4 weeks progress: weight: 201 (gained 3 pounds) 16" r arm, (gained 1/8") 43.5" chest, (gained 1/2") 35.5" waist, (gained 1/4") legs are exactly the same. the results are satisfying, as I am mainly trying to bring up the chest and shoulders right now. Just maintaining legs. I may up the volume for legs at some point, but happy to see a 1/2" on the chest in 4 weeks. I will keep the program as is for now and try to get to a 45" chest, which for my skinny ribcage, is pretty big.Starting Stats for the HST/Wernbom experiment. 198 pounds 73" tall Cold measurements 15 7/8" r. Arm 43" at nipple 35.5" at navel 35 1/4" at hips 25" r.thigh 15.5" r. calf
joe muscle said:Also maybe take a month or 2 or 3 and just lift to enjoy it. Don't get so caught up in the numbers of HST every week...when you have been lifting has long as a lot of us on this forum sometimes you have to just lift for a while to enjoy it.
One of the things I have seen that helps with knowledgable trainees (not newbies)...is take a full body routine and just auto regulate it over the work week.
What I mean by this is you go to the gym as often as you can each week due do life / career and etc.
So Monday- Friday you hit the gym as hard as you can if you feel like it. In other words if you get to the gym Monday and you feel great it may be a volume day of 4 sets of 10 reps.
If you feel like crap it may be a MyoRep light weight high rep brief workout to prime the body for latter in the week or you may just not hit the gym at all if you don't feel like it.
Then about 1 day a week lets say it Saturday you make it your strength day and you try to increase your lifts in that area...nothing fancy just something like that for a couple of months. Then when you feel like it get back to the daily / weekly progressions of HST.
Im rambling now but I hope this helps!