HST with Clustering Log (goal: 148 to 160lbs)

Took some measurements this morning...man I'm small.

Weight: 146.4 lbs
Left bicep cold: 11.5"
Left bicep flexed: 13"
Right bicep cold: 12"
Right bicep flexed: 13.5"
Chest: 34.75"
Shoulders 43"
Waist relaxed: 29.5"
Waist flexed: 27.5"
Waist at love handles relaxed: 30"
Waist at love handles flexed: 28"
Right and left thigh: 20"
Right and left calf: 14.25"

Caliper measurements:
Abdominal: 10mm
Chest: 3mm
Thigh: 9mm

So the calipers would tell me I'm about 7% bodyfat. Problem is when you hold disproportionately more fat on your midsection it doesn't look nor feel that way. That said, my abs are very well defined when flexed...they will look better relaxed once I tighten up my midsection a bit through ab work.

So this is where I'm starting from, and I'm hoping for the best. Even a 5 pound gain over the next 6 weeks would be welcome if most of it is muscle.
Workout #1 - July 26

The program includes warmup sets of 6 reps. 45, 65, 85, 105, 115 means 5 sets at those weights of 6 reps each. I then project my 6rm and do a final workset of 6 reps and 3 sets of 2 clusters with 30 seconds between each cluster.

Incline bench
45, 65, 85, 105, 115, 130x6+2+2+2

Standing BB press
45, 60, 75, 90x6+2+2+2

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5x6+2+2+2

One arm rows
40, 50, 60, 70x6+2+2+2

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30x6+2+2+2

I enjoyed the workout, although it took me awhile. I guess I took a few minutes between exercises. Not sure if that's a problem. I should probably work on keeping a consistent time break between my warm-up sets. Otherwise, my strength will vary from workout to workout and I won't get a true read on my progress.

Crammed in about 1800 calories before 2pm today which was probably a record for me. Skim milk, almonds, blueberries, raspberries, steel cut oats, ground flax, whey powder, tuna fish, greek yogurt, fish oil...good stuff.

Thanks for that link...interesting stuff. I've thought about doing that before, and I think if I can't gain any weight eating 3250 calories/day over the next 6 weeks I may try that GOMAD diet.

Interesting stuff at that site.
Today was alright, didn't push as hard as I probably could of by design - want to work into this without destroying my lower back.

Workout #2

45, 95, 115, 135, 155x6+2+2+2

45, 100, 120, 140, 160x6+2+2+2

Smith shrug
135, 185, 205, 225, 245x6+2+2+2

Calf raise (doing this in a strange machine...do a sit/stand combination in this little sliding seat and put my feet on this narrow metal bar and go to town...hard to do clusters and I'm not sure I'll be doing calves that way)
200, 220, 250, 280

EZ bar preacher curl
15, 25, 35, 45x6+2+2+2

Overall no complaints. My lower back was a little weakened from those squats though. Going right into deadlifts may/may not work out for me. I guess we'll see after another workout or 2.

I'm now convinced the diet will be more difficult than the workouts in terms of discipline. And by difficult I mean difficult to eat 3250 calories every day while trying to get the majority of them in before 5pm. I figure cramming most of my calories in pre/post workout is the way to go. Tough though..
iwealth - I'm concerned that the way that you programmed this will prevent you from really realizing the gains that are possible strength and size-wise with this type of training. I know that they way you did it was the way that the article indicated - but I'm 100% convinced that it was written to address more advanced folks. You're spot on that doing deads and squats on the same day will destroy your lumbar back in no time if you truly train toward your 6-rep max, which you should be doing every workout. In no way do I feel that I know everything about training - but there are certain things that over time I've come to realize as absolute truths for novice to intermediate trainers. One of those things is in regard to heavy lower body work, and the overall health of your back. If you truly work toward your 6-rep maxes, consider breaking up your lower body work and be cautious about overtraining your smaller muscles. Your CNS will fry faster than an egg on a New York sidewalk in August if you're not careful.

Above all else - good luck this cycle. I hope you enjoy the methodology - it really is a fun way to train.
Thanks Tim, I think you are right. I was burned out pretty hardcore yesterday evening and I'm feeling it today.

I think instead of an upper/lower split I'll change this into a push/pull split.

Day A
Incline bench
Standing barbell press
Calf raises

Day B
One-arm rows

This look better?
Perfect! I think that split will be MUCH more friendly to your overall health and will lend itself to much better gains.

No matter what, make sure you're stretching after each workout once you start to push yourself. Recovery is much easier that way.
Workout #3

Incline bench
45, 65, 85, 105, 120x6+2+2+2
(the gym only has a 30-35 degree incline bench which was much steeper than what I used the first workout at my house which was more like 10 degrees hence the decrease in weight)

Standing BB press
45, 60, 75, 95+6+2+2+2 (PR)
(to say the 6th rep was grindy would be an understatement)

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5x6+2+2+2
(this was not great...that last 6 reps was more like 5.5, last rep of the cluster was more like .75 and I really struggled...I really destroyed myself on the shoulder press and felt the CNS fatigue here...I'm going to start representing these weights with the actual weight I'm pulling versus these +x lbs figures, that'll give me a more accurate idea of what I'm pulling)

One arm rows
40, 50, 60, 70x6+2+2+2
(no increase here, wasn't necessary)

BW, +7.5, +15, +25, +35x6+2+2+2 (PR)
(CNS probably started to recover at this point from the shoulder/pullup destruction)

Going to start my new split Monday.
Workout #4

45, 95, 115, 135, 160x6+2+2+2 (PR)

45, 100, 120, 140, 165x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Smith shrug
135, 185, 205, 225, 250x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Calf raise (not HCT-12 style)
200, 250, 270, 300 (PR)

EZ bar curl (didn't do preacher curls so the weights are higher)
45, 55, 65x6+2+2+2

PR is the real deal on the squat. Never squatted that much. I've deadlifted up to 180 in the past so it's a PR for this cycle but not overall. But the squat does a number on me so I'm not surprised the deadlift isn't as high as it could be. Smith shrug is a legit PR.

So far so good...I feel solid, diet is going well, weight isn't moving much yet but I'm willing to give it another week before raising calories even more.

95% sure I'll be moving to the new split next week, but I have to say, I feel great this morning after that workout yesterday.
Workout #5

Incline bench
45, 65, 90, 100, 125x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Standing barbell press
45, 60, 75, 95x6+2+2+2 (this was easier than last workout, happy with this progress)

45, 95, 120, 140, 165x4, 155x2+2+2 (Not sure why I bothered trying to PR here...didn't feel it was likely, I was right)

BW, +10, +17.5, +25, +37.5x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Calf raise
200, 250, 270, 300 (20 reps each weight)

I changed my split today to separate squats and deadlifts. My lower back just wasn't prepared for that. Maybe next cycle once I'm a bit more advanced.

Previously I had done squat first and probably had a little more CNS juice as a result. I also did a 10 minute mile jog immediately before lifting today. So after a pretty grueling incline bench and shoulder press and my squat performance suffered a bit. Was only able to do 4 reps of 165 so I dropped the weight and did the +2+2+2. That said, I'd never squatted 165 for even 1 rep before so it's progress in some form or another.
Workout #6

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30x5+2+2+2 (PR. although I only got 5 reps up versus 6)

45, 105, 125, 145, 175x6+2+2+2 (PR)

One arm row
40, 50, 60, 70x6+2+2+2

Dumbell shrug (couldn't use the smith, actually preferred these and will probably do these in the future)
40, 50, 60, 70x6+2+2+2

EZ Bar curl
45, 65x6+2+2+2


I feel the dumbbell shrugs work my grip as well, so I'm going to stick with those over the smith shrug. I greatly prefer this split versus doing squat and deadlift same day. My deadlift was strong today and my pullups were strong because I was able to do them first.

Body weight has increased from 146-147 to about 150.
Workout #7

Incline bench
45, 65, 95, 105, 125x5+2+2+2

Standing barbell press
45, 60, 75, 95x6+2+2+2

Leg Press
90, 140, 190, 240, 280x6+2+2+2

BW, +10, +17.5, +25, +35x6+2+2+2

Calf raise
200, 250, 300, 320

Quite a few problems today:
1) I was weaker on the bench, didn't get that 6th rep up at 125. Could be because I added 5 pounds to 2 warmup sets, but I doubt it. Either way, I'm probably trying to do too much. The 5th rep was also grindy and this was the case last workout as well.
2) Waited forever for the squat rack and ran out of time so I had to do leg press. I think I am going to work leg press in once per week and squat once per week. This 4-day split is taxing the way it is, so to squat once per week may be in my best interest.
3) I took 2.5 lbs off my last dip set because I was feeling some pain in my left forearm in the warmup sets. Ironically, the pain was least evident in my heavy set so I could have probably done +37.5.

Overall just didn't feel great today. Mentally I was damaged after regressing on the incline bench, then all the waiting for the squat rack and settling for leg press (although I think that was a blessing).
Workout #8 (completed Friday)

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5x5+2+2+2 (wow, big regression)

45, 115, 135, 155, 185x6+2+2+2 (PR)

One arm row
40, 50, 60, 75x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Dumbell shrug
45, 55, 65, 75x6+2+2+2 (PR)


Regressed terribly on pullups...just felt weak. Very depressing. Then I PR'd on deadlift so I'm a little confused.

I did not do any isolated bicep exercise because I've been experiencing some left forearm pain. Actually, when curling anything it feels like my left forearm muscle is going to detach from the bone or something. Not sure how to describe the pain, not good though. It's happened to me before.

Overall not too happy with the last 2 workouts.
Workout #9

45, 95, 115, 135, 150, 165x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Standing barbell press
45, 65, 75, 90, 100x6+2+2+2 (PR)

Incline bench
45, 65, 95, 115x6+2+2+2

BW, +10, +17.5, +22.5, +30, +40x6+2+2+2 (PR)


- Had to mix up the order today due to gym equipment availability. Starting to get tired of that and will probably end up purchasing a power rack soon so I don't have to deal with it.
- I am suffering a bit of mental backlash from some serious problems at work to the point where I was nauseated and am struggling with my diet today. There's just no way I'm going to hit my calorie goal.
- My incline bench (which is horrendous and pathetic) suffered because I did the shoulder press first (where I PR'd). Everything else went pretty well. Didn't do calves today, just wasn't feeling it.


On another note, and it's probably too early to judge, I think the program I was doing prior to this was better for me and I think it is something I will go back to in the future. I would modify it such it was more of a pure myo-reps style w/ constant progression.
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I'm sorry to read about your concerns, iwealth. This is a very different approach to training for sure - as the cycle goes on, I hope that you find a good rhythm to finish it out strong.

Regardless, there's nothing wrong with saying that something isn't exactly your cup of tea and making a change if you feel it's the right thing to do.
Workout #10

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30x5+2+2+2+2 (one extra cluster)

45, 115, 135, 155, 170, 190x6+2+2+2 (PR)

One arm row
45, 55, 65, 75x6+2+2+2

Dumbell shrug
50, 60, 70, 80x6+2+2+2 (PR)


Nice improvement for me on the pullups after regressing last workout. Also PR'd on deadlift while including an extra warm-up set.

Did not do a bicep specific exercise because I was totally wiped out.

Tim, yeah I'm probably going to finish this 6-week cycle and make my decision then. I'm already mapping out my progressions and rep schemes. That said, I did have a good workout today (working on less than 5 hours of sleep too).

With the previous workout, I guess I was always progressing in weight regardless because I left myself no choice. I was spoiled by that structure. With this workout, there's a chance you regress on weight, and when that happened to me it was a big mental letdown. I just have to get over that and accept that from workout to workout the body won't always react the same to the same amount of weight...but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm not growing.
Workout #11 (completed Thursday)

Incline bench
45, 65, 95, 105, 125x6+2+2+2

Standing barbell press
45, 65, 85, 95x6+2+2+2

Leg Press
200, 220, 240, 260, 290x6+2+2+2

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30, +42.5x6+2+2+2


Workout #12 (completed Saturday)

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30x3+1+1+1

135, 155, 175, 195x6+2+2+2 (PR)

One arm row
45, 55, 65, 75x6+2+2+2

Dumbell shrug
50, 60, 70x6+2+2+2


Tough week last week into the weekend w/ both my diet and my workout. I completed the exercises as best I could, but my diet suffered. Not so much the quality, but the quantity. I plan on re-focusing this week as the struggles of last week begin to ease.
Workout #13

Incline bench
45, 65, 95, 110, 130x5+1+1+1, 125x2 (failed PR)

45, 95, 115, 135, 155x3 (stopped due to hip flexor pain and deteriorating form)

Standing barbell press
45, 65, 85, 95x6+2+2+2

BW, +10, +20, +30, +45x6+2+2+2 (PR)


Thought I could PR on the bench and I was wrong.

Squat was a total disaster. I've been having some hip flexor pain as my squats and deadlifts have gotten heavier. The pain is at the top of the motion. My squat just fell apart yesterday because I was mentally aware of the pain and my legs just felt weak. It was a big regression.

First it was groin pain...got rid of that, now this.

I'm going to focus on doing a lot of hip flexor stretches before these workouts in the future. We'll see how it goes today with the deadlift. I was hoping to deadlift 200 today which would have been my first real 200 pound lift.

On another note, bodyweight was at 150.6 this morning. So I'm up about 4 pounds.
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Workout #14

BW, +7.5, +15, +22.5, +30x6+2+2+2

135, 145, 155, 175, 200x6+2+2+2 (PR)

One arm row
45, 55, 65, 75x6+2+2+2

Dumbell shrug
45, 55, 65, 70x6+2+2+2


Felt good today - but I'm still suffering from some hip flexor pain and some flat out left hip/left lower back pain. Not quite sure what to make of it. Maybe I'm advancing a bit too fast on the deadlift weight and my form isn't quite holding up.

This is part of my issue with this workout plan...always lifting as heavy as possible. I really appreciate the previous workout where the entire thing was one big ramp up until the last couple workouts, then a deconditioning.