I had an epiphany!


New Member
Sorry to make another thread so soon guys, but I am simply ecstatic!

I, as a newbie to lifting and wanting to get massive, have come across something that many of the advanced lifters and seasoned pros don't even realize that they do anymore. I discovered that even if an immeasurable amount of weight were to be lifted that it doesn't really do nearly as much work for my body as it could if I were to flex it and focus on it as I lift it. I guess until recently I had just been going through the motions with little to show after workouts, but now I'm actually experiencing pumps by contracting my muscles as I lift!

Sorry for the rambling in this thread, I just feel so excited that even though I have to lower the weight for proper technique that I will be getting a better workout by focusing on the muscle more!
Pavel Tsatsouline encourages that sort of thing. He seems to have had some luck with it.

I don't know that it helps to add mass, though it may help to recruit more motor units.
It helps making the muscle become occluded and thus more blood will stay if you never relax during the set. It requires at least that you use 60% of your 1RM. The pros and cons of occlusion have been debated ad nauceam before. Check for nwlifters (Ron Sowers) and Dan Moores insightful discussions on this forum and over at Dan's forum (if it still works).

Best of luck to you!