if bryan could re-write hst in 2014 what would he change?


if bryan could re-write hst now what would he change, if anything? what's been learned in the past 15 or so years about hst? would he change frequency/volume? set/rep ranges? i know hst is a set of principles but would his "vanilla" hst be altered at all?
He'd probably raise the muscle group volume from 1-2 sets to 30-60 reps. Heck, he already has. Also, lower rep heavy work further in the cycle would probably be augmented with additional higher rep metabolic work (although drop-set technique for similar purposes was recommended by him previously in the HST FAQ and later on this board). SD & weeks doing the eccentrics would stay where they are, as they still rock :)
It would contain a lot of info found in Totz's ebook.

When I first came across HST, I honestly had to read and reread and reread Bryan's HST explaination just have a foggy idea about what he was trying to convey. There seemed to be holes in a few spots with no answers (for instance, I was absolutely baffled by the HST calculator. 6 what?!?!). It has a very condensed feel to it. I think if he were to re-write HST, it would be a little easier to understand.
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It would contain a lot of info found in Totz's ebook.

When I first came across HST, I honestly had to read and reread and reread Bryan's HST explaination just have a foggy idea about what he was trying to convey. There seemed to be holes in a few spots with no answers (for instance, I was absolutely baffled by the HST calculator. 6 what?!?!). It has a very condensed feel to it. I think if he were to re-write HST, it would be a little easier to understand.
Agreed, when I first read this I was like, well that makes sense but I have no idea how to apply it. Without the forum and the eBook I am not sure I would have understood the practical application of the principles.
You don't need to understand the principles to apply the vanilla program that's on the home page of the main site.

As far as entry level goes, it's the simplest program there is. It's so simple that every week people come on here. And ask if what they've copied from the main site is what they're meant to do.
Except it doesn't say anywhere the program should be taken with a grain of salt and treated as entry level - maybe it was meant to be "one size fits all"?
I think not. Bryan posted in own personal routine on the forums a decade ago (or there about). That alone would indicate that it's not intended to be 'one size fits all'.

You're thinking from an exercise perspective, not a branding perspective.
Interesting. I wonder how long would it take to do 6 sets of 5 of every muscle group in a full body setup.
I would increase the emphasis of drop sets during the lower rep blocks. I would also emphasize taking your time during the early 15 rep sets and really trying to get as much out of each set regardless of the weight load.

Its very hard to put out advice that 90% of people can just take and apply. As we know, the right number of reps and sets on any given day is a bit of a moving target. As mentioned above, I do think you need to hit 30 reps for upper body muscle groups and 60 for lower body muscle groups.
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Old and Grey is absolutely right. The principles do not change any faster than our basic human physiology changes (i.e. evolution).
I totally agree with AlexAustralia. The principles really are simple. The application can get complicated but not overly so for most situations.

When you begin to see overly complicated routines appear, what you are really seeing is a desperate attempt to explain why some people make progress and others don't. In other words, if I didn't experience the progress I was expecting, there must be more to it, some sort of secret or trick I haven't found yet. It isn't so.

The other reason complicated routines appear is online-gurus trying to impress people by making training overly complicated.
bryan- do you teach at Univ of Utah? just wondering because i live in the state. thought it was interesting that you teach there. i honestly would consider transferring from BYU to take classes from you haha
It's pretty straightforward to collect the 30-60 reps per MG even 3 times per week if we also count higher rep metabolically active sets in :) With the fatigue level I'm at while doing them easily puts them within the 65-85% load range.
bryan- do you teach at Univ of Utah? just wondering because i live in the state. thought it was interesting that you teach there. i honestly would consider transferring from BYU to take classes from you haha

Yeah, that's me. I think BYU may actually have a better exercise phys course curriculum though. The U is really focused on female athlete issues, endurance physiology, and rehabbing the elderly.
Seems I need to rather dramatically re-tool my training for 30/60 reps per training session.

I think I'm good for upper body exercises, but nowhere close to 60 for legs.