HST Routine #3

Thanks guys.

265 lbs for 4 reps is definitely a PR for that many reps, but I did put up 290 for 1x1 on 6/13...is that still considered a PR? I think I could have put up 300 yesterday; when 245 went up for 6 pretty easily I knew it was a strong day, but I didn't try so I can't be sure.

I'll get pics of my hand (which is filling back up with fluid quite rapidly) and my comparison weight loss pics tonight. Have to bribe the wife to take them
(TunnelRat @ Jul. 11 2008,6:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For a guy with a dinged up hand 265 lbs 1x4 looks pretty good.

Can your 300 lb bench press be far off...?</div>
Agreed... and that PR of 1 x 290 does count soflsun!
I've lost 10 lbs. My strength is up from the original photos and my muscle mass looks to be about the same, so the weight loss is mostly fat I believe. My pants fit quite a bit looser around the waist, but I am far off from getting my lower belly as lean as I would like.


Bench 225 lbs 1x5, 245 lbs 1x5, 255 lbs 3x4/Pullups BW 5x5
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 5x5/DB Tricep Extensions (behind neck) 35 lbs 3x8

It was a weak feeling day.  Bench just felt heavier right from the lift...and I cheated quite a bit on carbs/sugar the night before, so apparently carbs don't make me stronger!!!

DB Shoulder Press (seated) 120 lbs 1x5, 140 lbs 1x5, 150 lbs 2x5, 160 lbs FAILED PR ATTEMPT/Pullups BW+20 1x3, BW+25 3x4
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 5x5/Skullz 80 lbs 2x10, 1x12

I couldn't get the first rep on 160 lbs...or think I may have had a few.  Maybe if I hadn't gone for 2 heavy sets right before I would have gotten it ?!?!

Bench 225 lbs 1x5 245 bs 1x4 275 lbs 1x2 300 lbs failed 295 lbs failed 245 lbs 3x5/Pullups BW+25 8x3 (triples)
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 5x5/Dips BW 3x15

DB Shoulder Press (seated) 60 lbs 1x5 70 lbs 1x5 80 lbs 1x5,1x4 PR/Rows 170 lbs 3x8
DB Curls (seated) 90 lbs 4x6/Skullz 95 lbs 3x10

Bench 245 lbs 1x5 300 lbs failed 255 lbs 1x4 265 lbs 1x3 275 lbs 1x2 295 lbs failed/ Lat Pulldown (needed a break from pullups)
DB curls (standing) 100 lbs 8x3/Dips BW 3x20

I'm not sure if I'm going to break 290 lbs on bench this cycle.  There's just a tiny sticking point that seems to be real tough for me at 300...
I suspect that the 300 mark may have some psychological hindrances as well. Not a problem; just cycle around and get it next time -- and then some!
Is anybody else having trouble reading your log? From post 144 on all I get are blank posts with the persons avatar in the middle of the post.
(BAX67 @ Jul. 26 2008,11:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is anybody else having trouble reading your log? From post 144 on all I get are blank posts with the persons avatar in the middle of the post.</div>
Maybe you inadvertently hit the &quot;ignore&quot; button.

That's the way Martin's posts all look to me...

DB Shoulder Press (seated) 120 lbs 1x5 140 lbs 1x5 160 lbs 1x5 170 lbs 1x3 PR/Pullups BW+25 5x4
Preacher Curls 95 lbs 5x3 100 lbs 3x3 (triples)/Tricep Extensions (one-arm behind neck) 40 lbs 4x6 45 lbs 2x2

The 300 is definitely a mix of psychological and just really heavy for me!


I never heard anything before...you're probably just ignoring me because your jealous.

Bench 225 lbs 1x10 245 lbs 1x5 255 lbs 1x5 265 lbs 1x4 295 lbs PR  

300 LBS PR

Rows 190 lbs 3x8
DB Curls 90 lbs 4x6/Dips BW 3x20

I did it 300 on bench!!  It went up pretty easy too, and AFTER 295 PR!!!
(soflsun @ Jul. 28 2008,10:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did it 300 on bench!!  It went up pretty easy too, and AFTER 295 PR!!!</div>
Congrats soflsun! Time to set a new goal.

Last workout before surgery and SD.  I'm having my ganglion cyst removed on Thursday, 7/31.  Hopefully the recovery will be short, but I'm anticipating at least 4 weeks before I can lift again.  The 4 months of this cycle have been productive, and the weights have been steadily increasing.  Today I went to the gm with a friend who doesn't workout, so I basically just hit everything rather lightly to show him the correct form on various exercises.

The highlights of this cycle include:

300 bench 1x1
170 press 1x3
205 rows 5x5
100 DB curls 8x3
275 deadlift 5x5

I pushed myself in pull-ups, dips, and skullz as well.  Unfortunately, after being diagnosed with an umbilical hernia I pretty much gave up deads and squats.  I was, however, pushing them hard up until that point.  If the next visit with the general surgeon reveals that nothing significant has changed with the hernia, I will add them back to my next cycle.  Thanks for all of the support!
(soflsun @ Jul. 30 2008,2:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Last workout before surgery and SD.  I'm having my ganglion cyst removed on Thursday, 7/31.  </div>
Good luck with the surgery.