HST with Clustering Log (goal: 148 to 160lbs)

Workout #10 (Tuesday, 9/14)

156lbs x 11+4+3+3+3+3+2 (+2lbs +0reps)

One arm row
52.5lbs x 20+5+4+4+3+3 (+0lbs +3reps)


52.5lbs x 17+5+5+4+4+3 (+2.5lbs -2reps)

Dumbbell curl
20lbs x 17+5+4+3+3+2 (+0lbs +2reps)


I've been playing some racquetball during the day and working out in the evening. Seems to be working out for me. Can't say I'm seeing much change in weight because I've struggled to pile on the calories, but I think my body and mind respond well to this workout. Starting to see a little muscle growth and I believe I'm keeping my bodyfat % the same...maybe even nudging a little lower.
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Hi, I'm back.

Wow, haven't posted since September 14th. Definitely a shame. Over the past 4 months I've tried a variety of things, mostly focusing on improving form in the major lifts. I also concluded that my body responds best to high-rep activation set cluster training. I got stronger, lost bodyfat, gained muscle, and most importantly I felt good last year during this type of training.

I completed a 9-day SD and re-started Monday, 1/26/11.

Incline Bench

Overhead Press
Inverted Rows (for now, possibly switching these out for dumbbell or barbell rows in the future)
Narrow-width Pushups (until I get a new dip station)

Barbell Curls

1) Squats and deadlifts will be 3x5 rather than clusters. Far too likely to compromise form and kill myself.

2) At the moment, no strict number of reps or cluster sets. I'm going to stop when I feel like it's time to stop. I highly doubt I'll do more than 3-4 cluster sets. This may change pending results.

3) Strict rest period between activation set and clusters. 15-20 rep activation set: 20 seconds, 10-14 rep activation set: 30 seconds, 6-9 rep activation set: 45 seconds. I will SD once my weights increase to the point where my activation set is < 6 reps.

4) 4 minutes between exercises except after squats/deadlifts where I will take a 5 minute break before moving on.

5) Increase weight 2.5 lbs each workout for major lifts, 1.25 lbs for lighter lifts. Doesn't seem like much, but it adds up just fine.

6) No assistance for bodyweight exercises to lighten load early on. I just don't like this.

That's about it, glad to be back!

That's about it.
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Workout #1 (Monday, 1/24/11)
Morning weigh-in: 149.8 lbs.

135lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
95lbs x 17+3+3+2

Chinups (shoulder width grip)

BW x 10+3+3+2+2

DB Shrugs
35lbs x 20+5
Workout #2 (Tuesday, 1/25/11)
Morning weigh-in: 149.4 lbs.

Overhead Press
55lbs x 19+4+3+3

Inverted Rows
BW x 8+3+2+2


135 x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW x 17+4+4+3
Workout #3 (Wednesday, 1/26/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150 lbs.

Barbell Curl
45lbs x 17+3+2+2Phew, broke a sweat on this one today! :D
Welcome back! Very interesting - I look forward to observing the progress.

We are pretty close in stats, I'm 30 years old, 5'10" and 150lbs. I hit 167lbs (skinny and fat, literally no muscle mass but a gut) back in late '09 and cut down to 144 at my lowest in summer '10.

Long hard road to get back to 160. I wish I put on muscle as easily as some.

Anyway, thanks for stopping in!


On another note, I've read some great things about a cortisol reducing supplement called Endoamp Max helping guys with my genetic disposition. Not sure I have a problem with excessive cortisol, but I look the part. I also suffer from labile hypertension which is just a fancy way of saying my blood pressure responds very rapidly to stress despite being totally normal all other hours of the day. I have no doubt this leads to excess coritsol production.

My fasting blood glucose levels are also normal overnight and during the day, but they are slightly high in the morning which is another indication that I may be flooded with a bit too much cortisol in the AM.

Thought I'd throw that in there.
Workout #4 (Thursday, 1/27/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150.2 lbs.

137.5lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
97.5lbs x 17+3+3+2

Pullups (slightly wider then shoulder width)
BW x 8+3+3+2+2

DB Shrugs
37.5lbs x 18+6+5

- I'm going to alternate between shoulder width grip chinups and wider than shoulder with pullups. Every week I'll hit each one at the same weight. I'll add 2.5 pounds per week.
Workout #5 (Friday, 1/28/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150.2 lbs.

Overhead Press
57.5lbs x 17+5+3+3

Inverted Rows
BW x 7+3+3+3+2


137.5 x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW+2.5lbs x 15+4+3+3

-Throwing in a shrug at the end of the deadlifts while the weight is still so light.
Workout #6 (Monday, 1/31/11)
Morning weigh-in: 152 lbs. (did some bulking this weekend I guess)

140lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
100lbs x 16+4+3+2

Chinups (shoulder width)
BW+2.5 x 10+3+2+2+2

DB Shrugs
40lbs x 15+7+6


TunnelRat, your deadlift is damn impressive. Most I've ever done is 200 and even at that my form feels compromised. I seem to really hit a wall when I reach certain weights with squat and deadlift. It's not so much that I can't push the weight off the floor or pull the weights off the floor, but my back just crumples under the poundage.

Guess we'll see what happens this time around.
TunnelRat, your deadlift is damn impressive. Most I've ever done is 200 and even at that my form feels compromised. I seem to really hit a wall when I reach certain weights with squat and deadlift. It's not so much that I can't push the weight off the floor or pull the weights off the floor, but my back just crumples under the poundage.

Guess we'll see what happens this time around.

You'll get there, man, don't fret on that. Before I started HST, my deadlift 1RM was 185 lbs. After finishing up 1 cycle HST, I pulled 235 lbs. Deadlift gains come quick!
Workout #7 (Tuesday, 2/1/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150.6 lbs.

Overhead Press
60lbs x 16+4+3+3

Inverted Rows
BW x 8+3+3+3+2


140lbs x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW+5lbs x 16+4+3+3



I hope you are right. I don't really have an end-date specified for this cycle but if I can deadlift 200 with good form I'll consider it a huge victory.
I don't really have an end-date specified for this cycle but if I can deadlift 200 with good form I'll consider it a huge victory.
A 200 lb deadlift is a good goal. Then next cycle you can shoot for 225. There's something about lifting with two big wheels on each end of the bar that's makes the day worthwhile.
Workout #9 (Thursday, 2/3/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150.6 lbs.

142.5lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
102.5lbs x 15+3+3+2

BW+2.5 x 8+3+3+3+2

DB Shrugs
41.25lbs x 17+7+5+4


Workout #10 (Friday, 2/4/11)
Morning weigh-in: 150.6 lbs.

Overhead Press
62.5lbs x 16+3+3+3

Inverted Rows
BW x 9+4+4+3+3


142.5lbs x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW+7.5lbs x 14+5+3+3
Workout #11 (Monday, 2/7/11)
Morning weigh-in: 151.6 lbs.

145lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
105lbs x 15+3+3+2

BW+5lbs x 9+3+3+2+2+2

DB Shrugs
42lbs x 16+7+5+5

Nothing terribly notable to report. Still chugging along..
Workout #12 (Tuesday, 2/8/11)
Morning weigh-in: 151.2 lbs.

Overhead Press
65lbs x 16+3+3+2+2

Inverted Rows
BW x 7+5+4+3+3


145lbs x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW+10lbs x 13+5+4+3
Workout #13 (Wednesday, 2/9/11)
Morning weigh-in: 152 lbs.

Barbell Curl
47.5 lbs x 20+4+3+3+2


Workout #14 (Thursday, 2/10/11)
Morning weigh-in: 152 lbs.

147.5lbs x 5,5,5

Inc. Bench
107.5lbs x 15+3+3+2+2

BW+5lbs x 7+4+3+2+2+2

DB Shrugs
43.75lbs x 20+7+6+4


Added a 4th cluster to most things. Body feels like it can handle the slight extra volume.
Workout #15 (Friday, 2/11/11)
Morning weigh-in: 151.6 lbs.

Overhead Press
67.5lbs x 15+4+3+3+2

Inverted Rows
BW x 8+5+4+4+4+3


147.5lbs x 5,5,5

Narrow Pushups
BW+12.5lbs x 12+6+4+3

Bodyweight isn't changing much, but I'm not eating to bulk at this point. I'm content with extremely slow gains. Hope to hit 160 lbs bodyweight by end of the year.