Increments for smaller muscle groups

Bryan Haycock

Staff member
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I've been training for 6 months now and have gained 25 lbs. I'm ready to try HST and have figured out my maxes, but I'm doing the strategic deconditioning this week per your instructions. My problem is that in some exercises my lifts are pretty low, so I have no Idea how low to start. For example, my 15 rep max for laterals is 15 lbs, tricep extentions is 20 lbs and 25 lbs for bicep curls. I want to do large increments to maximize growth, but I don't know how.</div>

First of all, congratulations on the excellent gains. 25lbs in 6 months is very impressive!

Smaller muscle groups often pose a problem when planning increments. Lateral raises are notorious trouble makers because this particular exercise (when done properly) does not allow heavy weights to be used. Add to that the fact that most of us are limited to 5lb increments.

Per your example if your 15RM for lateral raise is 15lbs, it doesn’t give you a lot of room to work up to. In this instance you can use fewer increments. So instead of 5 increments you can use two. For example your weights would look like this (assuming you can find 12lb dumbbells), 10-10-12-12-15-15lbs.

If you don’t have 12lb dumbbells it would look like this, 10-10-15-15-15-15lbs.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Also, I will be doing my first cycle of PH (havoc) for the recommended 4 weeks than 4 weeks of PCT. How should I adjust my routine to account for the Havoc?</div>

Havoc (2,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol, or 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl--17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane, or 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol) has a high anabolic:androgenic ratio. It also has some anti-estrogenic properties. If Havoc reduces estrogenic activity it is advisable to use it while weight loads are on the lighter side. Estrogen has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is known to facilitate recovery. Heavier weight loads may cause joint pain while using Havoc. I would suggest using it during the 15s-10s and then come off for the 5s. The heavier weight loads after coming off may help you keep your gains.