Just got call from the Doc.

ZMA type stuff only raises test in people with a zinc deficiency. I'm suspect of any natural remedies that claim to raise test, as far as I have read, they all seem to be a waste of money. There are a few designer supps that might work, but again, probably only in people who are deficient in some manner. If any of those supplements worked, I doubt people would be put on HRT, doctors would just prescribe tribulus or whatever else to the patient instead.

If you are okay with stuff that might not be completely legal, then there are a few options. Clomid can temporarily raise test levels, but it's only temporary. You can buy it legally from Mexico or Canda and have it legally, as long as you don't try to sell it. (read: don't buy too much, or they will accuse you of intent to sell) But clomid can cause problems in higher doses, such as vision distortion that might not always go away, etc.
Clomid eh? I'm trying some 5% test cream right now from BioEntopic which is 'supposed' to be as 'good' as Androgel...and of course the guy at the store swears there's a ton of BBers coming in and buying the stuff...anyway, halfway thru the tub and no results.

As for Clomid or anything temporary, would that not be a good thing? I mean, just when your naddies are starting to shut down, you get off it and they go back to work, after you've raised your levels enough to pack on some beef? And I assume you'd need an anti-E afterward.
Clomid is not test. It is actually a female fertility drug. Basically it works by surpressing the estrogen in your body. Since test is what is actually converted to estrogen in the body, your body would sense the low eatrogen levels and tell your nuts to make more test in an attemt to correct the "balance"

Would probably work for a while but nothing long term.

Nurse called but I wasn't home so she left a message on my machine about the 2nd set of tests. She said my total test was still low and my free test was low too. My LH (which could indicate a pituitary gland problem) was normal and my estrogen was normal. Sorry I don't have numbers.

I see the doc tomorrow so all signs point to me going on test tomorrow. I am going to really push for weekly injections which I can learn to do myself at home. I really dont want to have to use use androgel every day. One guy on another board described it as feeling like a mixture of alcohol, perfume and cum.

I will keep you guys posted.
Androgel isn't that bad.

It's very viscous and fully dries in about 5 minutes with no residual odor. Leaves a kind of dry film on the skin though.

Now, it's Testim that smells like 1970's Musk cologne and never fully dries leaving a somewhat tacky glaze on your skin all day. It also takes about 1/2 hour to dry enough to put a shirt on so it doesn't stick.

I found Testim to work a lot better than Androgel, but after 4 months I started to get skin reactions to it and got switched to Androgel which caused my T levels to crash so the endo put me on weekly test cyp injections.

Test Cypionate is wayyyy better! 5 minutes per week to self inject and my DHT levels are not driven too high so all that nasty acne I was getting on my arms, shoulder, and back from the gels is largely cleared up.

The test cyp injections are definitely the way to go, but! I understand why the docs like to start out with the gels as they're really easy to administer and I suspect there's some level of kickback from the pharmaceuticals to the doctors to push certain drugs including the testosterone gels.

Your first injection is a bit of an anxiety attack, but it's actually quite simple almost completely pain free, and very convenient vs. the gels.

good luck!

Am I glad I feel normal, after all the stuff I have read so far!

Anyway dude, best bet is to take docs opinion seriously, and insist on a constant flow so that you don't yoyo (more like your hormones don't

Cheers...and best of luck!