Hello Fausto,
Thanks again,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It is not that d/b's are wrong no, but with the bar you can load a lot more than 14 Kg. Your first target should be to squat the same amount as your bodyweight including the bar but excluding your own weight.
It just does not make sense that some of your upper body lifts are almost the same as your squat [Military press: 14 + 14 = 28kg], either your legs are incredibly weak or your upper body a lot stronger. For example I military press 1/2 of what I can squat.
You should be squatting 56 Kg easy! But anyhoo let us get you doing it first then we can tackle the rest! </div>
If I squat my own weight + 56Kg + bar (15kg) my spine will probably break at some point
I definitely cannot do that much. Probably my legs are weak (but my upper body is not strong either).
I'll see what I can do with 5 reps.
Hi JohnnyH,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have you squatted before? When i first did 15 reps (first time squatting) i greatly underestimated what i was capable of, probably just because i wasnt enjoying the feeling but it grows on you
Learning to squat with a barbell is going to be the best idea, your legs will get stronger a lot quicker than your arms will & its good to try and get the technique down early.
You dont really need to directly hit your obliques.
Are you working out at home or at a gym?</div>
Dumbell squats were a part of my previous workout, so Im used to it.
I work out at a gym.
Thanks again,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It is not that d/b's are wrong no, but with the bar you can load a lot more than 14 Kg. Your first target should be to squat the same amount as your bodyweight including the bar but excluding your own weight.
It just does not make sense that some of your upper body lifts are almost the same as your squat [Military press: 14 + 14 = 28kg], either your legs are incredibly weak or your upper body a lot stronger. For example I military press 1/2 of what I can squat.
You should be squatting 56 Kg easy! But anyhoo let us get you doing it first then we can tackle the rest! </div>
If I squat my own weight + 56Kg + bar (15kg) my spine will probably break at some point

I'll see what I can do with 5 reps.
Hi JohnnyH,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have you squatted before? When i first did 15 reps (first time squatting) i greatly underestimated what i was capable of, probably just because i wasnt enjoying the feeling but it grows on you
Learning to squat with a barbell is going to be the best idea, your legs will get stronger a lot quicker than your arms will & its good to try and get the technique down early.
You dont really need to directly hit your obliques.
Are you working out at home or at a gym?</div>
Dumbell squats were a part of my previous workout, so Im used to it.
I work out at a gym.