How Long Do You Train?


New Member
I'm specifically interested in people using HST training. Also I only want to know about lifting days not the days in between if you do cardio or something. I just find that it takes me a long time to do this many exercises and I want to know if I'm doing it wrong or if a 3 day split just takes a bit longer. (on a 5 day split I was done lifting and doing some cardio in under 1.5 hours, now it takes me more like 2.)
A full workout usually takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I go over if I'm training with someone (too much yapping). On the other hand, sometimes if I'm pressed for time, I'll just do squats, Chins, and dips (about 4 sets each) and call it good.
I'm usually under a half hour, doing 2 sets for each exercise.

I tried one cycle with more sets, but I found my joints got stiff towards the end of the cycle, and I was thinking I should be milking the 5's for all their worth instead of putting all this effort into more sets.
3 sets legs
4 sets back
supersetted with:
3 sets chest
2 sets shoulders
2 sets biceps
supersetted with:
2 sets triceps
2 sets calves

all within 1 hour. (usually something like 45 minutes)

sometimes when there's time left I throw in a drop-set, or some ab-work.

I do an am/pm workout, so if you combine both then it would be more like 1.5 hours. But I didn't vote that way.

BTW, TheDunedain, you may want to consider dropping the "i" unless you're considering yourself in the plural sense. Just a thought. ;)
During 15's:

8 exercises, 16 total sets--about 45 minutes

During 10's and 5's:

8 exercises, 24 or more sets--1 to 1 and 1/4 hours

Just my second cycle, though, so I'm experimenting and learning...
I am working out twice a day, 5-6 days a week.

Full body workout, 20-25 minutes each time. So I am totalling around 4 hours a week in the gym, which isn't too much, probably less than many other gym rats.

Current routine

Close grip benchpress
Dumbbell curls
Triceps pushdown onehanded
Side laterals
Shoulder press
Cable cross
The time I spend in the gym is usually related to my goal with the session. In order to not get too fat I try to do my "light" week in a circle fashion, and I get two circles done in 30-45 minutes. The heavier workouts are usually 45-60 minutes depending on how heavy I lift and how many sets.
Most of my workouts are kept to 1 hour and under. With HST, I find it usually takes me 45-60 minutes. Of course, it varies with different programs, but as I said before 1 hour and under.
Mine range from 30 min (so far, I've only been doing 1 set per exercise for <20 exercises) to an hour, depending on how long I have to wait for equipment. If I'm in a gym that only has one squat rack, and someone's "blasting their biceps" in it, I'm gonna be pissed if I have to wait!
My last cycle (3x/wk), the WO would last about 45-55 minutes until I got to the 5's where it would take me 65-70 minutes. I am now going to 8x/wk with an AM/PM split and compound/isolation split where the WO should last 20-30 minutes.
I finished my workout in ten minutes today, the gym was empty. I just started a cycle so the weights were ridicously light, I squatted with 20kg on the bar lol (first time doing full squats as opposed to partials) My workout was;

squats (full)
bent over row
shoulder press
chin ups

All one set, I never do more than one work set. Before I read about HST, I read that only 2 out of 50 studies showed a benefit in strength or size from performing multiple sets of the same exercise with the same weight. However, I have never heard anyone argue for one set on the HST forum not to mention Brian not mentioning it and they are a lot of educated people here, does this mean its crap? do scientific studies support the idea that you will get tangible benefits from multi-sets?

ps I will post this seperately
Me and my workout partner are done between 1-1.5 hours. However, we workout at a college gym so it's usually pretty crowded, and we have to wait for stuff to open up. We're in the 15s, 2 sets each of:

Dips (bench for him)
Lat Pulldown
Hammer Strength Rows
Romanian DL
Weighted Crunch machine
I usually take a tad bit above 1h without considering the final stretching. I take too long because I end up using rest periods that are too long between the sets. I kind of never feel "ready" for the next set. I have significantly reduced this time supersetting opposing exercises.
Holy resurrected thread, Batman...!
(colby2152 @ Jan. 02 2006,1:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My last cycle (3x/wk), the WO would last about 45-55 minutes until I got to the 5's where it would take me 65-70 minutes.  I am now going to 8x/wk with an AM/PM split and compound/isolation split where the WO should last 20-30 minutes.</div>
My current lifting routine, when done 100%, takes approximately 30-45 minutes.