HST Routine #3


Bench 245 lbs 3x5, 275 lbs 1x1, 285 lbs 1x1 PR, 290 lbs 1x1 PR/Chins BW 3x8
DB Curls (seated) 80 lbs 5x6/DB Tricep Extensions (seated) 80 lbs 1x8, 2x6

I felt very strong today on bench...I think 300 may have been doable considering how 290 felt and the fact that it was already after some decent lifts.  

I feel good on this low carb diet...eating NO grains and hardly any fruit.  My carbs are only coming from veggies, dairy and nuts.  My weight has dropped 5 lbs. to 195.  No loss of muscle mass or strength,  good poop, and shrinking waist.  I do NOT count calories!!
Excellent bench result.

I thought you'd be getting a PR in that soon enough just from seeing your recent pics. You have some great genetics going on and your hard earned gains will start to become more apparent as the fat melts away.

Bench 245 lbs 5x5
Pullups BW 2x8, Chins BW 2x6
DB Curls (seated) 80 lbs 5x6/Dips BW 4x12

My back doesn't seem to be getting much stronger (as usual). Also, Ive been stuck with 40 lb DB's for my bicep curls for about a month now. I will continue with 5x5 and add in some triples for the last month of this cycle until I have my cycst removed from my hand some time at the end of July. It's become painful with almost every exercise and gotten quite large. That will mandate a SD of at least 6-8 weeks for hand recovery...oh well.
Don't be too hard on yourself about anything, soflsun.  Back development takes time, especially if your biceps are tough to develop.  TRUST me, I know what that's like.  Give it time and stay on the 5x5 path with triples at the end.  It'll all work out.

I sure hope the hand surgery goes well!
(soflsun @ Jun. 20 2008,6:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That will mandate a SD of at least 6-8 weeks for hand recovery...oh well.</div>
That'll be your opportunity to focus on your abs and legs!

You can do hypers as well to keep your back in shape.

Press 150 lbs 1x5 PR, 140 lbs 1x5, 120 lbs 1x8,1x6
DB curls 90 lbs 5x5/Calf (rotary) 170 lbs 3x15

I've been eating under 50g of carbs a day for about a month now, and I must say I'm not that impressed with the fat loss. I've lost about 6-7 lbs, but my lower belly looks unchanged...at least to me. Strength has been good, but is now seeming to drop somewhat. I'm going to add a bit of fruit back into my diet to see if that helps replenish some of my glycogen stores. I really prefer calling my diet a low sugar as opposed to low carb...it is obviously both, but I really try not to eat any sugar.
FYI:  I had my wife's friend smash my hand cyst with The Joy of Cooking.  The doctor appointment is still a month away, and it was getting so large that a nerve was being pressed on (I think).  Regardless, it was hurting a lot, especially in the gym.  Apparently they used to smash cysts like this in the &quot;good old days&quot; and called it &quot;bible therapy.&quot;  I saw this video on youtube, which sealed the deal for me...


Mine was in a different spot, and about 4x the size of his, but I had to give it a try.  Well it hurt like hell and definitely released some of the fluid, probably by making a tiny hole somewhere in the sac...but it didn't go away completely and is currently filling up again.  By the time I get the surgery in a month it will probably be full size again and painful.  Good news though...it doesn't hurt at all right now!!!
that is intense soflsun. I'm stunned. did you video your smashing?
(soflsun @ Jun. 28 2008,2:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I had my wife's friend smash my hand cyst with The Joy of Cooking.</div>
No, no, no [shakes head impatiently].

You don't have your wife's friend do it; you have your wife do it.

And you don't use The Joy of Cooking; you use The Joy of Sex. That way you can get a little therapy afterwards...
I didn't tape the smashing unfortunately...I need to get up to speed on how to do that stuff. Also, my wife refused to do it (the smashing) so I figured better off with The Joy of Cooking

6/29/08 - Workout

Shoulder Press (seated) 140 lbs 5x5/Calf (rotary - single leg) 110 lbs 3x15
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 5x5/Dips BW 1x20,2x18

Weight is down to approximately 190...for a loss of 10 lbs in just over a month. Surprisingly, my muscle mass seems unchanged at worst and my strength is equal or better to what it was before the start of the cut (I honestly believe I was at my STRONGEST about 2 weeks ago though). I am starting to like the zero-low sugar diet much more now.

Pictures to follow tonight!

Press 135 lbs 2x5 145 lbs 2x4 135 lbs 1x5
Pullups BW 5x5
DB Curls (seated) 45 lbs 5x5
Tricep extensions (seated, single arm) 30 lbs 1x8 35 lbs 1x8 40 lbs 2x6

Bench 225 lbs 1x5 245 lbs 1x6 255 lbs 1x5 265 lbs 1x4/Pullups BW 3x6, 1x8
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 5x5/Dips BW 2x20
Wow! Just read about your hand! How is it doing now? It's obviously not holding you back much. That's some great benching Soflsun particularly after dropping 10lb. Isn't 4 x 265 a PR?

Oh, and where are those pics?