how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

basically, if i want to bring up a laggin bodypart, how exactly do i approach it in hst method? do i just incorporate more sets to the given bodypart? The same applies for targeting a certain muscle for growth more over the others.
Well its tough to give you a perfect answer without knowing what your workout looks like and diet. Are you a hardgainer? Are you eating sufficient calories? Maybe your are doing too much arm work ( volume ) or not enough. But here are some guildelines.

I would say stick with mostly compound movements for your major lifts and add in 2 sets for bi's and tris. That should be more than enought. If you are properly conditioned I would skip the 15's and head straight into the 10 reps and 5 rep cycles. I would say do standard compound lifts for your 10 rep max as well as the first 3 weeks of your 5 rep maxes. Then when you get about half way through your 5 rep max you should be getting into very heavy weight territory.

By being in the heavy 5's and giving you are using compounds this should stimulate the arms well, but i would still use 2 sets for arms then maybe using say 5 rep max for curl then doing a drop set.

What I am trying to get at is follow HST by the book until last 3 or 2 weeks of the cycle. Then if you want to get creative with burn sets, supersets or drop sets go for it...especially the last 2 weeks. One thing I have learned from HST that has worked for me is...

during my last 2 weeks of the heavy 5's I pretty much let the rules go out the window. If I feel like increasing volume I will if i feel like doing more sets i will I will go crazy with the the point were I am about to hit major CNS overtraining, but it ok b/c you are about to SD.

Sorry for length but long story short...check your calories and diet follow the routine and toward 2 half of HST cycle starting slowly adding some volume if you feel you can,again I think the slight increase in volume toward then end is ok b/c it just determines your next SD length. Hope this helps sorry to babble on!

Joe :D
thx a lot joe!

im currently on john beraid's massive eating and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Dont worry, i practically know everything about bodybuilding that a regular should know.

ill use only compound movements for arms. thx again!
For my 2nd (current) HST cycle, I decided to throw out iso arm work. 3wks into this cycle and the measurements on my arms are still moving up. I do plan on adding a set of incline DB curls during the 5s, though.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ Oct. 07 2005,10:59)]For my 2nd (current) HST cycle, I decided to throw out iso arm work. 3wks into this cycle and the measurements on my arms are still moving up. I do plan on adding a set of incline DB curls during the 5s, though.
First to increase any muscle it just takes time. Be consistent and follow HST and it will grow.

Second it's lagging in comparison to what? Your left tricep to your right, or your bi to your tri? You have to determine that first. Whichever it is, do more of that exercise than another. For example my left bicep is slightly weaker than my right. Instead of doing 25lb curls with my right for 10 reps, and 20lbs for my left for 10 reps, I do 20lbs for my left and right (even though my right can do more). I do this until my left is ready for 25lbs and it has caught up with my right. Eventually it will catch up.

I don't believe adding more sets and more weight is what you want to do. You'll more than likely injure yourself because you are trying to make something happen faster than it is supposed to. Just keep working at it and it will grow.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sun-Tzu @ Oct. 08 2005,5:53)]First to increase any muscle it just takes time. Be consistent and follow HST and it will grow.
Second it's lagging in comparison to what? Your left tricep to your right, or your bi to your tri? You have to determine that first. Whichever it is, do more of that exercise than another. For example my left bicep is slightly weaker than my right. Instead of doing 25lb curls with my right for 10 reps, and 20lbs for my left for 10 reps, I do 20lbs for my left and right (even though my right can do more). I do this until my left is ready for 25lbs and it has caught up with my right. Eventually it will catch up.
I don't believe adding more sets and more weight is what you want to do. You'll more than likely injure yourself because you are trying to make something happen faster than it is supposed to. Just keep working at it and it will grow.
the thing is, i think my bis r bigger than my tris, but i really dont know. i really want my tris to get bigger though thats for sure.

i want them to grow more than my bis is what im saying.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ Oct. 07 2005,9:59)]For my 2nd (current) HST cycle, I decided to throw out iso arm work. 3wks into this cycle and the measurements on my arms are still moving up. I do plan on adding a set of incline DB curls during the 5s, though.
I'd have to agree with chiefhog. I've quit doing iso's for arms and my arms are growing better than ever. If you want big arms do dips for triceps and palms-up close-grip chins for biceps. It's a killer combination. stress

If you insist on iso's do skull crushers strictly, but dips and chins are surely good to add size on arms.

Add a close grip bench.

I fiond it strange that you triceps are bigger than your biceps since the tricep muscle constitutes 2/3 of the total arm size, but hey anything's possible.

A nice arm needs big triceps though so follow the advice, add so9me iso work for 15/10 as an extra, then drop those with the heavy work, concentrate on dips (weighted/not assisted).

Personally i think these assisted dip/chin machines were built for sissies, so I will not recommend them at all, start with body weight but aim at dipping with real heavy weight, it'll produce growth like ####.
be sure to do compounds not only for upper body, but be sure to do leg compounds too...

stiff legged deads and squats (or leg presses) help to put on more lbm than any other exercises. i once heard an estimate that you need to gain 10lbs of lbm for every inch added to your arms.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (B.b. in stress! @ Oct. 09 2005,11:20)]also, does it matter what grip you have for the chins? baically, does it work you bis more if you have a close-grip, or shoulder-width grip?
The grip on chins depends on what you want to emphasize- if you want to work bi's then use a palms-up, hands-close grip. If you want to emphasize lat spread first and bi's second then use a shoulder width grip, palms up or down- either way your bi's are getting worked. I just find it is easier on the shoulder and elbow joints to do palms-up, close-grip. Arthur Jones of Nautilus fame and Mike Mentzer's training guru said that palms-up close grip works the best because the line of pull is more natural for the biceps, which are usually the limiting factor in chins anyway.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hardrock @ Oct. 09 2005,5:33)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (B.b. in stress! @ Oct. 09 2005,11:20)]also, does it matter what grip you have for the chins? baically, does it work you bis more if you have a close-grip, or shoulder-width grip?
The grip on chins depends on what you want to emphasize- if you want to work bi's then use a palms-up, hands-close grip. If you want to emphasize lat spread first and bi's second then use a shoulder width grip, palms up or down- either way your bi's are getting worked. I just find it is easier on the shoulder and elbow joints to do palms-up, close-grip. Arthur Jones of Nautilus fame and Mike Mentzer's training guru said that palms-up close grip works the best because the line of pull is more natural for the biceps, which are usually the limiting factor in chins anyway.
thx a lot friend! that was the exact answer i was looking for :D