How Exactly Does Gh Enhance Muscle Growth In Combination With Aas & Insulin


New Member
Hello Everyone,

This is for informational purposes only, but I was just wondering about the physiology of it. Obviously AAS increase muscle mass through hypertrophy and hyperplasia, and insulin stimulates protein synthesis via uptake of amino acids and is anti-catabolic as well. But study after study I’ve seen on pubmed seems to indicate that GH in combination with resistance training seems to only increase skeletal muscle mass in people who are GH deficient. Is GH used in stacks to counter the negative impact of insulin, and for fat loss? I know that people who have bigger joints and bones can carry more muscle so maybe that’s how it works, as GH has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis.

Also, is there any evidence that GH increases muscle hyperplasia? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

Insulin is used with GH to counter the effects of GH on insulin sensitivity. There isn't evidence that GH is synergistic with test, though some may have had anecdotal experience. In general, the main benefit of GH is that it allows greater retention of muscle mass when dieting and can slightly reduce fat gain while off season. Releated to GH are peptides. There is reason to believe that IGF-1 (MGF) may be additive to test, and may be particularly effective when carbs are low.
wow I didn't know GH promoted insulin resistance, amazing kids have such great blood sugar levels!

Besides direct gluconeogenesis, also does this..
In contrast to the GH effects on adipose tissue, GH promotes cellular uptake of FFA in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase [10]. The re-esterification of triglycerides from FFA results in the accumulation of lipid intermediates such as diacylglycerol and ceramides in skeletal muscle

Ceramides, YIKES!

But then... weird...
The clinical presentations of GH-deficient adults are characterized by increased visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia, which contributes to increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [2]. Because IGF-1 has anti-inflammatory properties and is important for glucose uptake from peripheral tissues, metabolic disturbances in GH-deficient adults can be explained by the IGF-1 deficit [1]. A deprivation of GH-induced lipolysis and subsequent increased visceral adiposity are also involved in increased circulating FFAs and insulin resistance in these patients [2]. Most of the metabolic disturbances, including visceral adiposity, sarcopenia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia were reported to be relieved after GH treatment [1]

So too little, insulin resistance, too much , insulin resistance...
wow I didn't know GH promoted insulin resistance, amazing kids have such great blood sugar levels!

You have to remember that there’s a metric shit tonne of processes going on at any time you’re growing are so lucky, n00b gains just waiting to be discovered ...
Yep, all processes are usually working perfect in kids, I was just being tongue in cheek with that comment