how much protein in meat?


New Member
The "eating for size" article states that cooked meat has 6-7 grams of protein per oz. Fitday and a nutrition handbook I have put chicken and beef at about 8.5 g/oz. cooked. Depending on which one I go by can make a difference of 20-30 grams a day. I'm wondering if I should use the lower number to make sure I'm getting enough protein. Thanks, Jimmy
The amounts can vary by what source of info you look at. It would be wise to use the lower amount to ensure you're getting enough.
varys mainly due to water and fat content of the meat. SOme processors inject water into the meat to bulk it up slightly (or a lot)
So if 20% of the chicken is protein. 8 oz. chicken * .2 = 1.6 oz. protein. 1.6 oz. protein * 28g/oz. = 44.8 grams protein. Thats only 5.6 grams per oz. I have been using 8.5 for my calculations! Maybe that is why some people say to eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. Probably because some of the calorie counters out there way overestimate the protein content.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sd92122 @ Oct. 27 2003,1:55)]Probably because some of the calorie counters out there way overestimate the protein content.
No, a lot of people recommend eating lots of protein becuase they sell protein powders :)

But, they dont overestimate protein content, it just varies from the cut of the meat etc. Some meat sources will be 25-35% protein or more, so it depends. THe USDA site lists the biggest collection of information around.