But after a time that became to taxing.

But after that I traind more normal and didn´t thought HMB worked.

I will try as soon as I can (shoulder problems).

Bumping this thread... I just saw that Kilosports has 1000 x 250mg caps for $29.95.

Seems like a good deal, though I'm not using it myself at the moment.

(Compare EAS 360 x 250mg for $41.95 at Netrition, for example.)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (RainierWolfcastle @ Dec. 08 2002,10:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The only time when it makes a difference for me(and, then, it is VERY noticeable) is during the negatives.
How is it noticable ? ie what do you notice ? How do you know it is the HMB ?
Well, I've done about 3-4 HST cycles. I used HMB only during the negatives the first time through. My 2nd cycle, I didn't have any HMB on hand when they rolled around. By the end of the first week of negatives, I felt like I'd been run over by a truck and was considering cutting them short by a week. That weekend, I received some HMB I'd ordered. Within a day or two of starting back on it (at 4g a day @ 500mg 8 times a day), I felt fine.
Actually, this must be the first time I hear someone says HMB actually works. On most boards I read the consensus seem to be that even though the men in white can prove it to be working in the lab noone notice any gains at all (and that's on boards where the majority is very pro-supplements, like
From Bryan Haycock:

An understanding of HMB is critical if you are to get any benefit from it.

How does HMB effect muscle mass and strength? It isn’t through anabolism, and it appears not to be directly through anticatabolic mechanisms either. If you recall the pathway for leucine metabolism, you’ll notice that the fate of ingested HMB is mainly as HMG-CoA, a substrate for cholesterol synthesis. It appears that cholesterol synthesis may be a rate-limiting step in membrane repair after intense training. Keep in mind that muscle cells do not use circulating cholesterol for membrane repair. They must manufacture cholesterol from scratch (i.e. through the HMG-CoA pathway).

As for dose, all research has used 3 grams per day. I believe there has been a study looking at higher doses without seeing any benefit from doses higher than 3 grams per day in average sized subjects. Average means anywhere from 155-175 pounds. I personally would suggest 3.5-4 grams for a 200 lb person.

HMB won’t help if you are not training in such a way as to cause microtrauma to the cell membrane. HST however does cause frequent microtrauma and I personally have felt subjective benefits from HMB supplementation. Mostly, a sense of faster recovery and less noticeable “stiffness” in the morning after.

Take it in divided doses evenly spaced. Take at least one dose right before and another right after training. This is to take advantage of blood flow to the muscle.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jon Stark @ Dec. 04 2002,3:52)]Bumping this thread... I just saw that Kilosports has 1000 x 250mg caps for $29.95.
Seems like a good deal, though I'm not using it myself at the moment.
(Compare EAS 360 x 250mg for $41.95 at Netrition, for example.)
What store do you guys buy your HMB? or online?
The only thing of HMß i noticed, was a decrease in money!!

Studies of HMß where done with pregnant women

I think only creatin,glutamin and Tribulus are useful in case of increasing lean mass.
